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Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

2021 Wyoming Workforce Annual Report

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Third Quarter 2021 (2021Q3)

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2021Q3 News Release

Total Counties

Table 29: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wage by Industry (NAICS) for Total Counties - Third Quarter 2021a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change   Change
NAICSb Code Ownership and Industry 2021Q3 2020Q3 N % 2021Q3 2020Q3 $ % 2021Q3 2020Q3 $ %
Ownership - Total 271,371 262,404 8,967 3.4 $3,513,737,057 $3,201,304,964 $312,432,093 9.8 $996 $938 $58 6.1
Ownership - Private 209,428 200,435 8,993 4.5 $2,664,500,494 $2,392,505,811 $271,994,683 11.4 $979 $918 $60 6.6
11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting  2,957 3,017 -60 -2.0 $28,105,263 $25,246,660 $2,858,603 11.3 $731 $644 $87 13.6
111  Crop Production  624 669 -44 -6.6 $5,053,447 $5,192,080 -$138,633 -2.7 $623 $597 $25 4.2
1111  Oilseed & Grain Farming  152 164 -12 -7.3 $1,323,386 $1,402,452 -$79,066 -5.6 $671 $659 $12 1.8
1112  Vegetable & Melon Farming  8 13 -6 -42.5 $53,229 $59,578 -$6,349 -10.7 $534 $344 $190 55.3
1114  Greenhouse & Nursery Production  159 177 -18 -10.4 $1,108,110 $1,220,779 -$112,669 -9.2 $537 $531 $7 1.3
1119  Other Crop Farming  306 315 -8 -2.7 $2,568,722 $2,509,271 $59,451 2.4 $645 $613 $32 5.2
112  Animal Production & Aquaculture  2,071 2,073 -2 -0.1 $19,888,566 $17,495,791 $2,392,775 13.7 $739 $649 $90 13.8
1121  Cattle Ranching & Farming  1,664 1,683 -19 -1.1 $16,029,393 $14,108,736 $1,920,657 13.6 $741 $645 $96 14.9
1122  Hog & Pig Farming  137 138 -1 -0.7 $1,594,378 $1,392,791 $201,587 14.5 $895 $776 $119 15.3
1129  Other Animal Production  182 166 17 10.1 $1,432,968 $1,291,874 $141,094 10.9 $605 $600 $5 0.8
115  Agriculture & Forestry Support Activities  198 201 -4 -1.8 $2,426,720 $1,821,710 $605,010 33.2 $944 $696 $248 35.7
1151  Support Activities For Crop Production  115 116 0 -0.3 $1,808,540 $1,218,281 $590,259 48.5 $1,206 $810 $396 48.9
21 Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction  14,907 14,670 237 1.6 $339,663,436 $310,884,198 $28,779,238 9.3 $1,753 $1,630 $123 7.5
211  Oil & Gas Extraction  2,221 2,711 -489 -18.1 $65,337,608 $69,223,852 -$3,886,244 -5.6 $2,263 $1,964 $298 15.2
2111  Oil & Gas Extraction  2,221 2,711 -489 -18.1 $65,337,608 $69,223,852 -$3,886,244 -5.6 $2,263 $1,964 $298 15.2
212  Mining, Except Oil & Gas  7,115 7,299 -184 -2.5 $167,472,738 $164,104,743 $3,367,995 2.1 $1,811 $1,729 $81 4.7
2121  Coal Mining  4,334 4,583 -249 -5.4 $99,741,118 $104,110,531 -$4,369,413 -4.2 $1,770 $1,747 $23 1.3
2122  Metal Ore Mining  95 98 -2 -2.4 $2,651,546 $2,122,174 $529,372 24.9 $2,140 $1,671 $468 28.0
2123  Nonmetallic Mineral Mining & Quarrying  2,686 2,618 68 2.6 $65,080,074 $57,872,038 $7,208,036 12.5 $1,864 $1,700 $164 9.6
213  Support Activities For Mining  5,571 4,661 910 19.5 $106,853,090 $77,555,603 $29,297,487 37.8 $1,475 $1,280 $195 15.3
2131  Support Activities For Mining  5,571 4,661 910 19.5 $106,853,090 $77,555,603 $29,297,487 37.8 $1,475 $1,280 $195 15.3
22 Utilities  2,320 2,432 -111 -4.6 $56,079,641 $57,156,465 -$1,076,824 -1.9 $1,859 $1,808 $51 2.8
221  Utilities  2,320 2,432 -111 -4.6 $56,079,641 $57,156,465 -$1,076,824 -1.9 $1,859 $1,808 $51 2.8
2211  Power Generation & Supply  1,878 1,982 -104 -5.2 $47,785,319 $48,712,750 -$927,431 -1.9 $1,958 $1,891 $67 3.5
2212  Natural Gas Distribution  336 348 -12 -3.5 $7,357,939 $7,538,959 -$181,020 -2.4 $1,686 $1,666 $20 1.2
2213  Water, Sewage & Other Systems  107 102 5 4.9 $936,383 $904,756 $31,627 3.5 $673 $682 -$9 -1.3
23 Construction  22,616 22,153 463 2.1 $334,120,772 $317,321,210 $16,799,562 5.3 $1,136 $1,102 $35 3.1
236  Construction of Buildings  4,330 4,149 181 4.4 $57,113,041 $51,535,648 $5,577,393 10.8 $1,015 $955 $59 6.2
2361  Residential Building Construction  3,160 2,922 239 8.2 $37,580,312 $32,981,547 $4,598,765 13.9 $915 $868 $46 5.3
2362  Nonresidential Building Construction  1,170 1,227 -58 -4.7 $19,532,729 $18,554,101 $978,628 5.3 $1,285 $1,163 $122 10.5
237  Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction  6,142 6,433 -291 -4.5 $112,410,322 $115,534,667 -$3,124,345 -2.7 $1,408 $1,382 $26 1.9
2371  Utility System Construction  3,851 4,088 -237 -5.8 $74,596,971 $77,917,410 -$3,320,439 -4.3 $1,490 $1,466 $24 1.6
2372  Land Subdivision  86 75 12 15.6 $713,932 $489,935 $223,997 45.7 $636 $505 $131 26.0
2373  Highway, Street, & Bridge Construction  1,865 1,973 -108 -5.5 $31,230,246 $31,949,425 -$719,179 -2.3 $1,288 $1,246 $43 3.4
2379  Other Heavy Construction  340 297 43 14.5 $5,869,173 $5,177,897 $691,276 13.4 $1,327 $1,340 -$13 -1.0
238  Specialty Trade Contractors  12,144 11,571 573 5.0 $164,597,409 $150,250,895 $14,346,514 9.5 $1,043 $999 $44 4.4
2381  Building Foundation & Exterior Contractors  2,724 2,655 69 2.6 $33,274,099 $31,836,596 $1,437,503 4.5 $940 $923 $17 1.9
2382  Building Equipment Contractors  5,094 4,755 339 7.1 $72,873,512 $66,912,080 $5,961,432 8.9 $1,100 $1,083 $18 1.7
2383  Building Finishing Contractors  1,462 1,444 18 1.3 $15,718,383 $14,806,686 $911,697 6.2 $827 $789 $38 4.8
2389  Other Specialty Trade Contractors  2,864 2,718 146 5.4 $42,731,415 $36,695,533 $6,035,882 16.4 $1,148 $1,039 $109 10.5
31 Manufacturing  9,940 9,471 469 5.0 $166,292,041 $161,330,995 $4,961,046 3.1 $1,287 $1,310 -$23 -1.8
311  Food Manufacturing  814 651 163 25.0 $7,126,947 $5,927,625 $1,199,322 20.2 $673 $700 -$27 -3.8
3111  Animal Food Manufacturing  20 21 -1 -4.7 $201,216 $190,650 $10,566 5.5 $761 $688 $74 10.7
3112  Grain & Oilseed Milling  24 26 -2 -6.4 $154,203 $251,095 -$96,892 -38.6 $488 $743 -$255 -34.4
3113  Sugar & Confectionery Product Manufacturing  276 229 47 20.4 $3,283,359 $2,804,659 $478,700 17.1 $916 $942 -$26 -2.8
3116  Animal Slaughtering & Processing  290 214 76 35.3 $2,002,669 $1,519,988 $482,681 31.8 $531 $546 -$14 -2.6
3118  Bakeries & Tortilla Manufacturing  126 88 38 42.8 $901,293 $643,394 $257,899 40.1 $552 $562 -$11 -1.9
3119  Other Food Manufacturing  61 54 7 12.4 $467,470 $403,797 $63,673 15.8 $593 $575 $17 3.0
312  Beverage & Tobacco Product Manufacturing  561 501 60 12.0 $5,408,894 $4,624,075 $784,819 17.0 $742 $710 $31 4.4
3121  Beverage Manufacturing  561 501 60 12.0 $5,408,894 $4,624,075 $784,819 17.0 $742 $710 $31 4.4
314  Textile Product Mills  186 167 20 11.8 $1,810,222 $1,669,328 $140,894 8.4 $747 $770 -$23 -3.0
3141  Textile Furnishings Mills  6 6 1 11.6 $42,949 $34,791 $8,158 23.4 $522 $472 $50 10.6
3149  Other Textile Product Mills  180 161 19 11.8 $1,767,273 $1,634,537 $132,736 8.1 $755 $781 -$26 -3.3
