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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Third Quarter 2023 (2023Q3)

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2023Q3 News Release

Wholesale Trade (NAICS 42)

Table 36: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages in Wholesale Trade (NAICS 42), Third Quarter 2022 & 2023a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change Change
NAICSb Code Ownership and Industry 2023Q3 2022Q3 N % 2023Q3 2022Q3 $ % 2023Q3 2022Q3 $ %
42 Wholesale Trade - Private 7,958 7,856 102 1.3 $147,154,783 $143,170,886 $3,983,897 2.8 $1,422 $1,402 $20 1.5
423  Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods  5,084 4,903 181 3.7 $100,022,476 $95,100,394 $4,922,082 5.2 $1,513 $1,492 $21 1.4
4231  Motor Vehicle & Parts Merchant Wholesalers  598 572 26 4.5 $9,403,082 $9,051,909 $351,173 3.9 $1,210 $1,217 -$7 -0.6
423110 Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers  322 317 5 1.6 $5,777,157 $5,695,042 $82,115 1.4 $1,380 $1,382 -$2 -0.1
423120 New Motor Vehicle Parts Merchant Wholesalers  188 169 19 11.2 $2,574,929 $2,293,464 $281,465 12.3 $1,052 $1,042 $10 0.9
4232  Furniture & Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers  30 36 -6 -16.7 $593,889 $729,394 -$135,505 -18.6 $1,523 $1,559 -$36 -2.3
423210 Furniture Merchant Wholesalers  3 4 -1 -25.0 $106,673 $152,445 -$45,772 -30.0 $2,735 $2,932 -$196 -6.7
423220 Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers  27 32 -5 -15.6 $487,216 $576,949 -$89,733 -15.6 $1,388 $1,387 $1 0.1
4233  Lumber & Const. Supply Merchant Wholesalers  172 181 -10 -5.3 $2,910,386 $2,976,940 -$66,554 -2.2 $1,304 $1,263 $41 3.3
423310 Lumber & Wood Merchant Wholesalers  47 55 -8 -15.1 $692,615 $780,453 -$87,838 -11.3 $1,134 $1,085 $49 4.5
423320 Masonry Material Merchant Wholesalers  58 54 5 8.7 $1,080,585 $1,003,596 $76,989 7.7 $1,425 $1,438 -$13 -0.9
423330 Roofing & Siding Merchant Wholesalers  52 55 -2 -4.3 $849,283 $867,708 -$18,425 -2.1 $1,248 $1,221 $28 2.3
423390 Other Const. Material Merchant Wholesalers  14 18 -4 -20.8 $287,903 $325,183 -$37,280 -11.5 $1,582 $1,416 $166 11.7
4234  Commercial Equip. Merchant Wholesalers  264 256 8 3.0 $6,307,160 $5,645,161 $661,999 11.7 $1,840 $1,696 $144 8.5
423420 Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers  63 63 1 1.1 $860,214 $825,020 $35,194 4.3 $1,045 $1,013 $32 3.2
423430 Computer & Software Merchant Wholesalers  35 43 -8 -19.4 $1,307,355 $1,363,083 -$55,728 -4.1 $2,901 $2,438 $462 19.0
423440 Other Commercial Equip. Merchant Wholesalers  21 15 6 40.0 $391,135 $283,074 $108,061 38.2 $1,433 $1,452 -$19 -1.3
423450 Medical Equipment Merchant Wholesalers  127 120 7 5.8 $3,382,796 $2,913,367 $469,429 16.1 $2,044 $1,862 $181 9.7
423460 Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers  9 8 1 8.0 $138,535 $73,128 $65,407 89.4 $1,184 $675 $509 75.3
423490 Other Professional Equip. Merchant Wholesaler  7 6 2 29.3 $206,712 $157,779 $48,933 31.0 $2,169 $2,141 $29 1.3
4235  Metal & Mineral Merchant Wholesalers  105 113 -9 -7.6 $1,881,195 $1,979,254 -$98,059 -5.0 $1,383 $1,343 $39 2.9
423510 Metal Merchant Wholesalers  98 99 -1 -1.0 $1,811,797 $1,796,783 $15,014 0.8 $1,427 $1,401 $26 1.9
4236  Appliance & Electric Goods Merchant Whls.  377 355 22 6.1 $7,253,015 $6,819,639 $433,376 6.4 $1,481 $1,478 $3 0.2
423610 Elec. Equip. & Wiring Merchant Wholesalers  317 302 15 5.1 $6,026,616 $5,736,563 $290,053 5.1 $1,462 $1,463 $0 0.0
423620 Appliance & Electronics Merchant Whls.  3 5 -2 -40.0 $82,491 $118,996 -$36,505 -30.7 $2,115 $1,831 $284 15.5
