Energy Efficiency
Table of Contents
New Hires Survey Results
NEW: Tables by Industry
New Hires
Wyoming New Hires by Industry, 2009Q4 to 2010Q3
New Hires
New Hires Survey
Tables (All Four Quarters):
- Wages, Benefits, and Education
- Hours Worked and Percent Paid Piece Rate
- Job Skills (Important)
- Job Skills (Unimportant)
- Percent Employed One Quarter Later
- Demographics
- Percent Involved in
Energy-Efficient Activities
- Shades of Green
Green Economy
The Northern Plains and Rocky Mountains Consortium: Researching the Green Economy Final Summary Report, April 19, 2011
PDF (228 Pages; 4.1 MB)
Occasional Paper No. 5
ARRA Labor Market Dynamics:
An Overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as it Pertains to the Wyoming Department of Employment Research & Planning Section and the Rocky Mountain and Northern Plains Consortium
- Introduction: Definition and Purpose of Labor Market Information and ARRA Grant of 2009
- Chapter 1. Definition(s) of "Green" Jobs
- Chapter 2. A Review of Alternative Energy and Environmental Enhancement Technologies
- Chapter 3. State Level Legislation Regarding Energy Efficient Technologies
- Chapter 4. Legislation and Regulatory Landscape Regarding Energy Efficient Technologies
- Chapter 5. Results of the Baseline Survey
- Chapter 6. A Summary of the New Hires Survey
- Chapter 7. Text Mining Analysis of the New Hires Survey
- Chapter 8. Wyoming IMPLAN Analysis of ARRA Spending
- Appendix A: Baseline Survey Cover Letter and Survey Instrument
- Appendix B: Brochure
- Appendix C: Survey Instrument
- Appendix D: Wyoming Community Colleges and University of Wyoming Environmental Programs of Study Offered
New Hires
New Hires Survey
Tables (First Two Quarters):
- Wages, Benefits, and Education
- Hours Worked and Percent Paid Piece Rate
- Job Skills (Important)
- Job Skills (Unimportant)
- Percent Employed One Quarter Later
- Demographics
- Percent Involved in
Energy-Efficient Activities
- Shades of Green
Wyoming Labor Force Trends
February 2011

- New Hires in Wyoming: An In-Depth Analysis
- Survey Captures Data on Wyoming New Hires
- Information from the New Hires Survey
- Current Employer Job-Candidate Search Practices:
A Review of the Literature
- Results of the Baseline Survey
- Occupation Spotlight: Automotive Service
Technicians & Mechanics
- Wyoming Unemployment Rate Falls to 6.4%
in December 2010
- State Unemployment Rates — Seasonally Adjusted
- Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Rate Graph
- State Unemployment Rates — Not Seasonally Adjusted
- Wyoming Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment
- Economic Indicators
- Wyoming County Unemployment Rates
- Wyoming Normalized Unemployment Insurance Statistics
A Change in Course: Jobs and the Regulatory Environment
The regulatory environment is ubiquitous in energy efficiency. In fact, all energy efficiency innovations need to be evaluated for their potential environmental impact and a determination made as to whether or not they will need to be regulated. Few realize that even those technologies with the most benevolent appearance may have side effects needing regulatory attention.
Also from the Rocky Mountain and Northern Plains Consortium
Cognitive Interviews for the Wyoming Department of Employment: Testing a Job Skills Questionnaire
Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center
Technical Report No. SRC-1014
The Wyoming Department of Employment (WDOE), Research & Planning Section, enlisted the
Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC) to conduct 10 cognitive interviews at various locations throughout the state of Wyoming. The goal of these interviews was to test how well the
questions included in the Job Skills survey perform in achieving the intended purpose of this
instrument, which is to be used by the WDOE in the future; namely, to effectively yield the
information necessary to help educators and employment training organizations identify necessary
skills and develop curriculum to forge these skills in the labor pool.
New Hires Survey: Employer Cover Letter and Questionnaire
New Hires Survey: Employer Cover Letter
and Questionnaire
Beginning in 2010, Research & Planning sent this cover letter and questionnaire to Wyoming employers in order to collect information on new hires and the jobs they worked.
Logistic Regression Modeling and Worker Retention
By Douglas W. Leonard, R&P, February 18, 2010
Text Mining: A Survey Application (Draft)
By Sara Saulcy, R&P, March 31, 2011
External Link
2010 Wind Energy Task Force
Report to the Legislature and Governor
What is a 'green job'?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, green jobs are either:
- Jobs in businesses that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources.
- Jobs in which workers' duties involve making their establishment's production processes more environmentally friendly or use fewer natural resources.