316  Leather & Allied Product Manufacturing  35 29 6 20.7 $247,005 $220,331 $26,674 12.1 $543 $584 -$42 -7.1
3169  Other Leather Product Manufacturing  25 17 8 49.0 $167,990 $96,190 $71,800 74.6 $510 $435 $75 17.2
321  Wood Product Manufacturing  502 488 14 2.9 $7,004,863 $6,183,195 $821,668 13.3 $1,074 $975 $99 10.1
3211  Sawmills & Wood Preservation  322 319 3 0.8 $4,860,148 $4,616,243 $243,905 5.3 $1,161 $1,112 $49 4.4
3212  Plywood & Engineered Wood Product Mfg.  123 112 11 10.1 $1,551,762 $1,118,060 $433,702 38.8 $968 $768 $200 26.0
3219  Other Wood Product Manufacturing  56 56 0 0.0 $592,953 $448,892 $144,061 32.1 $810 $613 $197 32.1
323  Printing & Related Support Activities  208 199 9 4.5 $1,800,624 $1,573,250 $227,374 14.5 $666 $608 $58 9.5
3231  Printing & Related Support Activities  208 199 9 4.5 $1,800,624 $1,573,250 $227,374 14.5 $666 $608 $58 9.5
324  Petroleum & Coal Products Manufacturing  1,135 1,298 -162 -12.5 $32,759,869 $36,002,415 -$3,242,546 -9.0 $2,220 $2,134 $85 4.0
3241  Petroleum & Coal Products Manufacturing  1,135 1,298 -162 -12.5 $32,759,869 $36,002,415 -$3,242,546 -9.0 $2,220 $2,134 $85 4.0
325  Chemical Manufacturing  1,593 1,587 5 0.3 $39,906,232 $42,552,455 -$2,646,223 -6.2 $1,927 $2,062 -$135 -6.5
3251  Basic Chemical Manufacturing  845 871 -27 -3.1 $22,083,629 $25,616,463 -$3,532,834 -13.8 $2,011 $2,261 -$250 -11.1
3253  Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing  444 442 2 0.5 $12,692,693 $12,727,571 -$34,878 -0.3 $2,199 $2,215 -$16 -0.7
3259  Other Chemical Product & Preparation Mfg.  207 183 25 13.5 $4,092,162 $3,225,060 $867,102 26.9 $1,518 $1,358 $160 11.8
326  Plastics & Rubber Products Manufacturing  353 293 59 20.2 $4,281,171 $3,289,201 $991,970 30.2 $934 $863 $71 8.3
327  Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing  929 923 7 0.7 $15,045,584 $14,915,046 $130,538 0.9 $1,245 $1,243 $2 0.2
3273  Cement & Concrete Product Manufacturing  791 760 30 4.0 $12,459,447 $12,007,720 $451,727 3.8 $1,212 $1,215 -$3 -0.2
331  Primary Metal Manufacturing  117 105 12 11.7 $2,130,799 $1,716,495 $414,304 24.1 $1,397 $1,258 $139 11.1
332  Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing  1,617 1,563 54 3.5 $23,326,804 $21,828,144 $1,498,660 6.9 $1,109 $1,074 $35 3.3
3323  Architectural & Structural Metals Mfg.  275 264 11 4.3 $3,802,921 $3,589,949 $212,972 5.9 $1,062 $1,046 $16 1.6
3324  Boiler, Tank, & Shipping Container Mfg.  268 263 5 2.0 $4,458,695 $4,291,535 $167,160 3.9 $1,280 $1,257 $23 1.8
3326  Spring & Wire Product Manufacturing  16 9 7 81.4 $165,990 $119,700 $46,290 38.7 $782 $1,023 -$241 -23.6
3327  Machine Shops & Threaded Product Mfg.  472 474 -2 -0.4 $7,850,033 $6,852,340 $997,693 14.6 $1,278 $1,111 $167 15.0
3328  Coating, Engraving, & Heat Treating Metals  27 28 -1 -2.4 $257,109 $300,464 -$43,355 -14.4 $733 $835 -$103 -12.3
3329  Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing  351 399 -47 -11.9 $4,132,722 $4,417,154 -$284,432 -6.4 $905 $852 $53 6.2
333  Machinery Manufacturing  630 593 37 6.2 $9,414,785 $8,327,997 $1,086,788 13.0 $1,150 $1,080 $70 6.5
3331  Ag., Construction, & Mining Machinery Mfg.  280 272 8 2.9 $4,843,980 $4,143,010 $700,970 16.9 $1,332 $1,173 $159 13.6
3333  Commercial & Service Industry Machinery  253 222 31 14.0 $3,201,587 $2,772,995 $428,592 15.5 $973 $961 $13 1.3
3339  Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing  65 60 5 8.4 $1,050,437 $939,926 $110,511 11.8 $1,249 $1,212 $38 3.1
334  Computer & Electronic Product Manufacturing  307 198 109 55.2 $4,250,781 $2,989,611 $1,261,170 42.2 $1,064 $1,161 -$98 -8.4
3345  Electronic Instrument Manufacturing  252 176 76 43.1 $3,788,269 $2,793,735 $994,534 35.6 $1,155 $1,219 -$64 -5.2
335  Electrical Equipment & Appliance Mfg.  347 326 21 6.3 $5,194,785 $4,435,109 $759,676 17.1 $1,153 $1,047 $106 10.1
3351  Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing  3 4 -1 -23.1 $16,934 $28,905 -$11,971 -41.4 $391 $514 -$122 -23.8
3353  Electrical Equipment Manufacturing  225 229 -3 -1.5 $3,916,070 $3,548,868 $367,202 10.3 $1,337 $1,194 $143 12.0
3359  Other Electrical Equipment & Component Mfg.  118 93 25 26.9 $1,261,781 $857,336 $404,445 47.2 $823 $709 $113 16.0
336  Transportation Equipment Manufacturing  233 228 5 2.0 $3,413,173 $2,445,123 $968,050 39.6 $1,128 $825 $303 36.8
3363  Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing  35 32 3 9.5 $341,362 $279,679 $61,683 22.1 $757 $679 $78 11.5
337  Furniture & Related Product Manufacturing  187 176 11 6.3 $1,510,561 $1,354,121 $156,440 11.6 $621 $592 $30 5.0
3371  Household & Institutional Furniture Mfg.  185 173 12 6.7 $1,493,895 $1,334,437 $159,458 11.9 $621 $592 $29 4.9
339  Miscellaneous Manufacturing  160 126 34 27.1 $1,525,980 $1,182,372 $343,608 29.1 $735 $724 $11 1.6
3391  Medical Equipment & Supplies Manufacturing  15 15 0 2.2 $172,437 $171,176 $1,261 0.7 $865 $878 -$13 -1.4
3399  Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing  144 111 34 30.4 $1,353,543 $1,011,196 $342,347 33.9 $721 $703 $19 2.6
42 Wholesale Trade  7,325 7,354 -29 -0.4 $120,789,454 $111,285,428 $9,504,026 8.5 $1,268 $1,164 $104 9.0
423  Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods  4,500 4,576 -76 -1.7 $78,493,967 $72,247,765 $6,246,202 8.6 $1,342 $1,215 $127 10.5
4231  Motor Vehicle & Parts Merchant Wholesalers  539 541 -2 -0.3 $8,038,819 $7,458,455 $580,364 7.8 $1,147 $1,060 $86 8.1
4232  Furniture & Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers  33 27 6 23.7 $483,109 $363,478 $119,631 32.9 $1,126 $1,048 $78 7.4
4233  Lumber & Const. Supply Merchant Wholesalers  167 180 -13 -7.2 $2,363,252 $2,341,212 $22,040 0.9 $1,091 $1,002 $88 8.8
4234  Commercial Equip. Merchant Wholesalers  231 188 43 23.1 $5,609,015 $3,510,184 $2,098,831 59.8 $1,868 $1,439 $429 29.8
4235  Metal & Mineral Merchant Wholesalers  95 85 9 10.9 $1,473,129 $1,178,199 $294,930 25.0 $1,197 $1,062 $135 12.7
4236  Appliance & Electric Goods Merchant Whls.  310 318 -8 -2.5 $5,479,212 $5,782,654 -$303,442 -5.2 $1,361 $1,400 -$39 -2.8
4237  Hardware & Plumbing Merchant Wholesalers  208 206 2 1.0 $3,050,483 $2,836,748 $213,735 7.5 $1,126 $1,058 $69 6.5
4238  Machinery & Supply Merchant Wholesalers  2,551 2,692 -141 -5.2 $47,616,444 $44,970,555 $2,645,889 5.9 $1,436 $1,285 $151 11.7
4239  Misc. Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  366 339 27 8.0 $4,380,504 $3,806,280 $574,224 15.1 $921 $864 $57 6.6
424  Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods  2,727 2,672 55 2.0 $40,232,434 $36,882,974 $3,349,460 9.1 $1,135 $1,062 $73 6.9
4241  Paper & Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers  64 63 1 1.6 $277,877 $296,409 -$18,532 -6.3 $334 $362 -$28 -7.7
