Bucking horse and rider

Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

Research & Planning
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PO Box 2760
Casper, WY 82602
(307) 473-3807

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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

Wyoming's Gender Wage Gap: A Study of the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women in Wyoming: Update 2018

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Fourth Quarter 2018 (2018Q4)

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Total, All Counties

Table 29: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages by Industry (NAICS) for All Counties - Fourth Quarter 2018a

Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Fourth Quarter  Change Fourth Quarter  Change Fourth Quarter  Change
Ownership, Industry, and NAICSb Code 2018 2017 N % 2018 2017 $ % 2018 2017 $ %
Ownership - Total 273,307 268,845 4,463 1.7 $3,475,268,228 $3,273,687,590 $201,580,638 6.2 $978 $937 $41 4.4
Ownership - Private 207,822 202,905 4,918 2.4 $2,645,143,598 $2,462,298,304 $182,845,294 7.4 $979 $933 $46 4.9
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (11) 2,751 2,734 18 0.6 $29,148,509 $29,521,128 -$372,619 -1.3 $815 $831 -$16 -1.9
Crop production (111) 648 676 -28 -4.1 $6,261,477 $6,443,566 -$182,089 -2.8 $743 $733 $10 1.4
Animal production and aquaculture (112) 1,801 1,794 7 0.4 $19,957,491 $20,299,074 -$341,583 -1.7 $853 $870 -$18 -2.0
Agriculture and forestry support activities (115) 221 184 37 20.1 $2,079,239 $1,939,710 $139,529 7.2 $724 $811 -$87 -10.8
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (21) 21,078 20,568 511 2.5 $486,466,644 $459,219,071 $27,247,573 5.9 $1,775 $1,717 $58 3.4
Oil and gas extraction (211) 3,068 3,060 8 0.3 $88,042,652 $85,660,157 $2,382,495 2.8 $2,207 $2,153 $54 2.5
Mining, except oil and gas (212) 8,007 8,234 -227 -2.8 $185,207,742 $184,963,429 $244,313 0.1 $1,779 $1,728 $51 3.0
Coal mining (2121) 5,299 5,531 -232 -4.2 $122,591,037 $124,753,315 -$2,162,278 -1.7 $1,780 $1,735 $44 2.6
Support activities for mining (213) 10,004 9,274 730 7.9 $213,216,250 $188,595,485 $24,620,765 13.1 $1,640 $1,564 $75 4.8
Utilities (22) 2,437 2,450 -13 -0.5 $66,660,874 $62,826,526 $3,834,348 6.1 $2,104 $1,972 $132 6.7
Utilities (221) 2,437 2,450 -13 -0.5 $66,660,874 $62,826,526 $3,834,348 6.1 $2,104 $1,972 $132 6.7
Construction (23) 21,735 19,545 2,190 11.2 $321,971,316 $269,074,774 $52,896,542 19.7 $1,139 $1,059 $81 7.6
Construction of buildings (236) 3,868 3,950 -82 -2.1 $52,500,087 $50,770,821 $1,729,266 3.4 $1,044 $989 $55 5.6
Heavy and civil engineering construction (237) 6,790 4,638 2,152 46.4 $118,133,919 $74,516,025 $43,617,894 58.5 $1,338 $1,236 $103 8.3
Specialty trade contractors (238) 11,077 10,957 120 1.1 $151,337,310 $143,787,928 $7,549,382 5.3 $1,051 $1,009 $41 4.1
Manufacturing (31, 32, 33) 10,079 9,693 386 4.0 $174,579,667 $163,585,224 $10,994,443 6.7 $1,332 $1,298 $34 2.6
Food manufacturing (311) 1,005 1,063 -59 -5.5 $8,220,026 $8,148,531 $71,495 0.9 $629 $589 $40 6.8
Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing (312) 468 467 1 0.1 $5,652,466 $5,702,211 -$49,745 -0.9 $929 $939 -$10 -1.0
Textile product mills (314) 170 142 29 20.2 $1,308,575 $1,077,418 $231,157 21.5 $591 $585 $6 1.0
Wood product manufacturing (321) 440 454 -13 -2.9 $5,390,519 $5,152,619 $237,900 4.6 $942 $874 $68 7.8
Printing and related support activities (323) 228 268 -39 -14.7 $1,583,284 $2,200,198 -$616,914 -28.0 $533 $632 -$99 -15.6
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing (324) 1,309 1,340 -31 -2.3 $35,212,309 $33,663,259 $1,549,050 4.6 $2,070 $1,932 $137 7.1
Chemical manufacturing (325) 1,754 1,785 -31 -1.8 $45,565,374 $47,402,724 -$1,837,350 -3.9 $1,998 $2,042 -$44 -2.2
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing (326) 301 273 27 10.0 $3,527,940 $3,094,900 $433,040 14.0 $903 $871 $32 3.6
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (327) 876 870 7 0.8 $13,502,633 $12,696,079 $806,554 6.4 $1,185 $1,123 $62 5.5
Primary metal manufacturing (331) 102 81 21 25.9 $4,347,293 $1,405,520 $2,941,773 209.3 $3,279 $1,335 $1,944 145.6
Fabricated metal product manufacturing (332) 1,594 1,349 245 18.2 $25,079,852 $20,760,725 $4,319,127 20.8 $1,210 $1,184 $26 2.2
Machinery manufacturing (333) 698 595 102 17.2 $10,514,836 $9,179,556 $1,335,280 14.5 $1,159 $1,186 -$27 -2.3
Computer and electronic product manufacturing (334) 312 240 72 30.2 $4,883,831 $3,716,349 $1,167,482 31.4 $1,204 $1,193 $11 0.9
Electrical equipment and appliance mfg. (335) 236 176 60 34.3 $3,497,317 $2,592,054 $905,263 34.9 $1,140 $1,135 $5 0.4
Transportation equipment manufacturing (336) 223 251 -28 -11.0 $3,158,905 $3,867,865 -$708,960 -18.3 $1,090 $1,187 -$97 -8.2
Furniture and related product manufacturing (337) 181 176 5 2.7 $1,417,164 $1,324,856 $92,308 7.0 $603 $579 $24 4.2
Miscellaneous manufacturing (339) 152 130 23 17.5 $1,536,337 $1,331,198 $205,139 15.4 $776 $790 -$14 -1.8
Wholesale trade (42) 8,333 8,129 204 2.5 $144,978,370 $134,515,081 $10,463,289 7.8 $1,338 $1,273 $65 5.1
Merchant wholesalers, durable goods (423) 5,236 4,943 292 5.9 $97,813,055 $87,860,951 $9,952,104 11.3 $1,437 $1,367 $70 5.1
Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods (424) 2,951 2,863 87 3.1 $44,076,354 $40,634,932 $3,441,422 8.5 $1,149 $1,092 $57 5.3
Electronic markets and agents and brokers (425) 147 322 -176 -54.5 $3,088,961 $6,019,198 -$2,930,237 -48.7 $1,620 $1,436 $184 12.8
Retail Trade (44, 45) 29,246 29,511 -265 -0.9 $222,753,329 $222,145,562 $607,767 0.3 $586 $579 $7 1.2
Motor vehicle and parts dealers (441) 4,350 4,373 -23 -0.5 $51,595,134 $52,491,281 -$896,147 -1.7 $912 $923 -$11 -1.2
Furniture and home furnishings stores (442) 693 701 -8 -1.2 $6,003,254 $5,703,100 $300,154 5.3 $666 $626 $41 6.5
Electronics and appliance stores (443) 679 716 -37 -5.2 $7,045,519 $6,264,547 $780,972 12.5 $799 $673 $126 18.7
Building material and garden supply stores (444) 3,242 3,204 38 1.2 $25,676,533 $24,845,766 $830,767 3.3 $609 $596 $13 2.1
Food and beverage stores (445) 4,816 4,835 -19 -0.4 $31,850,845 $34,620,331 -$2,769,486 -8.0 $509 $551 -$42 -7.6
Health and personal care stores (446) 883 929 -46 -5.0 $8,132,000 $8,124,691 $7,309 0.1 $708 $673 $36 5.3
