Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Logo

Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

Research & Planning
444 W. Collins Dr.
Suite 3100
Casper, WY 82601
(307) 473-3807

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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

The Federal Government reserves a paid-up, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use for federal purposes: i) the copyright in all products developed under the grant, including a subgrant or contract under the grant or subgrant; and ii) any rights of copyright to which the recipient, subrecipient or a contractor purchases ownership under an award (including but not limited to curricula, training models, technical assistance products, and any related materials). Such uses include, but are not limited to, the right to modify and distribute such products worldwide by any means, electronically or otherwise. Federal funds may not be used to pay any royalty or license fee for use of a copyrighted work, or the cost of acquiring by purchase a copyright in a work, where the Department has a license or rights of free use in such work, although they may be used to pay costs for obtaining a copy which is limited to the developer/seller costs of copying and shipping. If revenues are generated through selling products developed with grant funds, including intellectual property, these revenues are program income. Program income must be used in accordance with the provisions of this grant award and 2 CFR 200.307.


Most Recent Projections

*NEW* Wyoming Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2024-2026 | HTML

Published March 5, 2025.

*NEW* Wyoming Long-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2022-2032 | HTML

Published July 2024.

*NEW* Wyoming Long-Term Sub-State Occupational Projections, 2020-2030 | HTML

Published July 2023.

National and State Projections

Projections Central State Occupational Projections (All States & National)

Projections of occupational employment growth are developed for all states and the nation as a whole. One of the most important uses of the projections is to help individuals make informed career decisions. Information on this site allows projected employment growth for an occupation to be compared among states. It also allows projected employment growth among occupations to be compared within one state.

Bureau of Labor Statistics' Employment Projections Tables

Includes tables for:

  • Occupations
  • Industries
  • Labor Force
  • Aggregate Economy
  • Education & Training