4242  Druggists' Goods Merchant Wholesalers  100 94 6 6.0 $2,565,794 $2,106,308 $459,486 21.8 $1,980 $1,724 $257 14.9
4243  Apparel & Piece Goods Merchant Wholesalers  15 15 0 0.0 $408,906 $297,955 $110,951 37.2 $2,097 $1,528 $569 37.2
4244  Grocery & Related Product Wholesalers  828 834 -6 -0.8 $11,326,077 $10,247,034 $1,079,043 10.5 $1,052 $945 $107 11.4
4245  Farm Product Raw Material Merch. Whls.  170 190 -20 -10.7 $1,804,041 $1,695,866 $108,175 6.4 $816 $685 $131 19.1
4246  Chemical Merchant Wholesalers  400 412 -12 -2.9 $8,322,928 $7,955,727 $367,201 4.6 $1,602 $1,487 $115 7.8
4247  Petroleum Merchant Wholesalers  512 463 50 10.7 $7,902,055 $7,091,436 $810,619 11.4 $1,186 $1,179 $7 0.6
4248  Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers  308 306 2 0.7 $3,746,532 $3,816,888 -$70,356 -1.8 $935 $958 -$24 -2.5
4249  Misc. Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  330 295 35 11.9 $3,878,224 $3,375,351 $502,873 14.9 $905 $881 $24 2.7
425  Electronic Markets & Agents & Brokers  99 106 -8 -7.2 $2,063,053 $2,154,689 -$91,636 -4.3 $1,608 $1,559 $50 3.2
4251  Electronic Markets & Agents & Brokers  99 106 -8 -7.2 $2,063,053 $2,154,689 -$91,636 -4.3 $1,608 $1,559 $50 3.2
44 Retail Trade  30,054 29,554 500 1.7 $257,901,553 $229,096,101 $28,805,452 12.6 $660 $596 $64 10.7
441  Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers  4,275 4,261 14 0.3 $60,229,731 $53,471,505 $6,758,226 12.6 $1,084 $965 $118 12.3
4411  Automobile Dealers  2,268 2,303 -35 -1.5 $38,294,540 $33,813,595 $4,480,945 13.3 $1,299 $1,129 $170 15.0
4412  Other Motor Vehicle Dealers  523 488 35 7.1 $6,802,992 $5,768,712 $1,034,280 17.9 $1,001 $909 $92 10.1
4413  Auto Parts, Accessories, & Tire Stores  1,484 1,469 15 1.0 $15,132,199 $13,889,198 $1,243,001 8.9 $784 $727 $57 7.8
442  Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores  688 647 41 6.4 $7,128,446 $6,121,401 $1,007,045 16.5 $797 $728 $69 9.5
4421  Furniture Stores  257 239 17 7.2 $3,016,807 $2,459,205 $557,602 22.7 $904 $790 $114 14.4
4422  Home Furnishings Stores  431 407 24 5.9 $4,111,639 $3,662,196 $449,443 12.3 $733 $692 $42 6.0
443  Electronics & Appliance Stores  649 653 -4 -0.6 $6,680,266 $6,510,502 $169,764 2.6 $792 $767 $25 3.2
4431  Electronics & Appliance Stores  649 653 -4 -0.6 $6,680,266 $6,510,502 $169,764 2.6 $792 $767 $25 3.2
444  Building Material & Garden Supply Stores  3,836 3,766 70 1.9 $32,477,653 $30,287,583 $2,190,070 7.2 $651 $619 $33 5.3
4441  Building Material & Supplies Dealers  2,844 2,926 -82 -2.8 $26,921,245 $25,735,512 $1,185,733 4.6 $728 $677 $52 7.6
4442  Lawn & Garden Equipment & Supplies Stores  992 840 152 18.1 $5,556,408 $4,552,071 $1,004,337 22.1 $431 $417 $14 3.4
445  Food & Beverage Stores  4,926 4,959 -33 -0.7 $37,532,243 $34,196,171 $3,336,072 9.8 $586 $530 $56 10.5
4451  Grocery Stores  4,086 4,182 -96 -2.3 $32,853,542 $30,122,071 $2,731,471 9.1 $618 $554 $64 11.6
4452  Specialty Food Stores  320 283 38 13.3 $1,616,104 $1,299,294 $316,810 24.4 $388 $354 $35 9.8
4453  Beer, Wine, & Liquor Stores  519 494 25 5.1 $3,062,597 $2,774,806 $287,791 10.4 $454 $432 $22 5.1
446  Health & Personal Care Stores  919 893 26 2.9 $8,872,550 $8,278,563 $593,987 7.2 $743 $713 $30 4.1
4461  Health & Personal Care Stores  919 893 26 2.9 $8,872,550 $8,278,563 $593,987 7.2 $743 $713 $30 4.1
447  Gasoline Stations  4,097 3,955 142 3.6 $28,698,861 $24,680,544 $4,018,317 16.3 $539 $480 $59 12.3
4471  Gasoline Stations  4,097 3,955 142 3.6 $28,698,861 $24,680,544 $4,018,317 16.3 $539 $480 $59 12.3
448  Clothing & Clothing Accessories Stores  1,350 1,181 170 14.4 $8,695,993 $7,425,129 $1,270,864 17.1 $495 $484 $12 2.4
4481  Clothing Stores  1,049 894 155 17.3 $6,373,010 $5,301,608 $1,071,402 20.2 $467 $456 $11 2.5
4482  Shoe Stores  153 154 -1 -0.6 $743,004 $690,469 $52,535 7.6 $374 $345 $29 8.3
4483  Jewelry, Luggage, & Leather Goods Stores  149 133 16 12.1 $1,579,979 $1,433,052 $146,927 10.3 $817 $831 -$13 -1.6
451  Sports, Hobby, Music Instrument, Book Stores  1,531 1,422 110 7.7 $8,412,452 $7,619,453 $792,999 10.4 $423 $412 $10 2.5
4511  Sporting Goods & Musical Instrument Stores  1,378 1,281 97 7.6 $7,571,896 $6,887,447 $684,449 9.9 $423 $414 $9 2.2
4512  Book Stores & News Dealers  154 141 13 9.0 $840,556 $732,006 $108,550 14.8 $421 $399 $21 5.4
452  General Merchandise Stores  5,603 5,780 -177 -3.1 $40,926,440 $34,384,088 $6,542,352 19.0 $562 $458 $104 22.8
4522  Department Stores  686 636 50 7.8 $3,384,121 $3,203,428 $180,693 5.6 $379 $387 -$8 -2.0
4523  General Merchandise Stores, Including Warehouse Clubs & Supercenters  4,917 5,143 -226 -4.4 $37,542,319 $31,180,660 $6,361,659 20.4 $587 $466 $121 25.9
453  Miscellaneous Store Retailers  1,571 1,442 129 8.9 $11,572,286 $9,672,201 $1,900,085 19.6 $567 $516 $51 9.8
4531  Florists  138 138 0 -0.2 $754,914 $706,272 $48,642 6.9 $421 $393 $28 7.1
4532  Office Supplies, Stationery, & Gift Stores  480 430 49 11.5 $3,429,135 $2,850,356 $578,779 20.3 $550 $510 $40 7.9
4533  Used Merchandise Stores  302 276 27 9.7 $1,352,487 $1,209,659 $142,828 11.8 $344 $338 $7 1.9
4539  Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers  651 598 53 8.9 $6,035,750 $4,905,914 $1,129,836 23.0 $713 $631 $82 13.0
454  Nonstore Retailers  609 597 12 2.0 $6,674,632 $6,448,961 $225,671 3.5 $843 $830 $12 1.5
4541  Electronic Shopping & Mail-Order Houses  263 236 27 11.4 $2,321,248 $2,088,500 $232,748 11.1 $678 $680 -$2 -0.3
4542  Vending Machine Operators  38 35 3 7.6 $356,320 $321,332 $34,988 10.9 $721 $700 $22 3.1
4543  Direct Selling Establishments  308 326 -18 -5.4 $3,997,064 $4,039,129 -$42,065 -1.0 $998 $954 $44 4.6
48 Transportation & Warehousing  10,062 9,516 546 5.7 $146,759,550 $129,935,523 $16,824,027 12.9 $1,122 $1,050 $72 6.8
481  Air Transportation  369 305 65 21.2 $5,487,026 $5,307,936 $179,090 3.4 $1,143 $1,340 -$197 -14.7
4811  Scheduled Air Transportation  176 123 53 43.2 $912,379 $602,197 $310,182 51.5 $400 $378 $22 5.8
4812  Nonscheduled Air Transportation  194 182 12 6.4 $4,574,647 $4,705,739 -$131,092 -2.8 $1,817 $1,989 -$172 -8.6
484  Truck Transportation  3,516 3,491 25 0.7 $53,947,716 $47,868,573 $6,079,143 12.7 $1,180 $1,055 $125 11.9
4841  General Freight Trucking  1,214 1,205 9 0.8 $19,415,845 $17,307,689 $2,108,156 12.2 $1,230 $1,105 $125 11.3
4842  Specialized Freight Trucking  2,302 2,286 16 0.7 $34,531,871 $30,560,884 $3,970,987 13.0 $1,154 $1,029 $126 12.2
485  Transit & Ground Passenger Transportation  379 370 10 2.6 $2,896,247 $2,337,104 $559,143 23.9 $587 $486 $101 20.8
4853  Taxi & Limousine Service  53 29 24 81.8 $501,632 $137,548 $364,084 264.7 $724 $361 $363 100.6
4859  Other Ground Passenger Transportation  239 261 -21 -8.2 $1,517,507 $1,509,587 $7,920 0.5 $488 $445 $42 9.5
