Nursing in Wyoming
Employment and Earnings Outcomes for Wyoming CNAs (PDF)
In a recent study of more than 1,000 certified nursing assistants (CNAs), Research & Planning concluded that female CNAs earned greater wages and were more likely to be employed in Wyoming when compared with a control group of similar individuals.
Nurses Returning
to School: Motivation and Job Satisfaction as a
Buffer between Perceived Employer
Discouragement and Time Constraints
Published June 2014.
See related news release (June 11, 2014)
Nurses Returning to School
In the May 2014 issue of Wyoming Labor Force Trends:
Nursing Employment in Wyoming

- From First Quarter 2009 through Third Quarter 2011
- CNAs, LPNs, RNs & APNs
- Hospitals, Ambulatory Care, and Long-Term Care Facilities
- Over-the-quarter and over-the-year changes in employment
- Average Wages, Age, Tenure, and Exit Rate by Quarter
- Employment by Age Group
Occasional Paper No. 6
Health Care Workforce Needs in Wyoming: Advancing the Study

Published January 2012
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Demographics and Health Care
- Chapter 3. State and Local Health Care Shortages
- Chapter 4. Projected Demand and Health Care Shortages
- Chapter 5. Commuting Impacts on Health Care
- Appendix A. Licensed Professional Data
- Appendix B. Additional Tables and Charts
Public Health Nursing
Public Health Nursing:
Succession Planning and Satisfaction Measures
in Public Health
Published August 2009.
Now Online:
Wyoming Center for Nursing & Health Care Partnerships
Nurse Employment in Wyoming
Nurses in Wyoming:
Demand, Retention, & Supply
A Three-Part Study for the Wyoming Health Care Commission
PART III — Vacancies and Recruitment and Retention Strategies
Vacancies and Recruitment and Retention Strategies in Health Care
(64 pages, 1.25MB PDF, published November 2008)
PART II — Nursing Retention
Retention of Nurses in Wyoming
(308 pages, 1.5MB PDF, Published August 2008)
Chapter 1: The System as a Whole
- Introduction
- Review of Literature Related to Nursing Retention
- Synopsis of Methodology
- Factor Analysis
- From Modeling to Prediction
- Comment Analysis
- Comments on Modeled Concepts
- Why Age Is important
- Age and Nativity
- Analysis of Comments by Age
- Labor Flow Components
- Differences Between Net Mortality and Permanent Exit
- Employer-Level Turnover Rates by Industry and Experience
- Comparing Labor Market Outcomes for Nurses, Teachers, State Employees, and a Control Group
2. Description of the System
- Nurse Commuting Patterns: Where Nurses Live and Work
- Nurses Leaving the Labor Market
- Staffing Levels, Employment, and Employer-Level Exits in Ambulatory Health Care Services, Nursing & Residential Care Facilities, and Hospitals
- Using Administrative Databases to Document the Source of Nurse Hires and Destination of Nurse Exits among Health Care Subsectors in Wyoming
3. Methodology
Appendix A: Survey Instrument
Appendix B: Frequency Tables
Appendix C: Factor Analysis Results
- What’s a Regression Model?
- Factor Analysis
- Factor Analysis Tables
PART I — Nursing Demand
Nurses in Demand:
A Statement of the Problem
(106 pages, 9MB PDF, Published March 2008)
- U.S. & Wyoming Demographic Profile
- Projections of Registered Nurses Needed to 2014
- A Comparison of Employment and Wages in Health Care in Wyoming, 2000 to 2007
- Hospital Admission and Discharges by Age Group, Major Diagnostic Code, Hospital Unit, and Patient Length of Stay
- Substate Economic-Demographic Interaction and the Health Care Delivery System
PART I — Summary Document
Nurses in Demand:
Statement of the Problem
(Summary Publication. Twelve pages, 1.37MB PDF, Submitted for Printing March 2008)
PowerPoint Presentations
Presented to Wyoming Medical Center on June 17, 2008, in Casper by Tom Gallagher, Manager.
Presented to the Nurse Advisory Committee Meeting on May 19, 2008, in Casper by Tom Gallagher, Manager.
Presented to the Wyoming Healthcare Commission on April 14, 2008, at the UW Outreach Building in Casper by Tom Gallagher, Manager.
Presented to the Fourth Annual Nursing Summit, Sheridan, Wyoming, September 20, 2007, by Tom Gallagher, Manager.
Nursing Survey Instruments
These questionnaires were used in conducting Research & Planning's Nursing Survey, funded by the Wyoming Health Care Commission.
Between June and October 2007, 3,680 questionnaires were sent to Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses involved in hospital care, ambulatory care, and long-term care in the state, with a response rate of at least 65%. The results of this effort are forthcoming.
Nursing: A Review of the Literature
(Draft, April 2007. PDF file. 37 Pages, 393KB.)
- Glover, W. (2002), “Nursing in Wyoming Part I: Supply and Retention.” Wyoming Labor Force Trends. September 2002, Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning, Casper, WY.
- Glover, W. (2002), “Nursing in Wyoming Part II : Turnover ” Wyoming Labor Force Trends. October 2002, Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning, Casper, WY.
- Glover, W. (2003), "Nursing in Wyoming Part III: Net Flow of Employment." Wyoming Labor Force Trends. April 2003, Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning, Casper, WY.