Gasoline stations (447) 3,860 3,753 108 2.9 $23,310,817 $21,422,065 $1,888,752 8.8 $465 $439 $25 5.8
Clothing and clothing accessories stores (448) 1,348 1,346 2 0.1 $7,710,836 $7,059,347 $651,489 9.2 $440 $403 $37 9.1
Sports, hobby, music instrument, book stores (451) 1,365 1,332 33 2.5 $6,649,509 $6,438,951 $210,558 3.3 $375 $372 $3 0.8
General merchandise stores (452) 5,833 6,077 -244 -4.0 $38,238,373 $38,627,234 -$388,861 -1.0 $504 $489 $15 3.1
Miscellaneous store retailers (453) 1,576 1,550 26 1.7 $9,722,846 $9,092,610 $630,236 6.9 $475 $451 $23 5.2
Nonstore retailers (454) 601 693 -92 -13.3 $6,817,663 $7,455,639 -$637,976 -8.6 $872 $827 $45 5.4
Transportation and Warehousing (48, 49) 10,072 9,730 343 3.5 $136,530,719 $126,295,318 $10,235,401 8.1 $1,043 $998 $44 4.4
Air transportation (481) 487 567 -80 -14.2 $4,996,342 $5,482,286 -$485,944 -8.9 $789 $743 $46 6.2
Truck transportation (484) 4,022 3,814 208 5.5 $60,034,425 $54,119,918 $5,914,507 10.9 $1,148 $1,092 $57 5.2
Transit and ground passenger transportation (485) 531 530 1 0.2 $3,475,515 $3,454,773 $20,742 0.6 $503 $501 $2 0.4
Pipeline transportation (486) 759 742 17 2.3 $18,315,729 $17,550,253 $765,476 4.4 $1,857 $1,820 $37 2.0
Support activities for transportation (488) 1,301 1,206 95 7.9 $18,521,318 $16,536,416 $1,984,902 12.0 $1,095 $1,054 $40 3.8
Postal service (491) 29 25 4 15.8 $183,660 $167,582 $16,078 9.6 $482 $509 -$27 -5.4
Couriers and messengers (492) 1,106 1,109 -3 -0.2 $12,494,096 $12,226,498 $267,598 2.2 $869 $848 $21 2.4
Warehousing and storage (493) 1,790 1,708 82 4.8 $18,038,234 $16,427,099 $1,611,135 9.8 $775 $740 $35 4.8
Information (51) 3,458 3,626 -168 -4.6 $42,641,172 $42,839,700 -$198,528 -0.5 $948 $909 $40 4.4
Publishing industries, except internet (511) 809 902 -92 -10.2 $7,193,853 $7,207,951 -$14,098 -0.2 $684 $615 $69 11.2
Motion picture and sound recording industries (512) 489 463 26 5.5 $2,256,296 $1,854,777 $401,519 21.6 $355 $308 $47 15.3
Broadcasting, except internet (515) 401 398 4 0.9 $3,504,665 $3,336,632 $168,033 5.0 $672 $645 $26 4.1
Telecommunications (517) 1,502 1,608 -106 -6.6 $24,513,719 $25,218,621 -$704,902 -2.8 $1,255 $1,206 $49 4.1
Data processing, hosting and related services (518) 202 196 6 3.1 $3,787,164 $2,698,122 $1,089,042 40.4 $1,445 $1,061 $384 36.2
Other information services (519) 55 60 -5 -8.4 $1,385,475 $2,523,597 -$1,138,122 -45.1 $1,949 $3,253 -$1,304 -40.1
Finance and insurance (52) 6,938 6,856 82 1.2 $115,498,241 $113,366,443 $2,131,798 1.9 $1,281 $1,272 $9 0.7
Credit intermediation and related activities (522) 4,078 4,073 5 0.1 $63,999,543 $64,692,130 -$692,587 -1.1 $1,207 $1,222 -$15 -1.2
Securities, commodity contracts, investments (523) 590 575 15 2.6 $20,201,103 $18,702,825 $1,498,278 8.0 $2,635 $2,503 $132 5.3
Insurance carriers and related activities (524) 2,239 2,177 62 2.9 $30,139,541 $28,573,920 $1,565,621 5.5 $1,035 $1,010 $26 2.5
Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles (525) 31 32 -1 -3.1 $1,158,054 $1,397,568 -$239,514 -17.1 $2,874 $3,360 -$486 -14.5