486  Pipeline Transportation  842 758 84 11.1 $20,495,729 $19,138,615 $1,357,114 7.1 $1,872 $1,941 -$70 -3.6
4862  Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas  548 556 -8 -1.4 $13,751,156 $13,409,191 $341,965 2.6 $1,931 $1,856 $75 4.0
487  Scenic & Sightseeing Transportation  64 57 7 11.7 $533,713 $422,721 $110,992 26.3 $645 $570 $74 13.0
488  Support Activities For Transportation  1,481 1,436 45 3.1 $23,050,356 $20,245,647 $2,804,709 13.9 $1,198 $1,085 $113 10.4
4881  Support Activities For Air Transportation  353 298 55 18.6 $4,741,937 $3,998,260 $743,677 18.6 $1,033 $1,033 $0 0.0
4882  Support Activities For Rail Transportation  567 569 -2 -0.3 $9,633,616 $8,461,064 $1,172,552 13.9 $1,306 $1,144 $162 14.2
4884  Support Activities For Road Transportation  452 481 -29 -6.0 $7,043,223 $6,633,894 $409,329 6.2 $1,199 $1,061 $138 13.0
4885  Freight Transportation Arrangement  58 49 9 17.7 $1,090,567 $720,239 $370,328 51.4 $1,455 $1,131 $324 28.7
4911  Postal Service  54 47 7 14.1 $408,987 $376,994 $31,993 8.5 $583 $613 -$30 -4.9
492  Couriers & Messengers  1,261 1,161 100 8.6 $15,482,102 $12,952,703 $2,529,399 19.5 $944 $858 $86 10.0
4921  Couriers & Express Delivery Services  1,134 1,044 90 8.6 $13,830,549 $11,935,946 $1,894,603 15.9 $938 $879 $59 6.7
4922  Local Messengers & Local Delivery  127 117 10 8.6 $1,651,553 $1,016,757 $634,796 62.4 $1,003 $670 $333 49.6
493  Warehousing & Storage  2,047 1,853 194 10.4 $23,925,540 $20,897,867 $3,027,673 14.5 $899 $867 $32 3.7
4931  Warehousing & Storage  2,047 1,853 194 10.4 $23,925,540 $20,897,867 $3,027,673 14.5 $899 $867 $32 3.7
51 Information  2,984 2,948 36 1.2 $44,549,781 $40,886,447 $3,663,334 9.0 $1,148 $1,067 $82 7.7
511  Publishing Industries, Except Internet  618 628 -10 -1.5 $7,253,970 $6,237,664 $1,016,306 16.3 $902 $764 $138 18.1
5111  Newspaper, Book, & Directory Publishers  554 583 -29 -5.0 $4,992,712 $5,153,581 -$160,869 -3.1 $693 $680 $14 2.0
5112  Software Publishers  64 45 20 44.0 $2,261,258 $1,084,083 $1,177,175 108.6 $2,704 $1,867 $837 44.8
512  Motion Picture & Sound Recording Industries  367 312 54 17.4 $2,045,152 $1,786,975 $258,177 14.4 $429 $440 -$11 -2.5
515  Broadcasting, Except Internet  296 319 -23 -7.1 $2,977,351 $2,887,395 $89,956 3.1 $773 $696 $77 11.0
5151  Radio & Television Broadcasting  296 319 -23 -7.1 $2,977,351 $2,887,395 $89,956 3.1 $773 $696 $77 11.0
517  Telecommunications  1,457 1,477 -19 -1.3 $26,560,433 $26,548,886 $11,547 0.0 $1,402 $1,383 $19 1.4
5173  Wired & Wireless Telecommunications Carriers  1,451 1,470 -19 -1.3 $26,393,882 $26,392,850 $1,032 0.0 $1,399 $1,381 $18 1.3
518  Data Processing, Hosting & Related Services  161 147 13 9.1 $3,908,809 $2,398,530 $1,510,279 63.0 $1,871 $1,252 $619 49.4
5182  Data Processing, Hosting & Related Services  161 147 13 9.1 $3,908,809 $2,398,530 $1,510,279 63.0 $1,871 $1,252 $619 49.4
519  Other Information Services  85 65 20 30.3 $1,804,066 $1,026,997 $777,069 75.7 $1,639 $1,215 $424 34.9
5191  Other Information Services  85 65 20 30.3 $1,804,066 $1,026,997 $777,069 75.7 $1,639 $1,215 $424 34.9
52 Finance & Insurance  7,212 6,956 256 3.7 $138,667,005 $114,615,873 $24,051,132 21.0 $1,479 $1,267 $212 16.7
522  Credit Intermediation & Related Activities  4,277 4,103 174 4.2 $77,082,830 $68,215,692 $8,867,138 13.0 $1,386 $1,279 $107 8.4
5221  Depository Credit Intermediation  3,689 3,621 67 1.9 $62,795,401 $56,207,619 $6,587,782 11.7 $1,310 $1,194 $116 9.7
5222  Nondepository Credit Intermediation  443 372 70 18.9 $9,244,832 $8,471,167 $773,665 9.1 $1,606 $1,750 -$144 -8.2
5223  Activities Related To Credit Intermediation  146 110 36 33.1 $5,042,597 $3,536,906 $1,505,691 42.6 $2,657 $2,481 $176 7.1
523  Securities, Commodity Contracts, Investments  631 611 20 3.3 $25,897,630 $15,633,109 $10,264,521 65.7 $3,157 $1,968 $1,189 60.4
5231  Securities & Commodity Contracts Brokerage  284 278 6 2.2 $12,130,630 $8,546,771 $3,583,859 41.9 $3,289 $2,368 $922 38.9
5239  Other Financial Investment Activities  347 333 14 4.2 $13,767,000 $7,086,338 $6,680,662 94.3 $3,049 $1,635 $1,414 86.4
524  Insurance Carriers & Related Activities  2,246 2,206 40 1.8 $32,645,825 $29,368,901 $3,276,924 11.2 $1,118 $1,024 $94 9.2
5241  Insurance Carriers  752 716 36 5.0 $10,844,960 $10,271,426 $573,534 5.6 $1,109 $1,103 $6 0.6
5242  Insurance Agencies & Brokerages  1,494 1,490 4 0.3 $21,800,865 $19,097,475 $2,703,390 14.2 $1,122 $986 $136 13.8
525  Funds, Trusts, & Other Financial Vehicles  58 36 22 61.7 $3,040,720 $1,398,171 $1,642,549 117.5 $4,056 $3,015 $1,041 34.5
53 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing  4,039 3,893 145 3.7 $52,123,222 $44,668,620 $7,454,602 16.7 $993 $883 $110 12.5
531  Real Estate  2,474 2,406 68 2.8 $29,326,970 $24,680,451 $4,646,519 18.8 $912 $789 $123 15.6
5311  Lessors of Real Estate  916 934 -17 -1.9 $8,108,827 $6,934,633 $1,174,194 16.9 $681 $571 $109 19.1
5312  Offices of Real Estate Agents & Brokers  491 486 5 1.1 $7,563,015 $5,790,379 $1,772,636 30.6 $1,184 $916 $268 29.2
5313  Activities Related To Real Estate  1,066 986 80 8.1 $13,655,128 $11,955,439 $1,699,689 14.2 $985 $932 $53 5.6
532  Rental & Leasing Services  1,528 1,446 82 5.6 $21,749,264 $18,951,543 $2,797,721 14.8 $1,095 $1,008 $87 8.6
5321  Automotive Equipment Rental & Leasing  238 219 19 8.7 $2,902,828 $2,051,130 $851,698 41.5 $938 $720 $218 30.2
5322  Consumer Goods Rental  500 469 31 6.7 $4,803,965 $3,991,541 $812,424 20.4 $739 $655 $84 12.8
5323  General Rental Centers  125 128 -3 -2.3 $1,676,709 $1,398,304 $278,405 19.9 $1,032 $840 $191 22.8
5324  Machinery & Equipment Rental & Leasing  665 630 34 5.4 $12,365,762 $11,510,568 $855,194 7.4 $1,431 $1,405 $26 1.9
533  Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets  37 41 -4 -10.6 $1,046,988 $1,036,626 $10,362 1.0 $2,196 $1,945 $251 12.9
5331  Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets  37 41 -4 -10.6 $1,046,988 $1,036,626 $10,362 1.0 $2,196 $1,945 $251 12.9
54 Professional & Technical Services  9,986 9,309 677 7.3 $191,533,220 $160,949,837 $30,583,383 19.0 $1,475 $1,330 $145 10.9
541  Professional & Technical Services  9,986 9,309 677 7.3 $191,533,220 $160,949,837 $30,583,383 19.0 $1,475 $1,330 $145 10.9
5411  Legal Services  1,412 1,383 29 2.1 $22,449,253 $22,327,164 $122,089 0.5 $1,223 $1,242 -$19 -1.5
5412  Accounting & Bookkeeping Services  1,252 1,168 83 7.1 $16,876,945 $15,685,237 $1,191,708 7.6 $1,037 $1,033 $4 0.4
5413  Architectural & Engineering Services  2,275 2,196 80 3.6 $39,233,964 $39,086,278 $147,686 0.4 $1,326 $1,369 -$43 -3.1
5414  Specialized Design Services  134 110 25 22.5 $2,216,075 $1,798,799 $417,276 23.2 $1,269 $1,262 $7 0.6
