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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Second Quarter 2023 (2023Q2)

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2023Q2 News Release

Local Government

Table 52: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages in Local Government, Second Quarter 2022 & 2023a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change Change
NAICSb Code Ownership and Industry 2023Q2 2022Q2 N % 2023Q2 2022Q2 $ % 2023Q2 2022Q2 $ %
Ownership - Local Government 46,194 45,089 1,105 2.5 $631,241,560 $596,080,023 $35,161,537 5.9 $1,051 $1,017 $34 3.4
11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting  95 98 -2 -2.4 $1,075,851 $962,755 $113,096 11.7 $868 $758 $110 14.5
115  Agriculture & Forestry Support Activities  95 98 -2 -2.4 $1,075,851 $962,755 $113,096 11.7 $868 $758 $110 14.5
1151  Support Activities for Crop Production  95 98 -2 -2.4 $1,075,851 $962,755 $113,096 11.7 $868 $758 $110 14.5
22 Utilities  150 158 -9 -5.5 $1,802,479 $1,733,101 $69,378 4.0 $926 $842 $84 10.0
221  Utilities  150 158 -9 -5.5 $1,802,479 $1,733,101 $69,378 4.0 $926 $842 $84 10.0
42 Wholesale Trade  50 41 9 22.9 $543,378 $519,577 $23,801 4.6 $836 $983 -$147 -14.9
424  Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods  50 41 9 22.9 $543,378 $519,577 $23,801 4.6 $836 $983 -$147 -14.9
4249  Misc. Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  50 41 9 22.9 $543,378 $519,577 $23,801 4.6 $836 $983 -$147 -14.9
44 Retail Trade  27 31 -3 -10.9 $281,719 $327,668 -$45,949 -14.0 $793 $822 -$29 -3.5
48 Transportation & Warehousing  320 286 34 11.9 $5,221,306 $4,215,894 $1,005,412 23.8 $1,254 $1,133 $121 10.7
488  Support Activities for Transportation  245 212 33 15.6 $4,530,887 $3,580,388 $950,499 26.5 $1,423 $1,299 $123 9.5
4881  Support Activities for Air Transportation  245 212 33 15.6 $4,530,887 $3,580,388 $950,499 26.5 $1,423 $1,299 $123 9.5
51 Information  513 506 7 1.4 $3,988,632 $3,810,509 $178,123 4.7 $598 $579 $19 3.2
519  Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, & Other Information Services 513 506 7 1.4 $3,988,632 $3,810,509 $178,123 4.7 $598 $579 $19 3.2
5192  Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, & Other Information Services  513 506 7 1.4 $3,988,632 $3,810,509 $178,123 4.7 $598 $579 $19 3.2
53 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing  61 61 0 0.5 $503,204 $467,122 $36,082 7.7 $631 $589 $42 7.1
5311  Lessors of Real Estate  52 53 -1 -1.3 $378,851 $389,348 -$10,497 -2.7 $557 $565 -$8 -1.5
54 Professional & Technical Services  40 43 -3 -7.7 $584,548 $636,629 -$52,081 -8.2 $1,124 $1,130 -$6 -0.5
541  Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services  40 43 -3 -7.7 $584,548 $636,629 -$52,081 -8.2 $1,124 $1,130 -$6 -0.5
56 Administrative & Waste Services  180 174 6 3.4 $1,872,991 $1,814,971 $58,020 3.2 $800 $802 -$2 -0.2
561  Administrative & Support Services  80 79 1 1.7 $981,802 $982,549 -$747 -0.1 $940 $957 -$17 -1.7
562  Waste Management & Remediation Services  100 95 5 4.9 $891,189 $832,422 $58,767 7.1 $688 $674 $14 2.0
61 Educational Services  23,143 22,768 374 1.6 $302,131,593 $290,558,990 $11,572,603 4.0 $1,004 $982 $23 2.3
611  Educational Services  23,143 22,768 374 1.6 $302,131,593 $290,558,990 $11,572,603 4.0 $1,004 $982 $23 2.3
6111  Elementary & Secondary Schools  20,392 20,152 240 1.2 $271,520,448 $261,790,650 $9,729,798 3.7 $1,024 $999 $25 2.5
6112  Junior Colleges  2,698 2,562 136 5.3 $30,210,280 $28,320,726 $1,889,554 6.7 $861 $850 $11 1.3
6116  Other Schools & Instruction  28 30 -2 -5.6 $222,399 $245,349 -$22,950 -9.4 $611 $636 -$25 -3.9
6117  Educational Support Services  25 24 0 1.4 $178,466 $202,265 -$23,799 -11.8 $556 $639 -$83 -13.0