Real estate and rental and leasing (53) 4,248 4,232 16 0.4 $59,695,515 $54,740,996 $4,954,519 9.1 $1,081 $995 $86 8.6
Real estate (531) 2,254 2,270 -15 -0.7 $26,054,306 $23,774,291 $2,280,015 9.6 $889 $806 $83 10.3
Professional and technical services (54) 9,535 8,989 545 6.1 $175,719,657 $158,260,199 $17,459,458 11.0 $1,418 $1,354 $63 4.7
Professional and technical services (541) 9,535 8,989 545 6.1 $175,719,657 $158,260,199 $17,459,458 11.0 $1,418 $1,354 $63 4.7
Management of companies and enterprises (55) 859 854 5 0.6 $24,244,430 $19,724,042 $4,520,388 22.9 $2,170 $1,777 $394 22.2
Management of companies and enterprises (551) 859 854 5 0.6 $24,244,430 $19,724,042 $4,520,388 22.9 $2,170 $1,777 $394 22.2
Administrative and waste services (56) 8,704 8,174 530 6.5 $82,166,420 $74,563,777 $7,602,643 10.2 $726 $702 $24 3.5
Administrative and support services (561) 7,881 7,336 545 7.4 $71,906,259 $64,459,763 $7,446,496 11.6 $702 $676 $26 3.8
Waste management and remediation services (562) 823 839 -15 -1.8 $10,260,161 $10,104,014 $156,147 1.5 $959 $927 $32 3.4
Educational services (61) 1,656 1,696 -40 -2.3 $13,751,238 $12,633,843 $1,117,395 8.8 $639 $573 $66 11.5
Educational services (611) 1,656 1,696 -40 -2.3 $13,751,238 $12,633,843 $1,117,395 8.8 $639 $573 $66 11.5
Health care and social assistance (62) 25,371 24,866 505 2.0 $293,605,628 $281,961,435 $11,644,193 4.1 $890 $872 $18 2.1
Ambulatory health care services (621) 10,168 10,096 72 0.7 $165,332,540 $165,010,006 $322,534 0.2 $1,251 $1,257 -$7 -0.5
Hospitals (622) 3,455 2,958 497 16.8 $49,457,731 $39,382,764 $10,074,967 25.6 $1,101 $1,024 $77 7.5
Nursing and residential care facilities (623) 4,421 4,392 28 0.6 $35,728,048 $35,145,179 $582,869 1.7 $622 $615 $6 1.0
Social assistance (624) 7,328 7,420 -92 -1.2 $43,087,309 $42,423,486 $663,823 1.6 $452 $440 $12 2.8
Arts, entertainment, and recreation (71) 3,200 3,179 21 0.7 $19,780,362 $18,143,137 $1,637,225 9.0 $475 $439 $37 8.3
Performing arts and spectator sports (711) 476 502 -26 -5.2 $3,588,602 $3,349,745 $238,857 7.1 $580 $513 $67 13.1
Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks (712) 380 349 31 8.8 $3,320,525 $2,787,202 $533,323 19.1 $672 $614 $58 9.5
Amusements, gambling, and recreation (713) 2,344 2,328 16 0.7 $12,871,235 $12,006,190 $865,045 7.2 $422 $397 $26 6.5
Accommodation and food services (72) 30,930 30,909 21 0.1 $163,016,070 $152,231,201 $10,784,869 7.1 $405 $379 $27 7.0
Accommodation (721) 10,578 10,464 114 1.1 $71,954,708 $66,348,712 $5,605,996 8.4 $523 $488 $36 7.3
Food services and drinking places (722) 20,352 20,444 -93 -0.5 $91,061,362 $85,882,489 $5,178,873 6.0 $344 $323 $21 6.5
Other services, except public administration (81) 7,173 7,163 9 0.1 $71,636,007 $66,650,847 $4,985,160 7.5 $768 $716 $53 7.3
Repair and maintenance (811) 3,338 3,275 63 1.9 $42,877,948 $39,243,168 $3,634,780 9.3 $988 $922 $66 7.2
Personal and laundry services (812) 1,670 1,713 -43 -2.5 $10,729,515 $10,250,460 $479,055 4.7 $494 $460 $34 7.3
Membership associations and organizations (813) 1,789 1,772 17 1.0 $15,314,306 $14,485,597 $828,709 5.7 $658 $629 $30 4.7
Private households (814) 376 404 -28 -7.0 $2,714,238 $2,671,622 $42,616 1.6 $556 $509 $47 9.3