5415  Computer Systems Design & Related Services  1,162 894 268 30.0 $45,251,165 $28,819,915 $16,431,250 57.0 $2,995 $2,479 $516 20.8
5416  Management & Technical Consulting Services  1,686 1,644 42 2.6 $37,794,115 $30,629,465 $7,164,650 23.4 $1,724 $1,433 $291 20.3
5417  Scientific Research & Development Services  330 290 40 13.8 $6,526,530 $3,754,580 $2,771,950 73.8 $1,523 $997 $526 52.7
5418  Advertising, Pr, & Related Services  310 262 48 18.5 $4,112,766 $3,166,144 $946,622 29.9 $1,021 $931 $90 9.6
5419  Other Professional & Technical Services  1,424 1,362 62 4.5 $17,072,407 $15,682,255 $1,390,152 8.9 $922 $885 $37 4.1
55 Management of Companies & Enterprises  876 738 139 18.8 $22,392,358 $20,112,289 $2,280,069 11.3 $1,966 $2,097 -$132 -6.3
551  Management of Companies & Enterprises  876 738 139 18.8 $22,392,358 $20,112,289 $2,280,069 11.3 $1,966 $2,097 -$132 -6.3
5511  Management of Companies & Enterprises  876 738 139 18.8 $22,392,358 $20,112,289 $2,280,069 11.3 $1,966 $2,097 -$132 -6.3
56 Administrative & Waste Services  9,389 8,660 729 8.4 $97,645,226 $80,083,551 $17,561,675 21.9 $800 $711 $89 12.5
561  Administrative & Support Services  8,659 7,915 744 9.4 $88,236,480 $71,105,444 $17,131,036 24.1 $784 $691 $93 13.4
5611  Office Administrative Services  395 358 37 10.2 $11,243,843 $6,859,740 $4,384,103 63.9 $2,191 $1,474 $718 48.7
5612  Facilities Support Services  70 232 -162 -69.9 $743,723 $1,985,755 -$1,242,032 -62.5 $817 $657 $160 24.3
5613  Employment Services  2,537 1,977 560 28.3 $26,303,857 $17,274,724 $9,029,133 52.3 $798 $672 $125 18.7
5614  Business Support Services  504 410 94 22.8 $5,290,801 $5,037,141 $253,660 5.0 $808 $945 -$137 -14.5
5615  Travel Arrangement & Reservation Services  121 97 24 25.1 $1,569,309 $1,076,991 $492,318 45.7 $995 $854 $141 16.5
5616  Investigation & Security Services  673 625 49 7.8 $7,062,869 $5,874,532 $1,188,337 20.2 $807 $723 $83 11.5
5617  Services To Buildings & Dwellings  3,758 3,620 138 3.8 $30,161,776 $27,364,050 $2,797,726 10.2 $617 $581 $36 6.2
5619  Other Support Services  601 596 5 0.9 $5,860,302 $5,632,511 $227,791 4.0 $750 $727 $23 3.1
562  Waste Management & Remediation Services  729 745 -16 -2.1 $9,408,746 $8,978,107 $430,639 4.8 $992 $927 $65 7.0
5621  Waste Collection  364 362 2 0.5 $4,249,271 $4,046,863 $202,408 5.0 $898 $859 $39 4.5
5622  Waste Treatment & Disposal  93 114 -21 -18.5 $1,482,113 $1,648,467 -$166,354 -10.1 $1,230 $1,116 $115 10.3
5629  Remediation & Other Waste Services  273 269 4 1.4 $3,677,362 $3,282,777 $394,585 12.0 $1,037 $939 $99 10.5
61 Educational Services  1,769 1,504 265 17.6 $19,300,062 $16,056,440 $3,243,622 20.2 $839 $821 $18 2.2
611  Educational Services  1,769 1,504 265 17.6 $19,300,062 $16,056,440 $3,243,622 20.2 $839 $821 $18 2.2
6111  Elementary & Secondary Schools  297 277 20 7.1 $3,729,045 $3,337,246 $391,799 11.7 $967 $927 $40 4.3
6113  Colleges & Universities  310 268 43 15.9 $3,295,621 $2,902,568 $393,053 13.5 $817 $834 -$17 -2.1
6115  Technical & Trade Schools  222 157 65 41.7 $2,481,891 $1,852,210 $629,681 34.0 $860 $909 -$49 -5.4
6116  Other Schools & Instruction  716 605 111 18.3 $5,616,973 $4,599,167 $1,017,806 22.1 $603 $584 $19 3.2
6117  Educational Support Services  145 131 14 10.4 $2,114,323 $1,744,656 $369,667 21.2 $1,124 $1,024 $100 9.7
62 Health Care & Social Assistance  25,217 25,331 -114 -0.5 $301,953,609 $292,865,565 $9,088,044 3.1 $921 $889 $32 3.6
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  10,715 10,324 391 3.8 $163,353,811 $155,654,311 $7,699,500 4.9 $1,173 $1,160 $13 1.1
6211  Offices of Physicians  3,120 3,034 86 2.8 $73,116,248 $69,953,238 $3,163,010 4.5 $1,803 $1,773 $29 1.7
6212  Offices of Dentists  1,868 1,800 68 3.8 $21,405,160 $20,880,836 $524,324 2.5 $881 $892 -$11 -1.2
6213  Offices of Other Health Practitioners  2,521 2,402 119 5.0 $26,799,354 $24,609,906 $2,189,448 8.9 $818 $788 $30 3.8
6214  Outpatient Care Centers  1,458 1,475 -18 -1.2 $18,280,333 $17,878,569 $401,764 2.2 $965 $932 $32 3.5
6215  Medical & Diagnostic Laboratories  316 300 16 5.2 $7,228,881 $7,637,786 -$408,905 -5.4 $1,760 $1,956 -$197 -10.0
6216  Home Health Care Services  803 697 106 15.2 $7,738,990 $7,484,283 $254,707 3.4 $741 $826 -$84 -10.2
6219  Other Ambulatory Health Care Services  629 614 14 2.3 $8,784,845 $7,209,693 $1,575,152 21.8 $1,075 $903 $172 19.1
622  Hospitals  3,424 3,403 21 0.6 $57,123,934 $53,868,931 $3,255,003 6.0 $1,283 $1,218 $66 5.4
6221  General Medical & Surgical Hospitals  3,079 3,071 8 0.3 $52,421,221 $49,365,385 $3,055,836 6.2 $1,310 $1,236 $73 5.9
623  Nursing & Residential Care Facilities  3,909 4,374 -464 -10.6 $35,498,244 $38,029,714 -$2,531,470 -6.7 $698 $669 $30 4.4
6231  Nursing Care Facilities, Skilled Nursing  1,865 2,080 -216 -10.4 $18,163,938 $19,415,714 -$1,251,776 -6.4 $749 $718 $31 4.4
6232  Residential Mental Health Facilities  502 546 -43 -7.9 $4,160,297 $4,412,954 -$252,657 -5.7 $637 $622 $15 2.4
6233  Continuing Care, Assisted Living Facilities  859 895 -36 -4.1 $6,718,756 $6,428,234 $290,522 4.5 $602 $552 $49 8.9
6239  Other Residential Care Facilities  684 853 -169 -19.8 $6,455,253 $7,772,812 -$1,317,559 -17.0 $726 $701 $25 3.6
624  Social Assistance  7,169 7,231 -62 -0.9 $45,977,620 $45,312,609 $665,011 1.5 $493 $482 $11 2.3
6241  Individual & Family Services  3,857 3,967 -111 -2.8 $23,311,215 $22,948,045 $363,170 1.6 $465 $445 $20 4.5
6242  Emergency & Other Relief Services  471 460 11 2.5 $4,251,872 $4,168,060 $83,812 2.0 $694 $698 -$3 -0.4
6243  Vocational Rehabilitation Services  642 725 -82 -11.4 $5,147,733 $5,362,520 -$214,787 -4.0 $616 $569 $47 8.3
6244  Child Day Care Services  2,199 2,080 119 5.7 $13,266,800 $12,833,984 $432,816 3.4 $464 $475 -$11 -2.2
71 Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation  4,455 3,961 494 12.5 $30,181,761 $26,035,933 $4,145,828 15.9 $521 $506 $16 3.1
711  Performing Arts & Spectator Sports  625 549 76 13.9 $3,908,645 $3,432,864 $475,781 13.9 $481 $481 $0 0.0
7111  Performing Arts Companies  219 195 24 12.3 $1,121,969 $974,043 $147,926 15.2 $395 $385 $10 2.5
7112  Spectator Sports  84 91 -7 -7.7 $370,891 $370,419 $472 0.1 $338 $312 $26 8.4
7113  Promoters of Performing Arts & Sports  243 171 72 42.2 $1,595,866 $1,174,856 $421,010 35.8 $506 $530 -$24 -4.5
7114  Agents & Managers For Public Figures  6 5 1 20.0 $154,627 $138,495 $16,132 11.6 $1,982 $2,131 -$148 -7.0
7115  Independent Artists, Writers, & Performers  73 87 -14 -15.7 $665,292 $775,051 -$109,759 -14.2 $698 $685 $13 1.8
712  Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, & Parks  442 419 23 5.5 $3,599,625 $3,707,272 -$107,647 -2.9 $626 $681 -$54 -8.0
