© Copyright 2003 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Table 2: Most Common Transition Activities for Spring 2001 Wyoming Community College Graduates from Second Quarter 2001 (2001Q2) to First Quarter 2002 (2002Q1) by Work Status
  Work Status* and Quarter     Average Quarterly Wage
Row 2001Q2 2001Q3 2001Q4 2002Q1 Number of Graduates Column % 2001Q2 2001Q3 2001Q4 2002Q1
1 NW NW NW NW 254 21.5% N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 Non-Trans Non-Trans Non-Trans Non-Trans 117 9.9 $5,098 $5,994 $5,943 $5,762
3 Transition NW NW NW 86 7.3 $1,131 N/A N/A N/A
4 Transition Transition NW NW 85 7.2 $1,541 $2,482 N/A N/A
5 Transition Non-Trans Non-Trans Non-Trans 60 5.1 $3,320 $6,292 $6,609 $6,544
6 Non-Trans Transition NW NW 53 4.5 $2,528 $2,168 N/A N/A
7 Transition Transition Non-Trans Non-Trans 34 2.9 $2,205 $5,038 $4,872 $5,285
8 NW Transition Non-Trans Non-Trans 30 2.5 N/A $2,185 $3,215 $3,597
9 Transition Transition Transition Transition 29 2.5 $1,845 $3,649 $3,471 $3,112
10 Transition Transition Non-Trans Transition 27 2.3 $2,192 $5,180 $5,117 $4,991
11 All Other Transition Activities 405 34.3 $1,975 $3,123 $3,075 $2,842
  Total 1,180 100.0% $1,818 $2,671 $2,405 $2,314
N/A - Not applicable.
*Work statuses are defined as follows:
Non-Trans (Non-Transitioners)  - graduates continuously attached to employers during the quarter.
Transition - graduates who experienced turnover activity (i.e., were new hires, exited a job, were rehired) in one or more jobs during the quarter.
NW (Not Working) - graduates who did not appear in Wyoming's or an MOU states' Unemployment Insurance (UI) covered employment during the quarter.


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Last modified on 08/15/2003 15:25:42 by Krista R. Shinkle.