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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Third Quarter 2023 (2023Q3)

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2023Q3 News Release

Administrative & Waste Services (NAICS 56)

Table 44: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages in Administrative & Waste Services (NAICS 56), Third Quarter 2022 & 2023a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change Change
NAICSb Code Ownership and Industry 2023Q3 2022Q3 N % 2023Q3 2022Q3 $ % 2023Q3 2022Q3 $ %
56 Administrative & Waste Services - Private 10,226 9,823 402 4.1 $128,932,648 $120,558,336 $8,374,312 6.9 $970 $944 $26 2.7
561  Administrative & Support Services  9,488 9,034 454 5.0 $118,268,950 $108,920,131 $9,348,819 8.6 $959 $927 $31 3.4
5611  Office Administrative Services  608 517 91 17.7 $18,953,136 $13,704,950 $5,248,186 38.3 $2,397 $2,039 $357 17.5
561110 Office Administrative Services  608 517 91 17.7 $18,953,136 $13,704,950 $5,248,186 38.3 $2,397 $2,039 $357 17.5
5612  Facilities Support Services  99 68 31 46.1 $1,094,730 $657,341 $437,389 66.5 $848 $744 $104 14.0
561210 Facilities Support Services  99 68 31 46.1 $1,094,730 $657,341 $437,389 66.5 $848 $744 $104 14.0
5613  Employment Services  2,881 2,570 311 12.1 $38,162,228 $36,215,361 $1,946,867 5.4 $1,019 $1,084 -$65 -6.0
561311 Employment Placement Agencies  72 59 13 22.0 $925,674 $1,070,968 -$145,294 -13.6 $989 $1,396 -$407 -29.2
561312 Executive Search Services  5 7 -2 -28.6 $444,489 $636,507 -$192,018 -30.2 $6,838 $6,995 -$156 -2.2
561320 Temporary Help Services  2,799 2,503 296 11.8 $36,706,363 $34,501,714 $2,204,649 6.4 $1,009 $1,060 -$52 -4.9
5614  Business Support Services  500 545 -45 -8.3 $7,572,978 $7,443,419 $129,559 1.7 $1,165 $1,051 $114 10.9
561410 Document Preparation Services  21 19 3 14.2 $946,253 $869,791 $76,462 8.8 $3,413 $3,584 -$171 -4.8
561421 Telephone Answering Services  43 39 4 10.2 $373,148 $277,283 $95,865 34.6 $662 $542 $120 22.1
561422 Telemarketing & Other Contact Centers  177 207 -30 -14.3 $3,558,207 $3,495,276 $62,931 1.8 $1,543 $1,299 $245 18.8
561431 Private Mail Centers  57 58 -1 -1.2 $396,732 $403,606 -$6,874 -1.7 $532 $535 -$3 -0.6
561439 Other Business Service Centers  35 34 1 2.9 $322,113 $337,756 -$15,643 -4.6 $701 $757 -$55 -7.3
561440 Collection Agencies  120 136 -16 -12.0 $1,344,411 $1,421,742 -$77,331 -5.4 $862 $802 $60 7.4
561450 Administrative & Waste Services  25 26 -1 -5.1 $371,566 $370,931 $635 0.2 $1,159 $1,097 $61 5.6
561499 All Other Business Support Services  36 42 -7 -15.7 $409,984 $483,279 -$73,295 -15.2 $884 $878 $6 0.7
5615  Travel Arrangement & Reservation Services  131 140 -10 -6.9 $2,331,048 $1,887,744 $443,304 23.5 $1,372 $1,035 $337 32.6
561510 Travel Agencies  63 68 -4 -6.4 $1,397,753 $911,778 $485,975 53.3 $1,698 $1,036 $661 63.8
561520 Tour Operators  30 36 -6 -15.8 $366,005 $462,508 -$96,503 -20.9 $928 $988 -$60 -6.1
561599 All Other Travel Arrangement Services  14 13 2 13.1 $257,739 $202,561 $55,178 27.2 $1,384 $1,230 $154 12.5
5616  Investigation & Security Services  670 689 -19 -2.7 $7,496,701 $6,976,995 $519,706 7.4 $861 $779 $81 10.4