7121  Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, & Parks  442 419 23 5.5 $3,599,625 $3,707,272 -$107,647 -2.9 $626 $681 -$54 -8.0
713  Amusements, Gambling, & Recreation  3,388 2,994 395 13.2 $22,673,491 $18,895,797 $3,777,694 20.0 $515 $486 $29 6.0
7131  Amusement Parks & Arcades  29 27 2 6.2 $91,629 $74,482 $17,147 23.0 $246 $212 $34 15.9
7132  Gambling Industries  209 169 40 23.9 $1,496,208 $1,207,848 $288,360 23.9 $550 $550 $0 0.0
7139  Other Amusement & Recreation Industries  3,150 2,798 353 12.6 $21,085,654 $17,613,467 $3,472,187 19.7 $515 $484 $31 6.3
72 Accommodation & Food Services  36,140 32,002 4,138 12.9 $239,588,574 $184,753,724 $54,834,850 29.7 $510 $444 $66 14.8
721  Accommodation  13,821 11,129 2,692 24.2 $114,588,660 $82,130,498 $32,458,162 39.5 $638 $568 $70 12.3
7211  Traveler Accommodation  11,598 9,454 2,145 22.7 $95,762,101 $67,965,137 $27,796,964 40.9 $635 $553 $82 14.8
722  Food Services & Drinking Places  22,319 20,873 1,446 6.9 $124,999,914 $102,623,226 $22,376,688 21.8 $431 $378 $53 13.9
7223  Special Food Services  642 427 215 50.2 $3,881,746 $2,203,655 $1,678,091 76.2 $465 $397 $68 17.2
7224  Drinking Places, Alcoholic Beverages  2,105 1,953 152 7.8 $10,727,660 $8,694,749 $2,032,911 23.4 $392 $342 $50 14.5
7225  Restaurants & Other Eating Places  19,572 18,492 1,079 5.8 $110,390,508 $91,724,822 $18,665,686 20.3 $434 $382 $52 13.7
81 Other Services, Except Public Administration  7,042 6,822 220 3.2 $73,754,201 $66,247,136 $7,507,065 11.3 $806 $747 $59 7.8
811  Repair & Maintenance  3,248 3,179 69 2.2 $40,715,077 $37,706,431 $3,008,646 8.0 $964 $912 $52 5.7
8111  Automotive Repair & Maintenance  2,215 2,145 70 3.3 $23,397,451 $21,871,984 $1,525,467 7.0 $813 $784 $28 3.6
8112  Electronic Equipment Repair & Maintenance  86 84 2 2.4 $1,534,668 $1,382,533 $152,135 11.0 $1,378 $1,271 $107 8.4
8113  Commercial Machinery Repair & Maintenance  873 873 0 0.0 $15,145,812 $13,845,725 $1,300,087 9.4 $1,335 $1,220 $115 9.4
8114  Household Goods Repair & Maintenance  75 77 -2 -3.0 $637,146 $606,189 $30,957 5.1 $656 $606 $51 8.4
812  Personal & Laundry Services  1,571 1,546 25 1.6 $11,700,617 $10,245,677 $1,454,940 14.2 $573 $510 $63 12.4
8121  Personal Care Services  551 594 -43 -7.2 $4,138,790 $3,691,377 $447,413 12.1 $578 $478 $100 20.9
8122  Death Care Services  239 203 36 17.9 $1,774,932 $1,422,671 $352,261 24.8 $571 $540 $31 5.8
8123  Drycleaning & Laundry Services  421 412 9 2.2 $3,646,758 $3,235,839 $410,919 12.7 $666 $604 $62 10.3
8129  Other Personal Services  360 338 22 6.6 $2,140,137 $1,895,790 $244,347 12.9 $457 $432 $25 5.9
813  Membership Associations & Organizations  1,912 1,776 135 7.6 $17,935,488 $15,810,066 $2,125,422 13.4 $722 $685 $37 5.4
8131  Religious Organizations  52 42 10 24.0 $373,584 $295,864 $77,720 26.3 $556 $546 $10 1.8
8132  Grantmaking & Giving Services  168 144 24 16.4 $2,481,171 $2,265,943 $215,228 9.5 $1,138 $1,210 -$72 -6.0
8133  Social Advocacy Organizations  467 388 78 20.2 $5,576,606 $4,731,614 $844,992 17.9 $919 $937 -$18 -1.9
8134  Civic & Social Organizations  677 658 19 2.9 $3,067,948 $2,568,355 $499,593 19.5 $349 $300 $48 16.1
8139  Professional & Similar Organizations  549 544 4 0.8 $6,436,179 $5,948,290 $487,889 8.2 $902 $841 $62 7.3
814  Private Households  311 320 -9 -2.8 $3,403,019 $2,484,962 $918,057 36.9 $841 $597 $244 40.9
8141  Private Households  311 320 -9 -2.8 $3,403,019 $2,484,962 $918,057 36.9 $841 $597 $244 40.9
99 Unclassified  138 144 -7 -4.6 $3,099,765 $2,973,816 $125,949 4.2 $1,732 $1,585 $147 9.3
999  Unclassified  138 144 -7 -4.6 $3,099,765 $2,973,816 $125,949 4.2 $1,732 $1,585 $147 9.3
9999  Unclassified  138 144 -7 -4.6 $3,099,765 $2,973,816 $125,949 4.2 $1,732 $1,585 $147 9.3
Ownership - Federal Government 8,157 8,576 -419 -4.9 $146,671,186 $137,461,571 $9,209,615 6.7 $1,383 $1,233 $150 12.2
22 Utilities  12 12 0 0.0 $451,663 $456,414 -$4,751 -1.0 $2,895 $2,926 -$30 -1.0
221  Utilities  12 12 0 0.0 $451,663 $456,414 -$4,751 -1.0 $2,895 $2,926 -$30 -1.0
2211  Power Generation & Supply  12 12 0 0.0 $451,663 $456,414 -$4,751 -1.0 $2,895 $2,926 -$30 -1.0
44 Retail Trade  43 40 2 5.8 $373,233 $350,078 $23,155 6.6 $673 $668 $5 0.8
442  Furniture & Home Furnishings Stores  5 4 1 15.5 $44,212 $29,267 $14,945 51.1 $680 $520 $160 30.8
4422  Home Furnishings Stores  5 4 1 15.5 $44,212 $29,267 $14,945 51.1 $680 $520 $160 30.8
445  Food & Beverage Stores  36 34 2 4.9 $319,938 $313,751 $6,187 2.0 $690 $710 -$20 -2.8
4451  Grocery Stores  36 34 2 4.9 $319,938 $313,751 $6,187 2.0 $690 $710 -$20 -2.8
48 Transportation & Warehousing  1,031 1,007 25 2.4 $13,581,101 $13,282,439 $298,662 2.2 $1,013 $1,015 -$2 -0.2
491  Postal Service  1,031 1,007 25 2.4 $13,581,101 $13,282,439 $298,662 2.2 $1,013 $1,015 -$2 -0.2
4911  Postal Service  1,031 1,007 25 2.4 $13,581,101 $13,282,439 $298,662 2.2 $1,013 $1,015 -$2 -0.2
52 Finance & Insurance  30 30 0 0.0 $548,363 $567,881 -$19,518 -3.4 $1,391 $1,440 -$50 -3.4
522  Credit Intermediation & Related Activities  30 30 0 0.0 $548,363 $567,881 -$19,518 -3.4 $1,391 $1,440 -$50 -3.4
5222  Nondepository Credit Intermediation  30 30 0 0.0 $548,363 $567,881 -$19,518 -3.4 $1,391 $1,440 -$50 -3.4
54 Professional & Technical Services  88 90 -1 -1.5 $2,359,092 $2,268,174 $90,918 4.0 $2,054 $1,946 $109 5.6
541  Professional & Technical Services  88 90 -1 -1.5 $2,359,092 $2,268,174 $90,918 4.0 $2,054 $1,946 $109 5.6
5413  Architectural & Engineering Services  23 22 2 7.7 $577,290 $426,809 $150,481 35.3 $1,903 $1,515 $388 25.6
5417  Scientific Research & Development Services  23 27 -4 -15.0 $841,053 $898,769 -$57,716 -6.4 $2,854 $2,592 $262 10.1
5419  Other Professional & Technical Services  39 41 -1 -3.3 $901,849 $938,353 -$36,504 -3.9 $1,764 $1,775 -$11 -0.6
62 Health Care & Social Assistance  1,637 1,675 -39 -2.3 $35,116,379 $30,042,207 $5,074,172 16.9 $1,650 $1,379 $271 19.7
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  57 52 5 9.6 $1,367,911 $1,089,745 $278,166 25.5 $1,835 $1,602 $234 14.6
6211  Offices of Physicians  57 52 5 9.6 $1,367,911 $1,089,745 $278,166 25.5 $1,835 $1,602 $234 14.6
622  Hospitals  1,534 1,569 -36 -2.3 $33,383,975 $28,570,531 $4,813,444 16.8 $1,674 $1,400 $274 19.6
6221  General Medical & Surgical Hospitals  1,534 1,569 -36 -2.3 $33,383,975 $28,570,531 $4,813,444 16.8 $1,674 $1,400 $274 19.6
624  Social Assistance  46 54 -8 -14.9 $364,493 $381,931 -$17,438 -4.6 $614 $547 $67 12.2
6243  Vocational Rehabilitation Services  8 7 1 19.9 $119,741 $88,762 $30,979 34.9 $1,151 $1,024 $128 12.5
6244  Child Day Care Services  34 45 -11 -25.2 $219,452 $281,776 -$62,324 -22.1 $501 $482 $20 4.1
71 Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation  1,148 1,111 37 3.3 $16,570,838 $15,454,358 $1,116,480 7.2 $1,111 $1,070 $41 3.8