Ownership - Federal Government 7,328 7,269 59 0.8 $132,921,532 $119,709,144 $13,212,388 11.0 $1,395 $1,267 $128 10.1
Utilities (22) 12 13 -1 -7.7 $329,832 $380,735 -$50,903 -13.4 $2,114 $2,253 -$139 -6.2
Utilities (221) 12 13 -1 -7.7 $329,832 $380,735 -$50,903 -13.4 $2,114 $2,253 -$139 -6.2
Retail Trade (44, 45) 42 45 -3 -6.6 $406,053 $432,922 -$26,869 -6.2 $738 $735 $3 0.4
Motor vehicle and parts dealers (441) 2 2 0 0.0 $5,703 $5,186 $517 10.0 $188 $171 $17 10.0
Furniture and home furnishings stores (442) 6 5 1 13.4 $33,836 $30,860 $2,976 9.6 $459 $475 -$16 -3.3
Food and beverage stores (445) 34 38 -4 -9.7 $366,514 $396,876 -$30,362 -7.7 $821 $803 $18 2.2
Transportation and Warehousing (48, 49) 1,019 1,054 -35 -3.3 $16,030,146 $15,371,634 $658,512 4.3 $1,210 $1,122 $88 7.8
Postal service (491) 1,019 1,054 -35 -3.3 $16,030,146 $15,371,634 $658,512 4.3 $1,210 $1,122 $88 7.8
Finance and insurance (52) 29 29 0 0.0 $619,680 $514,612 $105,068 20.4 $1,663 $1,381 $282 20.4
Credit intermediation and related activities (522) 29 29 0 0.0 $619,680 $514,612 $105,068 20.4 $1,663 $1,381 $282 20.4
Professional and technical services (54) 87 83 3 4.0 $2,054,389 $1,787,593 $266,796 14.9 $1,823 $1,650 $173 10.5
Professional and technical services (541) 87 83 3 4.0 $2,054,389 $1,787,593 $266,796 14.9 $1,823 $1,650 $173 10.5
Educational services (61) 0 1 -1 -67.0 $331 $2,593 -$2,262 -87.2 $77 $199 -$122 -61.3
Educational services (611) 0 1 -1 -67.0 $331 $2,593 -$2,262 -87.2 $77 $199 -$122 -61.3
Health care and social assistance (62) 1,588 1,552 36 2.3 $30,478,831 $28,719,790 $1,759,041 6.1 $1,477 $1,424 $53 3.7
Ambulatory health care services (621) 45 43 2 3.9 $933,151 $974,418 -$41,267 -4.2 $1,607 $1,743 -$136 -7.8
Hospitals (622) 1,488 1,441 47 3.2 $29,228,711 $27,287,611 $1,941,100 7.1 $1,511 $1,456 $55 3.8
Social assistance (624) 55 67 -12 -18.3 $316,969 $457,761 -$140,792 -30.8 $443 $523 -$80 -15.2
Arts, entertainment, and recreation (71) 773 741 31 4.2 $11,764,910 $9,383,992 $2,380,918 25.4 $1,171 $974 $198 20.3
Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks (712) 718 694 24 3.5 $11,538,842 $9,196,612 $2,342,230 25.5 $1,236 $1,019 $217 21.3
Amusements, gambling, and recreation (713) 55 47 7 15.5 $226,068 $187,380 $38,688 20.6 $318 $305 $14 4.4
Accommodation and food services (72) 14 13 1 5.0 $53,579 $53,169 $410 0.8 $294 $307 -$12 -4.1
Accommodation (721) 11 10 1 9.7 $47,923 $46,397 $1,526 3.3 $325 $345 -$20 -5.8
Food services and drinking places (722) 3 3 0 -11.0 $5,656 $6,772 -$1,116 -16.5 $163 $174 -$11 -6.2
Public administration (92) 3,764 3,737 27 0.7 $71,183,781 $63,062,103 $8,121,678 12.9 $1,455 $1,298 $157 12.1
Executive, legislative and general government (921) 110 125 -15 -12.2 $2,336,490 $2,228,407 $108,083 4.9 $1,634 $1,368 $266 19.5
Justice, public order, and safety activities (922) 233 236 -2 -1.0 $6,198,781 $5,559,168 $639,613 11.5 $2,044 $1,815 $229 12.6
Administration of human resource programs (923) 305 315 -10 -3.2 $6,490,334 $6,346,274 $144,060 2.3 $1,639 $1,551 $87 5.6
