Job Search Practices of the Unemployed
by: Douglas W. Leonard, Senior Economist
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show how the unemployed search for jobs (see
Table 1). In 2010, 53.6% of unemployed persons

contacted employers directly and 55.2% of unemployed persons sent out resumes or filled out job applications in search of jobs (BLS, 2010). The unemployed on average used 2.03 different methods in their job searches. The next two most frequently cited job search methods were friends or relatives (28.8%) and public employment agencies (22.2%). How the unemployed searched for jobs changed somewhat between 2007 and 2009. In 2007, the unemployed on average used 1.84 different methods (BLS, 2008). However, they were much less likely to use family or relatives (21.7%) and public employment agencies (17.7%) in 2007 than in 2009. The impacts of the economic downturn appear to have changed the composition of methods the unemployed use to search for work.