712  Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, & Parks  1,121 1,067 54 5.1 $16,395,553 $15,248,578 $1,146,975 7.5 $1,125 $1,099 $26 2.3
7121  Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, & Parks  1,121 1,067 54 5.1 $16,395,553 $15,248,578 $1,146,975 7.5 $1,125 $1,099 $26 2.3
713  Amusements, Gambling, & Recreation  27 44 -17 -39.4 $175,285 $205,780 -$30,495 -14.8 $506 $360 $146 40.5
7139  Other Amusement & Recreation Industries  27 44 -17 -39.4 $175,285 $205,780 -$30,495 -14.8 $506 $360 $146 40.5
72 Accommodation & Food Services  8 8 0 -4.1 $36,348 $30,263 $6,085 20.1 $365 $291 $74 25.3
721  Accommodation  7 6 1 16.7 $35,323 $23,871 $11,452 48.0 $388 $306 $82 26.8
7211  Traveler Accommodation  7 6 1 16.7 $35,323 $23,871 $11,452 48.0 $388 $306 $82 26.8
92 Public Administration  4,160 4,603 -443 -9.6 $77,631,197 $75,009,757 $2,621,440 3.5 $1,436 $1,254 $182 14.5
921  Executive, Legislative & General Government  105 107 -2 -1.6 $2,181,346 $2,033,367 $147,979 7.3 $1,593 $1,462 $131 9.0
9211  Executive, Legislative & General Government  105 107 -2 -1.6 $2,181,346 $2,033,367 $147,979 7.3 $1,593 $1,462 $131 9.0
922  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  233 224 9 4.0 $5,393,336 $5,473,815 -$80,479 -1.5 $1,781 $1,880 -$99 -5.3
9221  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  233 224 9 4.0 $5,393,336 $5,473,815 -$80,479 -1.5 $1,781 $1,880 -$99 -5.3
923  Administration of Human Resource Programs  365 318 48 15.0 $8,080,918 $6,285,232 $1,795,686 28.6 $1,702 $1,522 $180 11.8
9231  Administration of Human Resource Programs  365 318 48 15.0 $8,080,918 $6,285,232 $1,795,686 28.6 $1,702 $1,522 $180 11.8
924  Administration of Environmental Programs  1,990 2,002 -12 -0.6 $38,582,626 $36,389,049 $2,193,577 6.0 $1,492 $1,398 $93 6.7
9241  Administration of Environmental Programs  1,990 2,002 -12 -0.6 $38,582,626 $36,389,049 $2,193,577 6.0 $1,492 $1,398 $93 6.7
926  Administration of Economic Programs  427 889 -462 -51.9 $6,076,203 $8,233,382 -$2,157,179 -26.2 $1,094 $712 $381 53.5
9261  Administration of Economic Programs  427 889 -462 -51.9 $6,076,203 $8,233,382 -$2,157,179 -26.2 $1,094 $712 $381 53.5
928  National Security & International Affairs  1,037 1,063 -26 -2.4 $17,269,256 $16,594,912 $674,344 4.1 $1,281 $1,201 $80 6.7
9281  National Security & International Affairs  1,037 1,063 -26 -2.4 $17,269,256 $16,594,912 $674,344 4.1 $1,281 $1,201 $80 6.7
Ownership - State Government 12,436 12,639 -204 -1.6 $180,729,817 $181,606,740 -$876,923 -0.5 $1,118 $1,105 $13 1.1
54 Professional & Technical Services  60 65 -4 -6.7 $1,049,528 $1,138,944 -$89,416 -7.9 $1,338 $1,355 -$17 -1.2
541  Professional & Technical Services  60 65 -4 -6.7 $1,049,528 $1,138,944 -$89,416 -7.9 $1,338 $1,355 -$17 -1.2
5417  Scientific Research & Development Services  44 50 -6 -11.3 $721,953 $848,328 -$126,375 -14.9 $1,253 $1,305 -$52 -4.0
5419  Other Professional & Technical Services  16 15 1 9.1 $327,575 $290,616 $36,959 12.7 $1,575 $1,524 $51 3.3
61 Educational Services  3,618 3,533 85 2.4 $55,026,698 $53,384,468 $1,642,230 3.1 $1,170 $1,162 $8 0.7
611  Educational Services  3,618 3,533 85 2.4 $55,026,698 $53,384,468 $1,642,230 3.1 $1,170 $1,162 $8 0.7
6113  Colleges & Universities  3,617 3,532 85 2.4 $55,009,682 $53,367,927 $1,641,755 3.1 $1,170 $1,162 $8 0.7
62 Health Care & Social Assistance  864 899 -35 -3.9 $11,273,909 $12,047,881 -$773,972 -6.4 $1,004 $1,031 -$27 -2.6
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  164 150 13 8.9 $2,523,830 $2,450,174 $73,656 3.0 $1,186 $1,254 -$68 -5.4
6211  Offices of Physicians  164 150 13 8.9 $2,523,830 $2,450,174 $73,656 3.0 $1,186 $1,254 -$68 -5.4
622  Hospitals  327 345 -18 -5.2 $4,230,904 $4,382,594 -$151,690 -3.5 $995 $977 $18 1.9
6222  Psychiatric & Substance Abuse Hospitals  327 345 -18 -5.2 $4,230,904 $4,382,594 -$151,690 -3.5 $995 $977 $18 1.9
623  Nursing & Residential Care Facilities  373 404 -31 -7.6 $4,519,175 $5,215,113 -$695,938 -13.3 $932 $994 -$62 -6.2
6231  Nursing Care Facilities, Skilled Nursing  69 80 -11 -13.7 $709,183 $971,093 -$261,910 -27.0 $787 $930 -$143 -15.4
6232  Residential Mental Health Facilities  231 249 -19 -7.5 $3,053,556 $3,357,480 -$303,924 -9.1 $1,018 $1,036 -$18 -1.7
6233  Continuing Care, Assisted Living Facilities  73 74 -1 -1.4 $756,436 $886,540 -$130,104 -14.7 $797 $922 -$124 -13.5
71 Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation  12 12 0 2.8 $223,834 $209,750 $14,084 6.7 $1,396 $1,345 $52 3.9
713  Amusements, Gambling, & Recreation  12 12 0 2.8 $223,834 $209,750 $14,084 6.7 $1,396 $1,345 $52 3.9
7132  Gambling Industries  12 12 0 2.8 $223,834 $209,750 $14,084 6.7 $1,396 $1,345 $52 3.9
92 Public Administration  7,879 8,130 -251 -3.1 $113,133,954 $114,825,697 -$1,691,743 -1.5 $1,104 $1,086 $18 1.7
921  Executive, Legislative & General Government  865 828 36 4.4 $14,221,967 $13,005,305 $1,216,662 9.4 $1,265 $1,208 $57 4.8
9211  Executive, Legislative & General Government  865 828 36 4.4 $14,221,967 $13,005,305 $1,216,662 9.4 $1,265 $1,208 $57 4.8
922  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  1,576 1,675 -98 -5.9 $24,221,860 $25,495,946 -$1,274,086 -5.0 $1,182 $1,171 $11 0.9
9221  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  1,576 1,675 -98 -5.9 $24,221,860 $25,495,946 -$1,274,086 -5.0 $1,182 $1,171 $11 0.9
923  Administration of Human Resource Programs  1,743 1,801 -58 -3.2 $23,623,224 $24,306,855 -$683,631 -2.8 $1,042 $1,038 $4 0.4
9231  Administration of Human Resource Programs  1,743 1,801 -58 -3.2 $23,623,224 $24,306,855 -$683,631 -2.8 $1,042 $1,038 $4 0.4
924  Administration of Environmental Programs  1,031 1,075 -44 -4.1 $15,508,572 $15,845,343 -$336,771 -2.1 $1,157 $1,134 $23 2.1
9241  Administration of Environmental Programs  1,031 1,075 -44 -4.1 $15,508,572 $15,845,343 -$336,771 -2.1 $1,157 $1,134 $23 2.1
926  Administration of Economic Programs  2,431 2,527 -96 -3.8 $32,680,451 $33,405,106 -$724,655 -2.2 $1,034 $1,017 $17 1.7
9261  Administration of Economic Programs  2,431 2,527 -96 -3.8 $32,680,451 $33,405,106 -$724,655 -2.2 $1,034 $1,017 $17 1.7
928  National Security & International Affairs  233 224 9 4.0 $2,877,880 $2,767,142 $110,738 4.0 $949 $949 $0 0.0
9281  National Security & International Affairs  233 224 9 4.0 $2,877,880 $2,767,142 $110,738 4.0 $949 $949 $0 0.0
Ownership - Local Government 41,350 40,754 597 1.5 $521,835,560 $489,730,842 $32,104,718 6.6 $971 $924 $46 5.0
11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting  135 153 -18 -11.7 $1,402,398 $1,506,950 -$104,552 -6.9 $797 $756 $41 5.4
115  Agriculture & Forestry Support Activities  135 153 -18 -11.7 $1,402,398 $1,506,950 -$104,552 -6.9 $797 $756 $41 5.4
