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Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

2022 Wyoming Workforce Annual Report

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Fourth Quarter 2022 (2022Q4)

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2022Q4 News Release

Transportation & Warehousing (NAICS 48-49)

Table 38: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages in Transportation & Warehousing (NAICS 48-49), Fourth Quarter 2021 & 2022a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change Change
NAICSb Code Ownership & Industry 2022Q4 2021Q4 N % 2022Q4 2021Q4 $ % 2022Q4 2021Q4 $ %
48 Transportation & Warehousing - Private 10,068 10,210 -142 -1.4 $159,288,406 $158,880,278 $408,128 0.3 $1,217 $1,197 $20 1.7
481  Air Transportation  366 340 26 7.6 $6,410,218 $5,297,802 $1,112,416 21.0 $1,347 $1,199 $149 12.4
4811  Scheduled Air Transportation  166 157 9 5.7 $959,679 $887,183 $72,496 8.2 $444 $434 $10 2.3
4812  Nonscheduled Air Transportation  200 183 17 9.3 $5,450,539 $4,410,619 $1,039,920 23.6 $2,100 $1,857 $242 13.1
484  Truck Transportation  3,597 3,536 61 1.7 $61,604,659 $57,051,346 $4,553,313 8.0 $1,317 $1,241 $76 6.1
4841  General Freight Trucking  1,210 1,244 -34 -2.8 $20,191,759 $20,393,533 -$201,774 -1.0 $1,284 $1,261 $23 1.8
4842  Specialized Freight Trucking  2,387 2,292 96 4.2 $41,412,900 $36,657,813 $4,755,087 13.0 $1,334 $1,230 $104 8.4
485  Transit & Ground Passenger Transportation  387 367 20 5.4 $3,199,072 $3,081,995 $117,077 3.8 $636 $646 -$10 -1.5
4853  Taxi & Limousine Service  51 38 13 34.5 $283,951 $301,101 -$17,150 -5.7 $431 $615 -$184 -29.9
4855  Charter Bus Industry  18 18 0 1.8 $147,742 $129,974 $17,768 13.7 $620 $555 $65 11.6
4859  Other Ground Passenger Transportation  241 236 5 2.0 $1,783,087 $1,769,195 $13,892 0.8 $569 $576 -$7 -1.2
486  Pipeline Transportation  771 847 -76 -9.0 $21,561,581 $25,157,598 -$3,596,017 -14.3 $2,150 $2,284 -$134 -5.8
4862  Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas  567 547 21 3.8 $15,767,552 $15,547,734 $219,818 1.4 $2,138 $2,188 -$50 -2.3
488  Support Activities For Transportation  1,563 1,466 97 6.6 $28,091,094 $25,252,671 $2,838,423 11.2 $1,382 $1,325 $57 4.3
4881  Support Activities For Air Transportation  340 321 19 5.8 $5,178,905 $4,856,414 $322,491 6.6 $1,172 $1,163 $9 0.8
4882  Support Activities For Rail Transportation  728 607 121 19.9 $14,417,011 $11,482,784 $2,934,227 25.6 $1,523 $1,454 $68 4.7
4883  Support Activities For Water Transportation  4 N/D N/D N/D $46,425 N/D N/D N/D $825 N/D N/D N/D
4884  Support Activities For Road Transportation  397 429 -32 -7.4 $6,846,671 $6,823,832 $22,839 0.3 $1,327 $1,225 $102 8.3
4885  Freight Transportation Arrangement  49 63 -14 -22.3 $1,128,791 $1,478,773 -$349,982 -23.7 $1,784 $1,815 -$31 -1.7
4889  Other Support Activities For Transportation  45 N/D N/D N/D $473,291 N/D N/D N/D $809 N/D N/D N/D
491  Postal Service  53 55 -2 -3.0 $418,018 $459,865 -$41,847 -9.1 $603 $643 -$40 -6.3
4911  Postal Service  53 55 -2 -3.0 $418,018 $459,865 -$41,847 -9.1 $603 $643 -$40 -6.3
492  Couriers & Messengers  1,466 1,500 -34 -2.3 $17,184,754 $17,621,017 -$436,263 -2.5 $902 $903 -$2 -0.2
4921  Couriers & Express Delivery Services  1,315 1,366 -51 -3.8 $15,699,493 $15,775,481 -$75,988 -0.5 $918 $888 $30 3.4
4922  Local Messengers & Local Delivery  151 134 17 12.9 $1,485,261 $1,845,536 -$360,275 -19.5 $755 $1,059 -$304 -28.7
493  Warehousing & Storage  1,835 2,044 -210 -10.3 $20,451,923 $24,279,840 -$3,827,917 -15.8 $857 $914 -$56 -6.1
4931  Warehousing & Storage  1,835 2,044 -210 -10.3 $20,451,923 $24,279,840 -$3,827,917 -15.8 $857 $914 -$56 -6.1
48 Transportation & Warehousing - Federal Government 1,018 1,036 -17 -1.7 $15,437,718 $16,897,806 -$1,460,088 -8.6 $1,166 $1,255 -$89 -7.1
491  Postal Service  1,018 1,036 -17 -1.7 $15,437,718 $16,897,806 -$1,460,088 -8.6 $1,166 $1,255 -$89 -7.1
4911  Postal Service  1,018 1,036 -17 -1.7 $15,437,718 $16,897,806 -$1,460,088 -8.6 $1,166 $1,255 -$89 -7.1
48 Transportation & Warehousing - Local Government 309 284 26 9.0 $5,132,628 $4,219,757 $912,871 21.6 $1,276 $1,144 $132 11.5
488  Support Activities For Transportation  232 206 26 12.6 $4,455,259 $3,603,588 $851,671 23.6 $1,475 $1,343 $132 9.8
4881  Support Activities For Air Transportation  232 206 26 12.6 $4,455,259 $3,603,588 $851,671 23.6 $1,475 $1,343 $132 9.8
bNorth American Industry Classification System. 
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: April 2023. 
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 4/25/23.