423690 Other Electronic Parts Merchant Wholesalers  57 48 8 17.3 $1,143,908 $964,080 $179,828 18.7 $1,553 $1,534 $18 1.2
4237  Hardware & Plumbing Merchant Wholesalers  274 236 38 16.3 $4,361,311 $4,062,108 $299,203 7.4 $1,224 $1,326 -$101 -7.7
423710 Hardware Merchant Wholesalers  35 36 -1 -1.9 $708,236 $760,362 -$52,126 -6.9 $1,557 $1,640 -$83 -5.1
423720 Plumbing Equip. Merchant Wholesalers  174 147 27 18.6 $2,640,956 $2,424,333 $216,623 8.9 $1,165 $1,269 -$103 -8.1
423730 Hvac Equip. Merchant Wholesalers  65 53 12 22.0 $1,012,119 $877,413 $134,706 15.4 $1,204 $1,273 -$70 -5.5
4238  Machinery & Supply Merchant Wholesalers  2,913 2,789 124 4.5 $62,436,419 $58,668,086 $3,768,333 6.4 $1,649 $1,618 $30 1.9
423810 Construction Equipment Merchant Wholesalers  945 886 59 6.6 $23,298,844 $21,989,012 $1,309,832 6.0 $1,897 $1,909 -$12 -0.6
423820 Farm & Garden Equip. Merchant Wholesalers  408 393 15 3.9 $6,593,322 $6,147,822 $445,500 7.2 $1,242 $1,203 $39 3.2
423830 Industrial Machinery Merchant Wholesalers  1,060 1,005 56 5.5 $23,625,085 $21,779,176 $1,845,909 8.5 $1,714 $1,668 $46 2.8
423840 Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers  418 447 -29 -6.5 $7,837,045 $8,027,299 -$190,254 -2.4 $1,443 $1,382 $61 4.4
423850 Service Estab. Equip. Merchant Wholesalers  81 57 25 43.5 $1,069,373 $690,917 $378,456 54.8 $1,011 $938 $74 7.8
4239  Misc. Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  352 364 -12 -3.4 $4,876,019 $5,167,903 -$291,884 -5.6 $1,067 $1,092 -$26 -2.3
423910 Sporting Goods Merchant Wholesalers  41 56 -15 -26.4 $595,705 $949,909 -$354,204 -37.3 $1,118 $1,313 -$195 -14.8
423920 Toy & Hobby Goods Merchant Wholesalers  8 12 -3 -28.6 $89,476 $73,250 $16,226 22.2 $826 $483 $343 71.1
423930 Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers  226 223 3 1.2 $3,034,489 $2,975,312 $59,177 2.0 $1,034 $1,026 $8 0.8
423990 Other Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  77 74 3 4.1 $1,156,349 $1,169,432 -$13,083 -1.1 $1,160 $1,221 -$61 -5.0
424  Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods  2,785 2,854 -69 -2.4 $45,174,336 $45,979,030 -$804,694 -1.8 $1,248 $1,239 $8 0.7
4241  Paper & Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers  72 67 6 8.5 $527,462 $399,525 $127,937 32.0 $561 $461 $100 21.7
424120 Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers  61 63 -2 -3.7 $364,084 $333,522 $30,562 9.2 $462 $407 $54 13.4
4242  Druggists' Goods Merchant Wholesalers  110 113 -3 -2.6 $2,749,029 $2,914,218 -$165,189 -5.7 $1,917 $1,978 -$61 -3.1
424210 Druggists' Goods Merchant Wholesalers  110 113 -3 -2.6 $2,749,029 $2,914,218 -$165,189 -5.7 $1,917 $1,978 -$61 -3.1
4243  Apparel & Piece Goods Merchant Wholesalers  24 26 -2 -6.4 $418,895 $684,135 -$265,240 -38.8 $1,324 $2,024 -$700 -34.6
424340 Footwear Merchant Wholesalers  6 7 -1 -14.3 $137,351 $336,231 -$198,880 -59.1 $1,761 $3,695 -$1,934 -52.3
424350 Clothing & Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers  14 14 1 4.8 $244,522 $305,976 -$61,454 -20.1 $1,313 $1,722 -$409 -23.8
4244  Grocery & Related Product Wholesalers  867 875 -8 -0.9 $13,053,527 $12,297,583 $755,944 6.1 $1,158 $1,082 $77 7.1
424410 General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers  175 179 -4 -2.4 $3,954,869 $3,854,174 $100,695 2.6 $1,742 $1,656 $85 5.2
424430 Dairy Product Merchant Wholesalers  8 6 2 26.4 $140,249 $34,045 $106,204 312.0 $1,349 $414 $935 226.0
424450 Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers  86 76 9 12.2 $1,275,339 $1,227,160 $48,179 3.9 $1,145 $1,237 -$92 -7.4
424470 Meat & Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers  28 36 -7 -20.6 $209,165 $268,512 -$59,347 -22.1 $568 $579 -$11 -1.9