1151  Support Activities For Crop Production  135 153 -18 -11.7 $1,402,398 $1,506,950 -$104,552 -6.9 $797 $756 $41 5.4
22 Utilities  156 151 5 3.5 $1,811,814 $1,697,013 $114,801 6.8 $892 $864 $27 3.1
221  Utilities  156 151 5 3.5 $1,811,814 $1,697,013 $114,801 6.8 $892 $864 $27 3.1
42 Wholesale Trade  57 60 -3 -5.0 $539,424 $553,495 -$14,071 -2.5 $732 $714 $19 2.6
424  Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods  57 60 -3 -5.0 $539,424 $553,495 -$14,071 -2.5 $732 $714 $19 2.6
4249  Misc. Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers  57 60 -3 -5.0 $539,424 $553,495 -$14,071 -2.5 $732 $714 $19 2.6
44 Retail Trade  31 27 3 12.2 $294,737 $275,983 $18,754 6.8 $739 $777 -$38 -4.8
48 Transportation & Warehousing  262 225 38 16.8 $3,571,711 $2,873,752 $697,959 24.3 $1,047 $984 $63 6.4
488  Support Activities For Transportation  198 176 22 12.5 $3,117,914 $2,609,318 $508,596 19.5 $1,211 $1,140 $71 6.2
4881  Support Activities For Air Transportation  198 176 22 12.5 $3,117,914 $2,609,318 $508,596 19.5 $1,211 $1,140 $71 6.2
51 Information  516 503 13 2.6 $3,594,948 $3,436,784 $158,164 4.6 $536 $525 $10 2.0
519  Other Information Services  516 503 13 2.6 $3,594,948 $3,436,784 $158,164 4.6 $536 $525 $10 2.0
5191  Other Information Services  516 503 13 2.6 $3,594,948 $3,436,784 $158,164 4.6 $536 $525 $10 2.0
53 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing  57 66 -9 -13.6 $472,741 $470,368 $2,373 0.5 $634 $545 $89 16.3
5311  Lessors of Real Estate  50 59 -9 -15.2 $392,251 $389,572 $2,679 0.7 $600 $505 $94 18.7
54 Professional & Technical Services  39 33 6 18.2 $513,780 $429,915 $83,865 19.5 $1,013 $1,002 $11 1.1
541  Professional & Technical Services  39 33 6 18.2 $513,780 $429,915 $83,865 19.5 $1,013 $1,002 $11 1.1
56 Administrative & Waste Services  172 152 20 13.1 $1,645,731 $1,451,554 $194,177 13.4 $735 $733 $2 0.2
561  Administrative & Support Services  79 70 9 12.4 $822,387 $797,310 $25,077 3.1 $804 $876 -$72 -8.2
562  Waste Management & Remediation Services  94 82 11 13.8 $823,344 $654,244 $169,100 25.8 $676 $611 $65 10.6
61 Educational Services  18,505 18,248 257 1.4 $204,996,597 $199,719,964 $5,276,633 2.6 $852 $842 $10 1.2
611  Educational Services  18,505 18,248 257 1.4 $204,996,597 $199,719,964 $5,276,633 2.6 $852 $842 $10 1.2
6111  Elementary & Secondary Schools  16,109 15,883 226 1.4 $178,921,537 $173,321,515 $5,600,022 3.2 $854 $839 $15 1.8
6112  Junior Colleges  2,344 2,331 14 0.6 $25,684,140 $26,052,780 -$368,640 -1.4 $843 $860 -$17 -2.0
6116  Other Schools & Instruction  22 23 -1 -4.4 $170,230 $171,810 -$1,580 -0.9 $604 $583 $21 3.7
6117  Educational Support Services  30 11 18 161.9 $220,690 $173,859 $46,831 26.9 $572 $1,180 -$608 -51.5
62 Health Care & Social Assistance  8,725 8,766 -42 -0.5 $158,635,904 $143,714,113 $14,921,791 10.4 $1,399 $1,261 $138 10.9
621  Ambulatory Health Care Services  662 652 10 1.6 $10,947,843 $10,201,744 $746,099 7.3 $1,272 $1,204 $68 5.6
6211  Offices of Physicians  482 426 56 13.1 $8,597,074 $7,492,167 $1,104,907 14.7 $1,373 $1,353 $20 1.5
6214  Outpatient Care Centers  105 132 -27 -20.3 $1,302,603 $1,524,725 -$222,122 -14.6 $954 $891 $64 7.1
622  Hospitals  7,448 7,448 1 0.0 $141,581,471 $127,193,250 $14,388,221 11.3 $1,462 $1,314 $148 11.3
6221  General Medical & Surgical Hospitals  7,448 7,448 1 0.0 $141,581,471 $127,193,250 $14,388,221 11.3 $1,462 $1,314 $148 11.3
623  Nursing & Residential Care Facilities  326 388 -62 -16.1 $4,087,202 $4,431,309 -$344,107 -7.8 $964 $878 $87 9.9
6231  Nursing Care Facilities, Skilled Nursing  272 342 -70 -20.5 $3,669,548 $4,095,613 -$426,065 -10.4 $1,038 $920 $117 12.8
6232  Residential Mental Health Facilities  54 46 8 17.4 $417,654 $335,696 $81,958 24.4 $595 $561 $34 6.0
624  Social Assistance  288 279 10 3.5 $2,019,388 $1,887,810 $131,578 7.0 $539 $521 $18 3.4
6241  Individual & Family Services  96 92 4 4.3 $641,877 $573,482 $68,395 11.9 $514 $480 $35 7.3
6242  Emergency & Other Relief Services  60 63 -3 -4.8 $523,282 $502,424 $20,858 4.2 $675 $617 $58 9.4
6244  Child Day Care Services  133 124 9 7.0 $854,229 $811,904 $42,325 5.2 $495 $504 -$8 -1.7
71 Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation  159 153 6 3.9 $739,566 $708,577 $30,989 4.4 $357 $355 $2 0.4
7121  Museums, Historical Sites, Zoos, & Parks  51 57 -6 -9.9 $313,077 $329,161 -$16,084 -4.9 $469 $444 $25 5.6
713  Amusements, Gambling, & Recreation  102 90 13 14.1 $377,661 $340,510 $37,151 10.9 $284 $292 -$8 -2.8
7139  Other Amusement & Recreation Industries  102 90 13 14.1 $377,661 $340,510 $37,151 10.9 $284 $292 -$8 -2.8
81 Other Services, Except Public Administration  325 334 -10 -2.9 $2,092,501 $1,937,678 $154,823 8.0 $496 $446 $50 11.2
811  Repair & Maintenance  215 224 -9 -4.0 $1,064,379 $1,048,220 $16,159 1.5 $381 $360 $21 5.8
8111  Automotive Repair & Maintenance  215 224 -9 -4.0 $1,064,379 $1,048,220 $16,159 1.5 $381 $360 $21 5.8
8122  Death Care Services  81 86 -5 -5.8 $581,485 $597,385 -$15,900 -2.7 $552 $534 $18 3.3
92 Public Administration  11,601 11,317 284 2.5 $136,000,800 $126,379,248 $9,621,552 7.6 $902 $859 $43 5.0
921  Executive, Legislative & General Government  10,045 9,819 226 2.3 $122,132,494 $113,211,736 $8,920,758 7.9 $935 $887 $48 5.4
9211  Executive, Legislative & General Government  10,045 9,819 226 2.3 $122,132,494 $113,211,736 $8,920,758 7.9 $935 $887 $48 5.4
922  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  496 551 -55 -9.9 $4,324,078 $3,953,615 $370,463 9.4 $670 $552 $118 21.4
9221  Justice, Public Order, & Safety Activities  496 551 -55 -9.9 $4,324,078 $3,953,615 $370,463 9.4 $670 $552 $118 21.4
9231  Administration of Human Resource Programs  250 244 6 2.5 $3,133,209 $3,045,734 $87,475 2.9 $965 $961 $4 0.4
924  Administration of Environmental Programs  480 425 56 13.1 $2,963,086 $2,890,018 $73,068 2.5 $475 $523 -$49 -9.4
9241  Administration of Environmental Programs  480 425 56 13.1 $2,963,086 $2,890,018 $73,068 2.5 $475 $523 -$49 -9.4
926  Administration of Economic Programs  318 269 50 18.5 $3,323,440 $3,172,634 $150,806 4.8 $803 $908 -$105 -11.6
9261  Administration of Economic Programs  318 269 50 18.5 $3,323,440 $3,172,634 $150,806 4.8 $803 $908 -$105 -11.6
bNorth American Industry Classification System. 
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: January 2022. 
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 1/10/22.  

Figure: Top 5 Industries (2-Digit NAICSa) with the Largest Average Monthly Employment in All Counties, Wyoming, 2021Q3b

aNorth American Industry Classification System.
bAll industries are private ownership unless otherwise noted.
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 1/19/2022.