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Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

2022 Wyoming Workforce Annual Report

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Third Quarter 2022 (2022Q3)

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2022Q3 News Release

Health Care & Social Assistance (NAICS 62)

Table 46: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages in Health Care & Social Assistance (NAICS 62), Third Quarter 2021 & 2022a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change Change
NAICSb Code Ownership and Industry 2022Q3 2021Q3 N % 2022Q3 2021Q3 $ % 2022Q3 2021Q3 $ %
62 Health Care & Social Assistance - Private 25,458 25,274 184 0.7 $329,687,882 $302,320,120 $27,367,762 9.1 $996 $920 $76 8.3
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  10,968 10,706 262 2.4 $178,346,055 $163,308,445 $15,037,610 9.2 $1,251 $1,173 $77 6.6
6211  Offices of Physicians  3,027 3,124 -97 -3.1 $72,754,088 $73,109,272 -$355,184 -0.5 $1,849 $1,800 $48 2.7
6212  Offices of Dentists  1,859 1,858 0 0.0 $22,603,670 $21,325,258 $1,278,412 6.0 $935 $883 $53 6.0
6213  Offices of Other Health Practitioners  2,635 2,518 116 4.6 $30,096,625 $26,712,344 $3,384,281 12.7 $879 $816 $63 7.7
6214  Outpatient Care Centers  1,674 1,454 220 15.2 $24,384,365 $18,255,916 $6,128,449 33.6 $1,121 $966 $154 16.0
6215  Medical & Diagnostic Laboratories  403 318 85 26.7 $9,427,800 $7,373,013 $2,054,787 27.9 $1,800 $1,784 $16 0.9
6216  Home Health Care Services  728 802 -73 -9.1 $8,517,582 $7,722,509 $795,073 10.3 $900 $741 $159 21.4
6219  Other Ambulatory Health Care Services  642 632 10 1.5 $10,561,925 $8,810,133 $1,751,792 19.9 $1,266 $1,072 $194 18.1
622  Hospitals  3,334 3,424 -90 -2.6 $59,337,893 $57,123,934 $2,213,959 3.9 $1,369 $1,283 $86 6.7
6221  General Medical & Surgical Hospitals  2,962 3,079 -117 -3.8 $53,260,529 $52,421,221 $839,308 1.6 $1,383 $1,310 $74 5.6
623  Nursing & Residential Care Facilities  3,990 3,914 76 1.9 $40,457,450 $35,651,170 $4,806,280 13.5 $780 $701 $79 11.3
6231  Nursing Care Facilities, Skilled Nursing  1,934 1,862 72 3.9 $19,760,169 $18,304,689 $1,455,480 8.0 $786 $756 $30 3.9
6232  Residential Mental Health Facilities  458 502 -44 -8.8 $4,826,974 $4,160,297 $666,677 16.0 $811 $637 $173 27.2
6233  Continuing Care, Assisted Living Facilities  888 866 22 2.5 $7,563,712 $6,730,931 $832,781 12.4 $655 $598 $58 9.6
6239  Other Residential Care Facilities  710 684 26 3.8 $8,306,595 $6,455,253 $1,851,342 28.7 $900 $726 $174 24.0
624  Social Assistance  7,167 7,230 -63 -0.9 $51,546,484 $46,236,571 $5,309,913 11.5 $553 $492 $61 12.5
6241  Individual & Family Services  3,713 3,858 -144 -3.7 $24,991,686 $23,312,967 $1,678,719 7.2 $518 $465 $53 11.4
6242  Emergency & Other Relief Services  515 477 38 7.9 $5,250,915 $4,286,086 $964,829 22.5 $785 $691 $94 13.5
6243  Vocational Rehabilitation Services  637 642 -6 -0.9 $5,580,267 $5,147,733 $432,534 8.4 $674 $616 $58 9.4
