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© Copyright 1997 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Table 2: Services Employment Projections for 1998 and 2005 by 2-Digit SIC

Employment Numerical Change
2-Digit SIC Base 1994 Projected 1998 Projected 2005 1994 - 1998 1994 - 2005
70 8,585 9,759 12,218 1,174 3,633
72 1,835 1,932 2,145 97 310
73 4,839 5,311 4,663 472 -176
75 1,653 1,713 1,618 60 -35
76 778 849 850 71 72
78 778 952 1,297 174 519
79 2,357 2,879 3,983 522 1,626
80 9,307 11,719 16,827 2,412 7,520
81 1,153 1,292 1,513 139 360
82 723 917 1,343 194 620
83 4,782 5,331 5,546 549 764
84 246 375 382 129 136
86 3,595 3,600 1,860 5 -1,735
87 2,956 4,485 11,613 1,529 8,657
88 516 722 1,279 206 763
89 72 109 179 37 107
TOTAL 44,175 51,945 67,316 7,770 24,876

~SIC's 80, 87 and 70 are expected to have the largest employment gains.
~SIC's 86, 73, and 75 are predicted to lose employment from 1998 to 2005.
Information for this table was originally published in What Does the Future Have in Store for Wyoming's Labor Market: Wyoming 1998 and 2005.

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Last modified on June 8, 2001 by Valerie A. Davis.