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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

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Wyoming Labor Force Trends

February 2025 | Volume 62, No. 2

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Past and Projected Growth in Health Care-Related Occupations

Article | Table

by: Deana Hauf, Senior Statistician

Long-term occupational employment projections for 2023-2033 were recently published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which outline the 30 fastest growing occupations in the U.S. (BLS, 2024). Many of these occupations also saw continued employment and wage growth in Wyoming over the last 10 years.

In particular, many of the fastest growing occupations nationally are health care related. This article looks at the 12 fastest growing health care-related occupations nationally, and provides employment and wage data for those occupations in Wyoming, in order to provide a better understanding of how these jobs grew over the last decade (see Table 1). The overall projected growth rate for 2023-2033 is 4.0%; however, many of the occupations discussed in this article are projected to grow at a much greater rate.

The Research & Planning (R&P) section of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services publishes long-term statewide projections every other year. So while national projections are available for 2023-2033, the most recent long-term projections for Wyoming cover 2022-2032. Long-term statewide projections for 2024-2034 in Wyoming will be published in mid-2026.

From 2013 to 2023, Wyoming’s overall employment decreased by 5,000 jobs (1.9%). However, the health care-related occupations discussed in this article all increased or remained unchanged.

In Wyoming, home health & personal care aides had the greatest employment increase of all 12 health care-related occupations from 2013-2023 (1,010 jobs, or 44.5%). Nationally, this occupation is projected to increase by 20.7% over the next 10 years. Home health & personal care aides had the lowest average wage of all 12 occupations discussed in this article, with $29,810 in Wyoming and $33,530 nationally.

Home health & personal care aides monitor the condition of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and help them with daily living activities. Duties typically include the following: assist clients in their daily personal tasks, such as bathing or dressing; perform housekeeping tasks, such as laundry, washing dishes, and vacuuming; help to organize a client's schedule and plan appointments. This occupation typically requires a high school diploma and some training, either on the job or from a training provider.

Medical & health services managers increased by 320 (46.4%) over the past 10 years in Wyoming, and are projected nationally to increase by 28.5% over the next 10 years. This occupation plans, directs, and/or coordinates medical and health services. Individuals working in this occupation may manage an entire facility, a specific clinical area or department, or a medical practice for a group of physicians. The median annual wage for medical & health service managers was the third highest out of the 12 jobs for Wyoming ($102,210) and nationally ($110,380). A bachelor’s or master’s degree is most commonly required to enter this position.

Nurse practitioners increased by 250 jobs (113.6%) over the last 10 years in Wyoming, and this occupation is projected nationally to grow by 46.3% over the next 10 years; this was the highest percentage increase out of all 12 occupations. Nurse practitioners had the second highest median annual wage of $122,950 in Wyoming and $126,260 at the national level. Nurse practitioners serve as primary and specialty care providers, delivering advanced nursing services to patients and their families. They assess patients, determine how to improve or manage a patient’s health, and discuss ways to integrate health promotion strategies into a patient’s life. Many nurse practitioners work independently, prescribe medications, and order laboratory tests. A master’s degree is typically required to enter this occupation.

Physician assistants had the highest median wage out of the 12 occupations in Wyoming at $136,940, which was also higher than the national annual wage of $130,020. This occupation had the fourth highest increase in jobs over the last 10 years (80, or 34.8%) in Wyoming and is projected to grow nationally by 28.5%. Physician assistants examine, diagnose, and treat patients under the supervision of a physician. To enter the occupation, physician assistants typically need a master’s degree from an accredited program.

Five of the 12 occupations discussed in this article had smaller growth in Wyoming over the last 10 years: veterinary technologists & technicians (60, or 25.0%); health specialties teachers, postsecondary (30, or 16.7%); physical therapist assistants (20, or 16.7%); veterinary assistants & laboratory animal caretakers (20, or 12.5%); and veterinarians (10, or 5.6%). These occupations are all projected to have growth of around 19% nationally, except for physical therapist assistants, for which the projected growth is 25.4%.

Three of the 12 occupations had no growth over the past 10 years in Wyoming, but are projected to grow nationally over the next 10 years. These occupations are nursing instructors & teachers, postsecondary (17.9%); speech-language pathologists (18.4%); and occupational therapy assistants (22.3%).


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024a, August 29). Employment projections: Fastest growing occupations. Retrieved February 7, 2025, from https://www.bls.gov/emp/tables/fastest-growing-occupations.htm

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024b, August 29). Educational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved February 7, 2025, from https://www.bls.gov/ooh/home.htm