Occasional Papers
Occasional Paper No. 8

The Education and Work Experience of Youth in Wyoming’s Counties
Published February 2016.
Occasional Paper No. 7
Occasional Paper No. 7: Teacher Salaries in Wyoming
Published April 2014.
Occasional Paper No. 6
Health Care Workforce Needs in Wyoming: Advancing the Study

News Release
Published January 2012
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Demographics and Health Care
- Chapter 3. State and Local Health Care Shortages
- Chapter 4. Projected Demand and Health Care Shortages
- Chapter 5. Commuting Impacts on Health Care
- Appendix A. Licensed Professional Data
- Appendix B. Additional Tables and Charts
Occasional Paper No. 5
ARRA Labor Market Dynamics:
An Overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as it Pertains to the Wyoming Department of Employment Research & Planning Section and the Rocky Mountain and Northern Plains Consortium
- Introduction: Definition and Purpose of Labor Market Information and ARRA Grant of 2009
- Chapter 1. Definition(s) of "Green" Jobs
- Chapter 2. A Review of Alternative Energy and Environmental Enhancement Technologies
- Chapter 3. State Level Legislation Regarding Energy Efficient Technologies
- Chapter 4. Legislation and Regulatory Landscape Regarding Energy Efficient Technologies
- Chapter 5. Results of the Baseline Survey
- Chapter 6. A Summary of the New Hires Survey
- Chapter 7. Text Mining Analysis of the New Hires Survey
- Chapter 8. Wyoming IMPLAN Analysis of ARRA Spending
- Appendix A: Baseline Survey Cover Letter and Survey Instrument
- Appendix B: Brochure
- Appendix C: Survey Instrument
- Appendix D: Wyoming Community Colleges and University of Wyoming Environmental Programs of Study Offered
Occasional Paper No. 4
Outlook 2010 Revisited: Wyoming’s Labor Market at Mid-Decade (issued May 2006)
- Statewide Nonagricultural Employment by Industry
- Covered Employment and Wages for Third Quarter 2005: Double-Digit Growth in Total Payroll
- Industries and Occupations Projected to Grow or Decline in the Short Term and Over the Next Decade
- Industries and Occupations With a Demand for Skilled Workers
- Tools for Identifying Critical Occupations
- Registered Nurses in Wyoming: Do Occupational Projections Accurately Depict the Projected Employment Change?
- Subsidized Training: Wyoming Hospitality Alliance Mentoring Program Preliminary Report
- Using O*NET to Identify Skill Needs for the Available, Critical, and Projected Jobs
- Current and Projected Demographics of the Labor Pool
- Baseline Population Projections
- Reallocation of the Workforce Through In-Migration
- Labor Retention: Out-Migration of Youth
Back Issues
Workforce Development Training Fund Evaluation at the Macro and Micro Levels (issued May 2005)
- Overview of Employers Utilizing the Workforce Development Training Fund
- Labor Market Outcomes of Workforce Development Training Fund Participants
An Analysis of Wyoming Unemployment Insurance Monetary Eligibility, 1993 and 2003 (issued January 2005)
Evaluation of Federal Training & Education Programs (issued October 2004)
- Examining Workforce Investment Act Programmatic Outcomes
- A Comparison of Employment and Enrollment Outcomes Based on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Eligibility