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© Copyright 1997 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Wyoming Labor Force Trends Logo

Vol. 34 No. 12 Copyright © 1997 by the Wyoming Employment Resources Division, Research & Planning December 1997

Snowman in Santa Hat December 1997 TRENDS:

Nonagricultural employment increased 0.4 percent from October 1996 to 1997. Employment in both Laramie and Natrona Counties also increased over the year, 0.3 percent and 2.0 percent respectively. The Wyoming Civilian Labor Force declined at a slower pace by falling 491 workers over the year. Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants continue to decline in Laramie and Natrona Counties, as well as statewide. Even with the slight increases shown in nonagricultural employment, the civilian labor force, unemployment rate and UI claimants continue to fall, which indicates that people are dropping out of the labor force, leaving the state or are working more than one job (refer "Multiple Jobholding Revisited: Why is it a Regional Phenomenon?"). --VAD

Happy Holidays!
from the Research & Planning Staff

Now Available from Research & Planning: Wyoming 1996 Annual Covered Employment and Wages!
This publication is a summary of 1996 employment and wages covered by Unemployment Insurance and listed by industry for Wyoming and counties.
Call (307) 473-3807 (or use the address on the Credits page) to receive your free copy!

Note: This publication will also be released on the Internet in early 1998.

Multiple Jobholding Revisited: Why is it a Regional Phenomenon?
Map: Top Multiple Jobholding States (CPS) vs Low-Level Multiple Jobholding States (Model)
Table 1: States Ranked by Multiple Jobholding
Table 2: Predictive Model / Regression Equation
Figure 1: Multiple Jobholding vs Percent High School Graduates
Figure 2: Multiple Jobholding vs Average Wage
Figure 3: Multiple Jobholding vs Percent of Women who participate in Labor Force
Multiple Jobholding: The Measurement Issue
Unemployment Insurance Covered Employment and Wages for First Quarter 1997
Table 1: Wyoming Monthly Employment for 1997 by Industry
Table 2: Wyoming Average Monthly Employment, Total Payroll and Average Weekly Wages for First Quarter 1997 by Industry
Table 3: Wyoming Average Monthly Employment, Total Payroll and Average Weekly Wages for First Quarter 1997 by Region and County
Services Industry: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?
Figure: Wyoming Total Population vs Services Industry Annual Average Employment
Table 1: Regression Analysis / Predictive Model
Table 2: Services Employment Projections for 1998 and 2005 by 2-Digit SIC
Table 3: Services Annual Average Employment by Rank and 2-Digit SIC for 1990 and 1996
Table 4: Services Annual Average Weekly Wage by Rank and 2-Digit SIC for 1990 and 1996
Wyoming Unemployment Insurance Statistics: NORMALIZED Initial Claims for October 1997
Statewide, by Industry
Laramie County, by Industry
Natrona County, by Industry
Statewide Graphic, by Industry
Statewide Graphic, by REGION and County
Wyoming Unemployment Insurance Statistics: NORMALIZED Continued Claims for October 1997
Statewide, by Industry
Laramie County, by Industry
Natrona County, by Industry
Statewide Graphic, by Industry
Statewide Graphic, by REGION and County
Wyoming Economic Indicators
Civilian Labor Force and Unemployment
LAUS Unemployment Rate for October 1997
Statewide Unemployment Rate Graphic
Wyoming Regional Unemployment Graphic
Statewide CES Wyoming Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment for October 1997
Laramie County
Natrona County
Statewide Wyoming Nonagricultural Employment Graphic
Credit Page

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on December 10, 1997 by Valerie A. Davis.