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Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

Research & Planning
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Suite 3100
Casper, WY 82601
(307) 473-3807

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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

2022 Wyoming Workforce Annual Report

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Fourth Quarter 2022 (2022Q4)

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2022Q4 News Release

Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by County

Table 2: Wyoming Employing Units, Employment, & Wages by County, Fourth Quarter 2022a
County Units Oct 22 Nov 22 Dec 22 Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
 Total Statewide 30,127 275,458 270,621 272,713 272,931 $4,035,052,895 $1,137
Albany  1,649 16,861 16,810 16,655 16,775 $205,163,201 $941
Big Horn  516 4,143 4,011 3,925 4,026 $52,496,310 $1,003
Campbell  2,025 24,489 24,539 24,501 24,510 $399,769,178 $1,255
Carbon  686 6,707 6,357 6,202 6,422 $100,378,623 $1,202
Converse  640 6,293 6,275 6,230 6,266 $101,418,096 $1,245
Crook  351 2,677 2,584 2,575 2,612 $34,223,596 $1,008
Fremont  1,864 15,501 15,430 15,339 15,423 $190,851,999 $952
Goshen  485 4,166 4,168 4,141 4,158 $45,691,369 $845
Hot Springs  272 1,987 1,959 1,954 1,967 $24,307,477 $951
Johnson  540 3,351 3,273 3,244 3,289 $39,223,970 $917
Laramie  4,613 46,708 46,673 46,660 46,680 $672,939,449 $1,109
Lincoln  1,161 7,005 6,890 6,831 6,909 $103,659,944 $1,154
Natrona  3,873 38,842 38,902 38,770 38,838 $584,912,771 $1,158
Niobrara  121 850 829 821 833 $8,858,250 $818
Park  1,862 13,949 13,084 13,224 13,419 $171,340,314 $982
Platte  416 3,368 3,333 3,350 3,350 $42,312,586 $971
Sheridan  1,647 13,954 13,765 13,760 13,826 $190,060,443 $1,057
Sublette  595 3,787 3,691 3,658 3,712 $56,651,610 $1,174
Sweetwater  1,686 20,680 20,674 20,572 20,642 $334,806,877 $1,248
Teton  2,989 22,082 19,429 22,470 21,327 $433,673,489 $1,564
Uinta  872 8,359 8,348 8,368 8,358 $98,404,222 $906
Washakie  439 3,613 3,547 3,542 3,567 $44,533,635 $960
Weston  281 2,394 2,412 2,367 2,391 $29,588,711 $952
Nonclassifiedb 544 3,692 3,638 3,554 3,628 $69,786,775 $1,480
bThe employer may be located statewide or in more than one county.
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: April 2023.
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 4/25/23.