424490 Other Grocery Product Merchant Wholesalers  559 564 -5 -0.8 $7,331,101 $6,666,874 $664,227 10.0 $1,008 $909 $99 10.9
4245  Farm Product Raw Material Merch. Whls.  175 183 -8 -4.6 $1,928,246 $1,890,919 $37,327 2.0 $849 $795 $54 6.8
424510 Grain & Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers  46 43 3 6.2 $731,784 $629,419 $102,365 16.3 $1,224 $1,117 $106 9.5
424520 Livestock Merchant Wholesalers  125 133 -8 -6.3 $1,013,849 $1,038,854 -$25,005 -2.4 $626 $601 $25 4.1
424590 Other Farm Product Raw Material Merch. Whls.  4 7 -3 -40.0 $182,613 $222,646 -$40,033 -18.0 $3,512 $2,568 $944 36.8
4246  Chemical Merchant Wholesalers  372 420 -48 -11.4 $8,339,444 $9,819,709 -$1,480,265 -15.1 $1,726 $1,800 -$74 -4.1
424610 Plastics Materials Merchant Wholesalers  8 8 0 0.0 $222,693 $249,580 -$26,887 -10.8 $2,141 $2,400 -$259 -10.8
424690 Other Chemicals Merchant Wholesalers  364 412 -48 -11.7 $8,116,751 $9,570,129 -$1,453,378 -15.2 $1,717 $1,788 -$71 -4.0
4247  Petroleum Merchant Wholesalers  553 539 14 2.6 $9,698,119 $9,433,109 $265,010 2.8 $1,348 $1,345 $3 0.2
424710 Petroleum Bulk Stations & Terminals  301 301 -1 -0.2 $4,884,843 $5,079,323 -$194,480 -3.8 $1,250 $1,297 -$47 -3.6
424720 Other Petroleum Merchant Wholesalers  253 238 15 6.2 $4,813,276 $4,353,786 $459,490 10.6 $1,465 $1,407 $58 4.1
4248  Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers  310 317 -6 -2.0 $4,442,791 $4,224,787 $218,004 5.2 $1,101 $1,026 $75 7.3
424810 Beer & Ale Merchant Wholesalers  293 298 -6 -1.9 $4,037,104 $3,757,964 $279,140 7.4 $1,061 $969 $92 9.5
424820 Wine & Spirit Merchant Wholesalers  18 18 -1 -3.6 $405,687 $466,823 -$61,136 -13.1 $1,766 $1,959 -$193 -9.9
4249  Misc. Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  301 315 -13 -4.2 $4,016,823 $4,315,045 -$298,222 -6.9 $1,025 $1,055 -$29 -2.8
424910 Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers  209 217 -9 -4.0 $2,746,983 $2,881,297 -$134,314 -4.7 $1,013 $1,020 -$7 -0.7
424920 Book & Periodical Merchant Wholesalers  13 13 0 2.5 $128,319 $83,536 $44,783 53.6 $740 $494 $246 49.8
424930 Nursery & Florist Merchant Wholesalers  12 8 4 54.1 $69,230 $53,608 $15,622 29.1 $432 $515 -$84 -16.2
424940 Tobacco & Tobacco Product Merch. Whls.  22 34 -12 -35.9 $414,696 $576,050 -$161,354 -28.0 $1,450 $1,291 $159 12.3
424950 Paint & Supplies Merchant Wholesalers  9 9 0 0.0 $232,047 $289,496 -$57,449 -19.8 $2,059 $2,569 -$510 -19.8
424990 Other Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  36 33 3 9.0 $425,548 $431,058 -$5,510 -1.3 $901 $995 -$94 -9.4
425  Electronic Markets & Agents & Brokers  89 99 -10 -10.1 $1,957,971 $2,091,462 -$133,491 -6.4 $1,692 $1,625 $67 4.1
4251  Electronic Markets & Agents & Brokers  89 99 -10 -10.1 $1,957,971 $2,091,462 -$133,491 -6.4 $1,692 $1,625 $67 4.1
425120 Wholesale Trade Agents & Brokers  89 99 -10 -10.1 $1,957,971 $2,091,462 -$133,491 -6.4 $1,692 $1,625 $67 4.1
42 Wholesale Trade - Local Government 59 54 5 9.2 $616,737 $538,829 $77,908 14.5 $800 $763 $37 4.8
424  Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods  59 54 5 9.2 $616,737 $538,829 $77,908 14.5 $800 $763 $37 4.8
4249  Misc. Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  59 54 5 9.2 $616,737 $538,829 $77,908 14.5 $800 $763 $37 4.8
424910 Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers  59 54 5 9.2 $616,737 $538,829 $77,908 14.5 $800 $763 $37 4.8
bNorth American Industry Classification System
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: January 2024.
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 1/10/24.