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Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

The Federal Government reserves a paid-up, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use for federal purposes: i) the copyright in all products developed under the grant, including a subgrant or contract under the grant or subgrant; and ii) any rights of copyright to which the recipient, subrecipient or a contractor purchases ownership under an award (including but not limited to curricula, training models, technical assistance products, and any related materials). Such uses include, but are not limited to, the right to modify and distribute such products worldwide by any means, electronically or otherwise. Federal funds may not be used to pay any royalty or license fee for use of a copyrighted work, or the cost of acquiring by purchase a copyright in a work, where the Department has a license or rights of free use in such work, although they may be used to pay costs for obtaining a copy which is limited to the developer/seller costs of copying and shipping. If revenues are generated through selling products developed with grant funds, including intellectual property, these revenues are program income. Program income must be used in accordance with the provisions of this grant award and 2 CFR 200.307.

Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Second Quarter 2024 (2024Q2)

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2024Q2 News Release

Information (NAICS 51)

Table 39: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages in Information, Second Quarter 2023 & 2024a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change Change
NAICSb Code Ownership and Industry 2024Q2 2023Q2 N % 2024Q2 2023Q2 $ % 2024Q2 2023Q2 $ %
51 Information - Private 3,013 3,206 -193 -6.0 $59,844,238 $57,586,929 $2,257,309 3.9 $1,528 $1,382 $146 10.6
512  Motion Picture & Sound Recording Industries  356 405 -49 -12.0 $1,770,859 $2,316,294 -$545,435 -23.5 $383 $440 -$58 -13.1
5121  Motion Picture & Video Industries  356 405 -49 -12.0 $1,770,859 $2,316,294 -$545,435 -23.5 $383 $440 -$58 -13.1
512110 Motion Picture & Video Production  50 54 -4 -6.8 $566,854 $1,037,269 -$470,415 -45.4 $866 $1,478 -$611 -41.4
512191 Teleproduction & Other Postproduction Services 10 10 0 0.0 $162,390 $100,010 $62,380 62.4 $1,249 $769 $480 62.4
513  Publishing Industries 669 712 -43 -6.0 $12,148,393 $11,621,810 $526,583 4.5 $1,397 $1,256 $141 11.2
5131  Newspaper, Periodical, Book, & Directory Publishers  471 520 -49 -9.5 $5,685,565 $5,512,667 $172,898 3.1 $929 $815 $114 13.9
513110 Newspaper Publishers  401 446 -45 -10.2 $3,880,436 $4,066,401 -$185,965 -4.6 $745 $701 $44 6.2
513120 Periodical Publishers 41 49 -8 -16.9 $750,187 $770,182 -$19,995 -2.6 $1,407 $1,201 $206 17.2
513130 Book Publishers  10 7 3 36.4 $206,802 $146,683 $60,119 41.0 $1,591 $1,539 $51 3.3
513140 Directory & Mailing List Publishers  7 8 -1 -8.7 $174,241 $100,433 $73,808 73.5 $1,915 $1,007 $907 90.1
513199 All Other Publishers  12 10 2 23.3 $673,899 $428,968 $244,931 57.1 $4,204 $3,300 $904 27.4
5132  Software Publishers 198 191 7 3.5 $6,462,828 $6,109,143 $353,685 5.8 $2,511 $2,456 $55 2.2
513210 Software Publishers 198 191 7 3.5 $6,462,828 $6,109,143 $353,685 5.8 $2,511 $2,456 $55 2.2
516  Broadcasting & Content Providers 320 315 5 1.7 $3,978,614 $3,964,464 $14,150 0.4 $955 $968 -$13 -1.3
5161  Radio & Television Broadcasting Stations 283 273 9 3.4 $3,092,228 $3,045,062 $47,166 1.5 $841 $857 -$15 -1.8
516110 Radio Broadcasting Stations 215 207 8 3.7 $2,253,500 $2,247,099 $6,401 0.3 $806 $834 -$27 -3.3
516120 Television Broadcasting Stations  68 66 2 2.5 $838,728 $797,963 $40,765 5.1 $953 $930 $23 2.5
5162  Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, & Other Media Networks & Content Providers  38 42 -4 -9.6 $886,386 $919,402 -$33,016 -3.6 $1,810 $1,697 $113 6.6
516210 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, & Other Media Networks & Content Providers  38 42 -4 -9.6 $886,386 $919,402 -$33,016 -3.6 $1,810 $1,697 $113 6.6
517  Telecommunications  1,418 1,516 -97 -6.4 $28,647,551 $29,761,144 -$1,113,593 -3.7 $1,554 $1,510 $43 2.9
5171  Wired & Wireless Telecommunications (except Satellite) 1,407 1,505 -98 -6.5 $28,309,517 $29,416,257 -$1,106,740 -3.8 $1,548 $1,504 $44 2.9
517111 Wired Telecommunications Carriers  1,286 1,395 -109 -7.8 $26,247,778 $27,507,771 -$1,259,993 -4.6 $1,570 $1,516 $54 3.5
517112 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) 120 107 12 11.5 $2,048,634 $1,881,828 $166,806 8.9 $1,317 $1,349 -$32 -2.4
5174  Satellite Telecommunications  4 5 -1 -13.4 $152,032 $154,756 -$2,724 -1.8 $2,701 $2,381 $320 13.4
517410 Satellite Telecommunications  4 5 -1 -13.4 $152,032 $154,756 -$2,724 -1.8 $2,701 $2,381 $320 13.4
5178  All Other Telecommunications  7 6 1 22.2 $186,002 $190,131 -$4,129 -2.2 $1,952 $2,438 -$486 -19.9
517810 All Other Telecommunications  7 6 1 22.2 $186,002 $190,131 -$4,129 -2.2 $1,952 $2,438 -$486 -19.9
518  Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, & Related Services 198 196 2 0.9 $11,545,340 $8,095,702 $3,449,638 42.6 $4,493 $3,177 $1,316 41.4
5182  Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, & Related Services 198 196 2 0.9 $11,545,340 $8,095,702 $3,449,638 42.6 $4,493 $3,177 $1,316 41.4
518210 Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, & Related Services 198 196 2 0.9 $11,545,340 $8,095,702 $3,449,638 42.6 $4,493 $3,177 $1,316 41.4
519  Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, & Other Information Services 51 63 -12 -18.5 $1,753,481 $1,827,515 -$74,034 -4.1 $2,628 $2,231 $396 17.8
5192  Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, & Other Information Services 51 63 -12 -18.5 $1,753,481 $1,827,515 -$74,034 -4.1 $2,628 $2,231 $396 17.8
519290 Web Search Portals & All Other Information Services  51 63 -12 -19.6 $1,753,243 $1,827,246 -$74,003 -4.0 $2,662 $2,231 $431 19.3
51 Information - Local Government 520 513 7 1.4 $4,368,633 $3,988,632 $380,001 9.5 $646 $598 $48 8.0
519  Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, & Other Information Services 520 513 7 1.4 $4,368,633 $3,988,632 $380,001 9.5 $646 $598 $48 8.0
5192  Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, & Other Information Services 520 513 7 1.4 $4,368,633 $3,988,632 $380,001 9.5 $646 $598 $48 8.0
519210 Libraries & Archives  520 513 7 1.4 $4,368,633 $3,988,632 $380,001 9.5 $646 $598 $48 8.0
bNorth American Industry Classification System
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: October 2024.
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 10/11/24.