Economic Indicators

Regular unemployment insurance benefits paid in Wyoming fell by 26.6% from September 2010 to September 2011.

Sep 2011
Aug 2011
Sep 2010
Percent Change
Month Year
Wyoming Total Nonfarm Employment 299,500 297,500 290,900 0.7 3.0
Wyoming State Government 17,600 16,300 17,300 8.0 1.7
Laramie County Nonfarm Employment 44,300 44,400 43,800 -0.2 1.1
Natrona County Nonfarm Employment 40,500 39,600 38,500 2.3 5.2
Selected U.S. Employment Data
U.S. Multiple Jobholders 6,946,000 6,649,000 6,681,000 4.5 4.0
As a percent of all workers 4.9% 4.7% 4.8% N/A N/A
U.S. Discouraged Workers 1,037,000 977,000 1,209,000 6.1 -14.2
U.S. Part Time for Economic Reasons 8,541,000 8,604,000 8,628,000 -0.7 -1.0
Wyoming Unemployment Insurance
Weeks Compensated 13,566 18,283 18,524 -25.8 -26.8
Benefits Paid $4,482,114 $5,978,200 $6,103,667 -25.0 -26.6
Average Weekly Benefit Payment $330.39 $326.98 $329.50 1.0 0.3
State Insured Covered Jobs1 266,356 265,309 266,357 0.4 0.0
Insured Unemployment Rate 1.9% 1.7% 2.0% N/A N/A
Consumer Price Index (U) for All U.S. Urban Consumers
(1982 to 1984 = 100)
All Items 226.9 226.5 218.4 0.2 3.9
Food & Beverages 230.4 229.5 220.6 0.4 4.5
Housing 220.5 220.5 216.6 0.0 1.8
Apparel 125.3 121.5 121.0 3.1 3.5
Transportation 215.2 216.1 192.4 -0.4 11.8
Medical Care 401.6 400.9 390.6 0.2 2.8
Recreation (Dec. 1997=100) 113.4 113.6 113.1 -0.1 0.3
Education & Communication (Dec. 1997=100) 132.6 132.0 131.2 0.5 1.1
Other Goods & Services 388.6 387.1 383.7 0.4 1.3
Producer Prices (1982 to 1984 = 100)
All Commodities 204.0 203.2 184.9 0.4 10.4
Wyo. Bldg. Permits (New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized)
Total Units 184 216 134 -14.8 37.3
Valuation $34,598,000 $32,954,000 $27,028,000 5.0 28.0
Single Family Homes 122 119 106 2.5 15.1
Valuation $30,739,000 $25,964,000 $24,694,000 18.4 24.5
Casper MSA2 Building Permits 69 98 16 -29.6 331.3
Valuation $6,082,000 $8,288,000 $2,533,000 -26.6 140.1
Cheyenne MSA Building Permits 33 21 36 57.1 -8.3
Valuation $5,629,000 $3,482,000 $4,105,000 61.7 37.1
Baker Hughes North American Rotary Rig Count for Wyoming 52 47 43 10.6 20.9
(p) Preliminary. (r) Revised. (b) Benchmarked.
1Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program estimates.
2Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Note: Production worker hours and earnings data have been dropped from the Economic Indicators page because of problems with accuracy due to a small sample size and high item nonresponse. The Bureau of Labor Statistics will continue to publish these data online at

Last modified by Phil Ellsworth.