Research & Planning Staff
Brought to you by: Research & Planning, part of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services)
Patrick Harris, Senior Economist
Telephone: (307) 473-3811 (phone)
Fax: (307) 473-3834 (fax)
Patrick returned to Research &
Planning in 2018.
Patrick received a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Psychology from University of Wyoming and a Master of Science degree
in Experimental Psychology from Augusta State University.
He has conducted research on a wide array of topics including perfectionism, depression, rumination, stereotypes and prejudice, self-affirmation, child abuse and alexithymia. His research interests at Research & Planning include brain drain (gain), rural flight, employment inequality (gender and disabilities), utilization of social programs, and factors associated with employment satisfaction.
Research & Planning Publications & Presentations
Bullard, D., Cowan, C., Faler, K., Gallagher, T., Harris, P., Knapp, L., Manning, P., Mohondro, L., Moore, M., & Wen, S. (2016, April). "Wyoming Workforce Planning Report 2016." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 53(4).
Harris, P. (2015, May). "Youth transitions: Life events and labor market behavior." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 52(5).
Harris, P. (2015, January). "Previous unemployment insurance (UI) spells as a predictor of the length of future UI benefit collection." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 52(1).
Harris, P. (2014, December). "The effects of labor market conditions and employer re-hiring practices on repeat use of the unemployment insurance system." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 51(12).
Harris, P. (2014, November). "Unemployment insurance (UI) claimant labor market behavior: Length of benefit collection and the likelihood of exiting the labor market." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 51(11).
Bullard, D., Cowan, C., Ellsworth, P., Glover, T., Harris, P., Holmes, M., Knapp, L., Manning, P., Moore, M., & Wen, S. (2014, June). Wyoming Workforce Annual Report 2014. Casper: Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Research & Planning.
Harris, P. (2014, May). "New publication focuses on nurses returning to school." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 51(5).
Bullard, D., Gallagher, T., Glover, T., Harris, P., Holmes, M., Knapp, L., & Manning, P. (2014, Spring). Teacher Salaries in Wyoming: Competitive Enough to Retain the Best? Casper: Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Research & Planning.
Bullard, D., Gallagher, T., Glover, T., Harris, P., Holmes, M., Knapp, L., Manning, P., & Moore, M. (2013, Fall). Monitoring School District Human Resource Cost Pressures: A Report to the Wyoming Joint Appropriations Interim Committee and the Joint Education Interim Committee. Casper: Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Research & Planning.
Harris, P. (2013, Fall). "Monitoring School District Cost Pressures - Appendix A: Teacher Supply in Wyoming: The Professional Teaching Standards Board and School District Recruitment Needs." Casper: Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Research & Planning.
Harris, P. (2013, Fall). "Monitoring School District Cost Pressures - Appendix B: School District Exit: Teacher Wage Progression and Assignment Status by Age and sex." Casper: Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Research & Planning.
Harris, P. (2013, May). "Demographics of UI claimants: More males continue to receive benefits than females." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 50(5).
Harris, P. (2012, December). "Dynamics of unemployment spells: A look at the trends before, during, and after the Great Recession." Wyoming Labor Force Trends, 49(12).
Gallagher, T., Glover, T., Harris, P., Knapp, L., Manning, P., & Moore, M. (2012, Fall). Monitoring School District Human Resource Cost Pressures: A Report to the Wyoming Joint Education Committee. Casper: Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Research & Planning.
Other Select Publications & Presentations
Master’s Thesis: Self-Affirmation and the Stereotype Content Model: Why Different Groups may be Important after Self-Image Threat.
Harris, P.W., & Burman, M. (in press). Nurses returning to school: Motivators, inhibitors and job satisfaction. Journal of Professional Nursing.
Harris, P.W., Pepper, C.M., & Maack, D.J. (2008). The relationship between perfectionism and depression: The mediating role of rumination. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 150-160.
Stoddard, J.L., Stewart, A.E., Arena, J.G., & Harris, P. (In Preparation). Measuring alexithymia by reaction times to pictures of varying emotional qualities. To be submitted to Emotion.
Young, S., Harris, P.W., Moore, A., Hammock, G., & Janit, A. (2008, March). Environmental factors that influence the perception of child abuse. Poster presentation at the Southeastern Psychological Association. Charlotte, NC.
Harris, P.W., Keeton, D., Howard, S., Richardson, D.S., & Widner, S. (2008, March). The effects of mortality salience on perceptions of terrorists. Poster presentation at the Southeastern Psychological Association. Charlotte, NC.
Harris, P.W., Maack, D.J., & Pepper, C.M. (2005, November). Rumination, brooding and reflecting: Mediators between passive perfectionism and depressive symptoms. Poster presentation at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies National Convention. Washington, D.C.