© Copyright 2005 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning


Vol. 42 No. 6    



Case Characteristics and Demographic Data From the 2003 Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

by: Valerie A. Davis, Economist

The 2003 Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses provides not only the summary data (released in December of 2004) which were discussed in the February 2005 issue of Wyoming Labor Force Trends, but also case characteristics and demographic data (released in March of 2005), a sample of which is below

Case characteristics include the nature of the injury or illness, part of body affected, event or exposure, and primary and secondary sources of the injury or illness. Demographic data include occupation, age, gender, race, and length of service of the more seriously injured and ill workers. More seriously is defined as involving days away from work. The 2004 survey summary data will be released in mid-November, 2005 and case characteristics and demographic data will be released in mid-December, 2005.

The most current data are located on our website at http://doe.state.wy.us/LMI/OSH/toc.htm. Look for updates as new information becomes available.


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