6244  Child Day Care Services  2,302 2,253 49 2.2 $15,723,616 $13,489,785 $2,233,831 16.6 $525 $461 $65 14.1
62 Health Care & Social Assistance - Federal Government 1,609 1,637 -28 -1.7 $38,041,999 $30,152,514 $7,889,485 26.2 $1,819 $1,417 $402 28.4
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  54 57 -3 -5.2 $1,385,635 $1,172,437 $213,198 18.2 $1,962 $1,573 $389 24.7
6211  Offices of Physicians  54 57 -3 -5.2 $1,385,635 $1,172,437 $213,198 18.2 $1,962 $1,573 $389 24.7
622  Hospitals  1,501 1,534 -32 -2.1 $36,170,037 $28,615,584 $7,554,453 26.4 $1,853 $1,435 $418 29.1
6221  General Medical & Surgical Hospitals  1,501 1,534 -32 -2.1 $36,170,037 $28,615,584 $7,554,453 26.4 $1,853 $1,435 $418 29.1
624  Social Assistance  53 46 7 16.0 $486,327 $364,493 $121,834 33.4 $706 $614 $92 15.0
62 Health Care & Social Assistance - State Government 792 864 -71 -8.3 $12,213,302 $11,273,909 $939,393 8.3 $1,186 $1,004 $182 18.1
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  164 164 1 0.4 $2,523,826 $2,523,830 -$4 0.0 $1,181 $1,186 -$5 -0.4
6211  Offices of Physicians  164 164 1 0.4 $2,523,826 $2,523,830 -$4 0.0 $1,181 $1,186 -$5 -0.4
623  Nursing & Residential Care Facilities  325 373 -48 -12.9 $4,987,900 $4,519,175 $468,725 10.4 $1,181 $932 $249 26.7
62 Health Care & Social Assistance - Local Government 8,699 8,687 12 0.1 $172,191,544 $158,635,904 $13,555,640 8.5 $1,523 $1,405 $118 8.4
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  682 662 20 3.0 $11,993,276 $10,947,843 $1,045,433 9.5 $1,353 $1,272 $81 6.4
6211  Offices of Physicians  507 482 25 5.2 $9,353,197 $8,597,074 $756,123 8.8 $1,420 $1,373 $47 3.4
6214  Outpatient Care Centers  103 105 -2 -1.9 $1,494,071 $1,302,603 $191,468 14.7 $1,116 $954 $162 16.9
622  Hospitals  7,437 7,411 26 0.4 $153,752,913 $141,581,471 $12,171,442 8.6 $1,590 $1,470 $121 8.2
6221  General Medical & Surgical Hospitals  7,437 7,411 26 0.4 $153,752,913 $141,581,471 $12,171,442 8.6 $1,590 $1,470 $121 8.2
623  Nursing & Residential Care Facilities  306 326 -20 -6.2 $4,286,079 $4,087,202 $198,877 4.9 $1,079 $964 $114 11.8
6231  Nursing Care Facilities, Skilled Nursing  255 272 -17 -6.3 $3,828,275 $3,669,548 $158,727 4.3 $1,155 $1,038 $117 11.3
6232  Residential Mental Health Facilities  51 54 -3 -6.2 $457,804 $417,654 $40,150 9.6 $695 $595 $100 16.8
624  Social Assistance  275 288 -13 -4.6 $2,159,276 $2,019,388 $139,888 6.9 $604 $539 $65 12.1
6241  Individual & Family Services  90 96 -6 -6.3 $705,299 $641,877 $63,422 9.9 $603 $514 $88 17.2
6242  Emergency & Other Relief Services  68 60 8 14.0 $597,618 $523,282 $74,336 14.2 $676 $675 $1 0.2
6244  Child Day Care Services  117 133 -16 -11.8 $856,359 $854,229 $2,130 0.2 $563 $495 $68 13.7
bNorth American Industry Classification System. 
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: January 2023. 
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 1/25/23.