Older Projections

  • Wyoming Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2023-2025 HTML
  • Wyoming Long-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2020-2030 HTML
  • Wyoming Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2022-2024 HTML
  • Wyoming Long-Term Sub-State Occupational Projections, 2018-2028 HTML
  • Wyoming Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2021-2023 HTML
  • Wyoming Long-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2018-2028 HTML
  • Wyoming Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2020-2022 HTML
  • Wyoming Long-Term Sub-State Occupational Projections, 2016-2026 HTML
  • Wyoming Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2019-2021 HTML
  • Wyoming Long-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2016-2026 HTML
  • Wyoming Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2018-2020 HTML
  • Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2017-2019 HTML
  • Wyoming Long-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2014-2024 HTML
  • Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2016-2018 HTML
  • Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2015-2017 HTML
  • Short-Term Industry and Occupational Projections, 2014-2016 HTML
  • Projections Methodological Note, December 2015 HTML PDF
  • Long-Term Sub-State Occupational Projections, 2012-2022 HTML
  • Long-Term Industry Projections, 2012-2022 HTML
  • Short-Term Industry Projections, 2013-2015 HTML
  • Long-Term Occupational Projections, 2012-2022 HTML
  • Short-Term Occupational Projections, 2013-2015 HTML
  • Occupational Projections 2012 to 2022 PDF
  • Wyoming's Short-Term (2011-2013) and Long-Term (2011-2021) Industry and Occupational Projections; Statewide/All Industries by Occupation, Major Industries by Occupation, and Sub-state Regions by Occupation PDF Excel
  • Long-Term Statewide Occupational Projections by Industry (2010-2020) (Pub. September 2011) PDF
  • Long-Term Statewide Employment Projections by Industry (2008-2018) HTML PDF
  • Long-Term Statewide Employment Projections by Industry, Rollups (2008-2018) HTML PDF
  • Short-Term Statewide Employment Projections by Industry 2007-2009 HTML PDF
  • Long-Term Statewide Occupational Projections 2008-2018 (Pub. August 2010) HTML PDF
  • Short-Term Statewide Occupational Projections 2009-2011 (Pub. August 2010) HTML PDF
  • Short-Term Statewide Employment Projections 2010-2011 (Pub. August 2010) PDF
  • Short-Term Statewide Occupational Projections 2008-2010 HTML Excel
  • Long-Term Regional Occupational Projections 2006-2016
  • A Closer Look at Occupational Projections for Wyoming, 2006-2016 (Pub. February 2009) PDF HTML
  • 2008 Projections For Industries & Occupations in Wyoming, 2008-2014 (Pub. March 2008) PDF
  • Outlook 2010 Revisited: Wyoming’s Labor Market at Mid-Decade (Pub. May 2006) PDF
  • Occupational Projections (2004-2014)
    • Wyoming Statewide HTML
    • Casper MSA Long-Term Occupational Projections HTML
    • Cheyenne MSA Long-Term Occupational Projections HTML
    • Central Southeast Region Long-Term Occupational Projections HTML
    • North Central Region Long-Term Occupational Projections HTML
    • Northeast Region Long-Term Occupational Projections HTML
    • Northwest Region Long-Term Occupational Projections HTML
    • Southwest Region Long-Term Occupational Projections HTML
  • Wyoming Statewide Short-Term Industry Projections, 2006-2008 HTML
  • Short-Term Statewide Occupational Projections 2007-2009 HTML PDF
  • Wyoming Statewide Short Term Occupational Projections from Second Quarter 2005 (2005Q2) to Second Quarter 2007 (2007Q2) HTML
  • Wyoming Statewide Short-Term Occupational Projections with Educational Requirements 2006-2008 HTML
  • Long-Term Statewide Occupational Projections 2006-2016 HTML PDF
  • Long-Term Statewide Employment Projections by Industry 2006-2016 HTML PDF
  • Wyoming Statewide Long-Term Employment Projections, Industry Roll-Ups, 2006-2016 HTML PDF
  • Long-Term Industry Projections by Region (2004-2014)
    • Casper MSA Long-Term Industry Projections, 2004-2014 HTML
    • Cheyenne MSA Long-Term Industry Projections, 2004-2014 HTML
    • Central-Southeast Region Long-Term Industry Projections, 2004-2014 HTML
    • North-Central Region Long-Term Industry Projections, 2004-2014 HTML
    • Northeast Region Long-Term Industry Projections, 2004-2014 HTML
    • Northwest Region Long-Term Industry Projections, 2004-2014 HTML
    • Southwest Region Long-Term Industry Projections, 2004-2014 HTML
  • Wyoming Statewide Long-Term Employment Projections by Industry: 2004-2014 HTML
  • Wyoming Statewide Long-Term Employment Projections, Industry Roll-Ups, 2004-2014 HTML
  • Long Term Industry Projections (2002-2012)
  • Wyoming Statewide Short Term Industry Employment Projections from Second Quarter 2005 (2005Q2) to Second Quarter 2007 (2007Q2) HTML
  • Wyoming Statewide Short Term Industry Employment Projections from Second Quarter 2005 (2005Q2) to Second Quarter 2007 (2007Q2), Industry Roll-Ups HTML
  • Wyoming Statewide Short Term Industry Employment Projections (2004 - 2006) HTML
  • Wyoming Short-Term Occupational Projections, 2003-2005 HTML
  • Wyoming Short-Term Occupational Projections, 2000-2004 HTML Excel PDF
  • Short-Term Employment Projections 2003-2005
    • Wyoming Statewide PDF
    • Wyoming Rollups PDF
    • Casper MSA PDF
    • Central-Southeast Region (MSA) PDF
    • Cheyenne MSA PDF
    • Northeast Region PDF
    • Northwest Region PDF
    • Southwest Region PDF
  • Wyoming Occupational and Employment Projections (2000-2010)

Occupational Outlook 2010

  • Occupational Outlook: 2010 (Body) (PDF)
  • Occupational Outlook: 2010 (Appendixes only) (PDF)
  • Occupational Outlook: 2010 (Complete) (PDF)
  • Employment Outlook 2010 (PDF)

Outlook 2000 — Joint Economic & Demographic Forecast to 2008 HTML

Detailed Occupational Projections & Labor Supply HTML PDF

Wyoming Industry & Occupational Projections 1996-2006 HTML