trends_flag Research and Planning r_and_p Department of Workforce Services State of Wyoming

Total Wages, Average Monthly Employment, and Average Monthly Wage Changes for Wyoming by Year/Quarter: 2003Q1 to 2012Q1

Related Figure


Year/Quarter Total Wages %
2003/1 $1,679,813,923 230,620 $2,427.97
2004/1 $1,800,717,857 7.2% 237,527 3.0% $2,527.04 4.1%
2003/2 $1,781,866,184   243,630   $2,437.94  
2004/2 $1,909,209,013 7.1% 250,786 2.9% $2,537.63 4.1%
2003/3 $1,828,341,523 250,079 $2,437.02
2004/3 $1,958,379,343 7.1% 255,077 2.0% $2,559.20 5.0%
2003/4 $1,947,865,484 243,210 $2,669.66
2004/4 $2,074,503,790 6.5% 248,966 2.4% $2,777.49 4.0%
2004/1 $1,800,717,857 237,527 $2,527.04
2005/1 $1,919,538,984 6.6% 243,759 2.6% $2,624.91 3.9%
2004/2 $1,909,209,013 250,786 $2,537.63
2005/2 $2,068,675,609 8.4% 258,031 2.9% $2,672.39 5.3%
2004/3 $1,958,379,343 255,077 $2,559.20
2005/3 $2,188,006,458 11.7% 263,747 3.4% $2,765.28 8.1%
2004/4 $2,074,503,790 248,966 $2,777.49
2005/4 $2,283,976,604 10.1% 259,256 4.1% $2,936.58 5.7%
2005/1 $1,919,538,984 243,759 $2,624.91
2006/1 $2,206,882,734 15.0% 254,302 4.3% $2,892.73 10.2%
2005/2 $2,068,675,609 258,031 $2,672.39
2006/2 $2,389,394,775 15.5% 268,726 4.1% $2,963.86 10.9%
2005/3 $2,188,006,458 263,747 $2,765.28
2006/3 $2,511,603,105 14.8% 274,060 3.9% $3,054.81 10.5%
2005/4 $2,283,976,604 259,256 $2,936.58
2006/4 $2,674,775,271 17.1% 270,498 4.3% $3,296.11 12.2%
2006/1 $2,206,882,734 254,302 $2,892.73
2007/1 $2,528,871,913 14.6% 266,599 4.8% $3,161.89 9.3%
2006/2 $2,389,394,775 268,726 $2,963.86
2007/2 $2,679,641,341 12.1% 278,792 3.7% $3,203.87 8.1%
2006/3 $2,511,603,105 274,060 $3,054.81
2007/3 $2,712,325,140 8.0% 284,317 3.7% $3,179.93 4.1%
2006/4 $2,674,775,271 270,498 $3,296.11
2007/4 $2,976,397,551 11.3% 280,888 3.8% $3,532.13 7.2%
2007/1 $2,528,871,913 266,599 $3,161.89
2008/1 $2,798,237,273 10.7% 276,195 3.6% $3,377.13 6.8%
2007/2 $2,679,641,341 278,792 $3,203.87
2008/2 $2,918,008,721 8.9% 287,780 3.2% $3,379.91 5.5%
2007/3 $2,712,325,140 284,317 $3,179.93
2008/3 $2,985,771,294 10.1% 293,895 3.4% $3,386.44 6.5%
2007/4 $2,976,397,551 280,888 $3,532.13
2008/4 $3,177,223,682 6.7% 287,478 2.3% $3,684.02 4.3%
2008/1 $2,798,237,273 276,195 $3,377.13
2009/1 $2,764,364,307 -1.2% 273,471 -1.0% $3,369.48 -0.2%
2008/2 $2,918,008,721 287,780 $3,379.91
2009/2 $2,773,191,493 -5.0% 277,897 -3.4% $3,326.40 -1.6%
2008/3 $2,985,771,294 293,895 $3,386.44
2009/3 $2,736,056,780 -8.4% 278,234 -5.3% $3,277.88 -3.2%
2008/4 $3,177,223,682 287,478 $3,684.02
2009/4 $2,911,594,084 -8.4% 269,439 -6.3% $3,602.04 -2.2%
2009/1 $2,764,364,307 273,471 $3,369.48
2010/1 $2,627,558,836 -4.9% 260,726 -4.7% $3,359.29 -0.3%
2009/2 $2,773,191,493 277,897 $3,326.40
2010/2 $2,802,848,365 1.1% 273,044 -1.7% $3,421.73 2.9%
2009/3 $2,736,056,780 278,234 $3,277.88
2010/3 $2,866,694,334 4.8% 279,429 0.4% $3,419.71 4.3%
2009/4 $2,911,594,084 269,439 $3,602.04
2010/4 $3,087,069,661 6.0% 272,511 1.1% $3,776.08 4.8%
2010/1 $2,627,558,836 260,726 $3,359.29
2011/1 $2,769,072,169 5.4% 263,558 1.1% $3,502.17 4.3%
2010/2 $2,802,848,365 273,044 $3,421.73
2011/2 $2,933,492,659 4.7% 275,169 0.8% $3,553.56 3.9%
2010/3 $2,866,694,334 279,429 $3,419.71
2011/3 $3,053,914,162 6.5% 282,231 1.0% $3,606.87 5.5%
2010/4 $3,087,069,661 272,511 $3,776.08
2011/4 $3,165,745,021 2.5% 278,015 2.0% $3,795.65 0.5%
2011/1 $2,769,072,169 263,558 $3,502.17
2012/1 $2,984,899,676 7.8% 270,028 2.5% $3,684.68 5.2%
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.