62 Health Care & Social Assistance  8,901 8,620 281 3.3 $164,784,044 $155,649,591 $9,134,453 5.9 $1,424 $1,389 $35 2.5
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  773 672 100 14.9 $12,098,645 $10,101,310 $1,997,335 19.8 $1,204 $1,156 $49 4.2
6211  Offices of Physicians  600 496 104 21.0 $9,504,611 $7,761,765 $1,742,846 22.5 $1,219 $1,205 $15 1.2
6214  Outpatient Care Centers  107 101 6 6.3 $1,481,493 $1,324,859 $156,634 11.8 $1,062 $1,009 $53 5.2
622  Hospitals  7,536 7,353 183 2.5 $146,643,558 $140,040,237 $6,603,321 4.7 $1,497 $1,465 $32 2.2
6221  General Medical & Surgical Hospitals  7,536 7,353 183 2.5 $146,643,558 $140,040,237 $6,603,321 4.7 $1,497 $1,465 $32 2.2
623  Nursing & Residential Care Facilities  316 321 -5 -1.6 $3,891,586 $3,577,917 $313,669 8.8 $946 $857 $90 10.5
6231  Nursing Care Facilities, Skilled Nursing  260 271 -11 -3.9 $3,448,184 $3,202,786 $245,398 7.7 $1,019 $909 $110 12.1
6232  Residential Mental Health Facilities  56 50 6 11.3 $443,402 $375,131 $68,271 18.2 $609 $573 $36 6.2
624  Social Assistance  276 273 3 1.1 $2,150,255 $1,930,127 $220,128 11.4 $599 $544 $55 10.2
6241  Individual & Family Services  90 91 -1 -1.1 $701,928 $609,019 $92,909 15.3 $598 $513 $85 16.5
6242  Emergency & Other Relief Services  61 64 -3 -4.7 $601,213 $526,799 $74,414 14.1 $762 $636 $126 19.8
6244  Child Day Care Services  125 118 7 5.9 $847,114 $794,309 $52,805 6.6 $521 $518 $3 0.7
71 Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation  151 150 1 0.9 $740,387 $705,013 $35,374 5.0 $377 $362 $15 4.1
7121  Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, & Parks  48 47 0 0.7 $345,653 $340,054 $5,599 1.6 $558 $553 $5 0.9
713  Amusements, Gambling, & Recreation  98 97 0 0.3 $355,015 $329,358 $25,657 7.8 $280 $260 $19 7.4
7139  Other Amusement & Recreation Industries  98 97 0 0.3 $355,015 $329,358 $25,657 7.8 $280 $260 $19 7.4
72 Accommodation & Food Services  596 554 42 7.6 $5,322,949 $4,835,455 $487,494 10.1 $687 $671 $16 2.3
81 Other Services, Except Public Administration  376 381 -4 -1.1 $3,078,993 $3,053,089 $25,904 0.8 $629 $617 $12 2.0
811  Repair & Maintenance  270 278 -8 -2.9 $2,148,993 $2,171,038 -$22,045 -1.0 $612 $601 $12 1.9
8111  Automotive Repair & Maintenance  270 278 -8 -2.9 $2,148,993 $2,171,038 -$22,045 -1.0 $612 $601 $12 1.9
8122  Death Care Services  82 77 5 6.1 $593,800 $540,296 $53,504 9.9 $559 $540 $20 3.6
92 Public Administration  11,545 11,168 377 3.4 $138,874,395 $126,287,525 $12,586,870 10.0 $925 $870 $55 6.4
921  Executive, Legislative & General Government  10,076 9,722 354 3.6 $124,873,464 $113,200,418 $11,673,046 10.3 $953 $896 $58 6.4
9211  Executive, Legislative & General Government  10,076 9,722 354 3.6 $124,873,464 $113,200,418 $11,673,046 10.3 $953 $896 $58 6.4
922  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  461 461 0 0.1 $3,485,232 $3,328,329 $156,903 4.7 $581 $555 $26 4.6
9221  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  461 461 0 0.1 $3,485,232 $3,328,329 $156,903 4.7 $581 $555 $26 4.6
923  Administration of Human Resource Programs  298 296 2 0.8 $3,552,353 $3,556,983 -$4,630 -0.1 $917 $925 -$8 -0.9
9231  Administration of Human Resource Programs  298 296 2 0.8 $3,552,353 $3,556,983 -$4,630 -0.1 $917 $925 -$8 -0.9
924  Administration of Environmental Programs  430 421 8 2.0 $3,195,794 $2,752,952 $442,842 16.1 $572 $503 $70 13.8
9241  Administration of Environmental Programs  430 421 8 2.0 $3,195,794 $2,752,952 $442,842 16.1 $572 $503 $70 13.8
9261  Administration of Economic Programs  271 259 12 4.6 $3,613,208 $3,322,951 $290,257 8.7 $1,027 $988 $39 3.9
bNorth American Industry Classification System. 
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: April 2023. 
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 10/17/23.