561611 Investigation Services  9 11 -2 -17.7 $478,165 $410,915 $67,250 16.4 $3,942 $2,790 $1,152 41.3
561612 Security Guards & Patrol Services  536 552 -16 -2.9 $5,199,699 $4,834,318 $365,381 7.6 $747 $674 $73 10.8
561613 Armored Car Services  27 32 -4 -13.7 $182,519 $225,203 -$42,684 -19.0 $514 $547 -$33 -6.1
561621 Security Systems Services, Except Locksmiths  83 78 5 6.0 $1,465,915 $1,342,938 $122,977 9.2 $1,364 $1,324 $40 3.0
561622 Locksmiths  15 16 -1 -6.3 $170,403 $163,621 $6,782 4.1 $874 $787 $87 11.1
5617  Services To Buildings & Dwellings  3,940 3,829 111 2.9 $35,623,811 $34,471,948 $1,151,863 3.3 $696 $693 $3 0.4
561710 Exterminating & Pest Control Services  90 83 7 8.0 $1,041,213 $1,032,017 $9,196 0.9 $893 $956 -$63 -6.6
561720 Janitorial Services  1,578 1,582 -4 -0.3 $9,783,521 $9,641,910 $141,611 1.5 $477 $469 $8 1.7
561730 Landscaping Services  2,115 2,024 91 4.5 $23,167,678 $22,506,005 $661,673 2.9 $843 $855 -$13 -1.5
561740 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services  89 79 10 13.1 $753,791 $616,941 $136,850 22.2 $649 $601 $48 8.1
561790 Other Services To Buildings & Dwellings  68 60 7 12.2 $877,608 $675,075 $202,533 30.0 $998 $861 $137 15.9
5619  Other Support Services  659 676 -17 -2.5 $7,034,318 $7,562,373 -$528,055 -7.0 $821 $861 -$40 -4.6
561920 Convention & Trade Show Organizers  27 29 -2 -7.9 $323,641 $334,404 -$10,763 -3.2 $922 $877 $45 5.1
561990 All Other Support Services  627 638 -11 -1.8 $6,675,603 $7,218,033 -$542,430 -7.5 $819 $870 -$51 -5.8
562  Waste Management & Remediation Services  737 789 -52 -6.6 $10,663,698 $11,638,205 -$974,507 -8.4 $1,113 $1,134 -$22 -1.9
5621  Waste Collection  367 373 -6 -1.5 $5,027,735 $5,009,196 $18,539 0.4 $1,053 $1,033 $20 1.9
562111 Solid Waste Collection  340 345 -4 -1.3 $4,744,472 $4,725,916 $18,556 0.4 $1,072 $1,055 $18 1.7
5622  Waste Treatment & Disposal  95 99 -4 -4.1 $1,885,049 $1,852,625 $32,424 1.8 $1,532 $1,444 $87 6.0
562212 Solid Waste Landfill  65 68 -2 -3.5 $1,327,697 $1,337,607 -$9,910 -0.7 $1,563 $1,521 $43 2.8
5629  Remediation & Other Waste Services  275 318 -42 -13.3 $3,750,914 $4,776,384 -$1,025,470 -21.5 $1,048 $1,157 -$109 -9.4
562910 Remediation Services  93 144 -51 -35.6 $1,503,051 $2,639,315 -$1,136,264 -43.1 $1,243 $1,407 -$163 -11.6
562920 Materials Recovery Facilities  13 13 0 0.0 $60,690 $50,034 $10,656 21.3 $368 $304 $65 21.3
562991 Septic Tank & Related Services  145 140 5 3.6 $1,873,888 $1,830,623 $43,265 2.4 $996 $1,008 -$12 -1.2
562998 Miscellaneous Waste Management Services  25 21 4 19.0 $313,285 $256,412 $56,873 22.2 $964 $939 $25 2.6
56 Administrative & Waste Services - Local Government 200 184 15 8.3 $2,084,010 $1,916,783 $167,227 8.7 $803 $800 $3 0.4
561  Administrative & Support Services  94 83 11 13.3 $1,183,925 $986,818 $197,107 20.0 $969 $915 $54 5.9
562  Waste Management & Remediation Services  106 101 4 4.3 $900,085 $929,965 -$29,880 -3.2 $655 $706 -$51 -7.2
562212 Solid Waste Landfill  99 94 5 5.3 $862,770 $891,067 -$28,297 -3.2 $668 $727 -$58 -8.0
bNorth American Industry Classification System
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: January 2024.
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 1/10/24.