Administration of environmental programs (924) 1,679 1,698 -20 -1.2 $32,204,373 $27,235,732 $4,968,641 18.2 $1,476 $1,234 $242 19.6
Community and housing program administration (925) 1 1 0 0.0 $36,882 $31,094 $5,788 18.6 $2,837 $2,392 $445 18.6
Administration of economic programs (926) 356 367 -11 -2.9 $6,117,940 $5,286,324 $831,616 15.7 $1,322 $1,109 $213 19.2
National security and international affairs (928) 1,081 996 85 8.5 $17,798,981 $16,375,104 $1,423,877 8.7 $1,267 $1,265 $2 0.1
Ownership - State Government 12,289 12,351 -62 -0.5 $173,759,263 $172,082,835 $1,676,428 1.0 $1,088 $1,072 $16 1.5
Professional and technical services (54) 73 69 4 6.3 $1,249,838 $1,155,019 $94,819 8.2 $1,311 $1,288 $23 1.8
Professional and technical services (541) 73 69 4 6.3 $1,249,838 $1,155,019 $94,819 8.2 $1,311 $1,288 $23 1.8
Educational services (61) 3,401 3,339 62 1.8 $47,385,732 $45,350,275 $2,035,457 4.5 $1,072 $1,045 $27 2.6
Educational services (611) 3,401 3,339 62 1.8 $47,385,732 $45,350,275 $2,035,457 4.5 $1,072 $1,045 $27 2.6
Health care and social assistance (62) 851 913 -62 -6.8 $10,578,415 $10,784,918 -$206,503 -1.9 $957 $909 $48 5.3
Ambulatory health care services (621) 127 125 1 1.1 $2,171,432 $2,097,283 $74,149 3.5 $1,319 $1,287 $31 2.4
Hospitals (622) 324 334 -10 -3.1 $3,828,797 $3,861,233 -$32,436 -0.8 $909 $888 $21 2.3
Nursing and residential care facilities (623) 400 453 -53 -11.8 $4,578,186 $4,826,402 -$248,216 -5.1 $880 $819 $61 7.5
Arts, entertainment, and recreation (71) 9 8 0 4.1 $179,251 $183,581 -$4,330 -2.4 $1,590 $1,695 -$105 -6.2
Amusements, gambling, and recreation (713) 9 8 0 4.1 $179,251 $183,581 -$4,330 -2.4 $1,590 $1,695 -$105 -6.2
Public administration (92) 7,956 8,022 -66 -0.8 $114,366,027 $114,609,042 -$243,015 -0.2 $1,106 $1,099 $7 0.6
Executive, legislative and general government (921) 830 831 -1 -0.1 $12,956,431 $12,963,778 -$7,347 -0.1 $1,200 $1,200 $0 0.0
Justice, public order, and safety activities (922) 1,693 1,699 -6 -0.4 $25,742,902 $25,499,668 $243,234 1.0 $1,170 $1,155 $15 1.3
Administration of human resource programs (923) 1,763 1,813 -50 -2.8 $23,757,309 $24,410,855 -$653,546 -2.7 $1,036 $1,036 $1 0.1
Administration of environmental programs (924) 1,001 1,005 -4 -0.4 $15,674,624 $15,750,073 -$75,449 -0.5 $1,205 $1,206 -$1 0.0
Administration of economic programs (926) 2,441 2,428 12 0.5 $33,465,232 $32,999,970 $465,262 1.4 $1,055 $1,045 $9 0.9
National security and international affairs (928) 228 245 -17 -6.9 $2,769,529 $2,984,698 -$215,169 -7.2 $933 $936 -$3 -0.3
Ownership - Local Government 45,868 46,320 -452 -1.0 $523,443,835 $519,597,307 $3,846,528 0.7 $878 $863 $15 1.7
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (11) 64 68 -4 -5.4 $713,875 $705,015 $8,860 1.3 $854 $798 $56 7.0
Agriculture and forestry support activities (115) 64 68 -4 -5.4 $713,875 $705,015 $8,860 1.3 $854 $798 $56 7.0
Utilities (22) 153 145 8 5.5 $1,673,885 $1,639,723 $34,162 2.1 $843 $872 -$28 -3.3
Utilities (221) 153 145 8 5.5 $1,673,885 $1,639,723 $34,162 2.1 $843 $872 -$28 -3.3
Wholesale trade (42) 30 32 -2 -6.3 $348,615 $377,013 -$28,398 -7.5 $904 $916 -$12 -1.3
Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods (424) 30 32 -2 -6.3 $348,615 $377,013 -$28,398 -7.5 $904 $916 -$12 -1.3
Retail Trade (44, 45) 16 17 -1 -7.8 $179,469 $202,021 -$22,552 -11.2 $881 $914 -$33 -3.6
Transportation and Warehousing (48, 49) 260 248 11 4.6 $2,943,798 $2,745,376 $198,422 7.2 $872 $850 $22 2.5
Support activities for transportation (488) 187 180 7 3.7 $2,454,536 $2,284,875 $169,661 7.4 $1,010 $975 $35 3.6
Information (51) 542 560 -18 -3.2 $3,624,500 $3,717,977 -$93,477 -2.5 $515 $511 $4 0.7
Other information services (519) 542 560 -18 -3.2 $3,624,500 $3,717,977 -$93,477 -2.5 $515 $511 $4 0.7
Real estate and rental and leasing (53) 71 70 1 1.9 $479,599 $491,765 -$12,166 -2.5 $520 $543 -$23 -4.3
Professional and technical services (54) 36 32 4 12.5 $421,737 $436,196 -$14,459 -3.3 $901 $1,049 -$147 -14.1
Professional and technical services (541) 36 32 4 12.5 $421,737 $436,196 -$14,459 -3.3 $901 $1,049 -$147 -14.1
Administrative and waste services (56) 140 137 3 1.9 $1,526,698 $1,426,229 $100,469 7.0 $841 $801 $40 5.0
Administrative and support services (561) 62 59 3 5.7 $869,681 $793,898 $75,783 9.5 $1,079 $1,041 $38 3.7
Waste management and remediation services (562) 78 78 -1 -0.8 $657,017 $632,331 $24,686 3.9 $651 $621 $30 4.8
Educational services (61) 23,821 24,040 -219 -0.9 $247,629,328 $250,382,814 -$2,753,486 -1.1 $800 $801 -$2 -0.2
Educational services (611) 23,821 24,040 -219 -0.9 $247,629,328 $250,382,814 -$2,753,486 -1.1 $800 $801 -$2 -0.2
Health care and social assistance (62) 8,416 8,759 -342 -3.9 $130,991,955 $130,771,116 $220,839 0.2 $1,197 $1,148 $49 4.2
Ambulatory health care services (621) 370 452 -82 -18.1 $4,995,428 $5,429,601 -$434,173 -8.0 $1,038 $924 $114 12.3
Hospitals (622) 7,286 7,579 -292 -3.9 $119,719,341 $119,547,845 $171,496 0.1 $1,264 $1,213 $50 4.2
Nursing and residential care facilities (623) 429 399 30 7.4 $4,361,555 $3,948,328 $413,227 10.5 $783 $761 $21 2.8
Social assistance (624) 331 329 2 0.6 $1,915,631 $1,845,342 $70,289 3.8 $445 $431 $14 3.2
Arts, entertainment, and recreation (71) 137 152 -15 -9.8 $654,048 $676,884 -$22,836 -3.4 $366 $342 $25 7.2
Amusements, gambling, and recreation (713) 88 99 -11 -10.8 $324,518 $352,463 -$27,945 -7.9 $284 $275 $9 3.2
Other services, except public administration (81) 361 372 -11 -3.0 $2,571,182 $2,524,047 $47,135 1.9 $548 $522 $26 5.0
Repair and maintenance (811) 282 290 -8 -2.8 $1,926,783 $1,886,125 $40,658 2.2 $526 $500 $25 5.1
Public administration (92) 11,167 11,038 129 1.2 $123,630,000 $117,705,629 $5,924,371 5.0 $852 $820 $31 3.8
Executive, legislative and general government (921) 9,783 9,612 171 1.8 $111,732,251 $106,377,497 $5,354,754 5.0 $879 $851 $27 3.2
Justice, public order, and safety activities (922) 469 512 -43 -8.4 $3,004,898 $2,907,096 $97,802 3.4 $493 $436 $56 12.8
Administration of human resource programs (923) 287 276 11 4.0 $3,076,858 $2,778,406 $298,452 10.7 $825 $774 $50 6.5
Administration of environmental programs (924) 362 368 -6 -1.7 $2,536,657 $2,437,083 $99,574 4.1 $539 $509 $30 5.9

bNorth American Industry Classification System.
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 7/15/19.