Wyoming Normalizeda Unemployment Insurance Statistics: Continued Claims

by: Douglas W. Leonard, Senior Economist

Continued weeks claimed declined by 25.0% compared to this time last year. May's continued claims total of 28,720 was 60.1% greater than the top of the historic range from 1997 to 2008.

Continued Weeks Claimed Percent Change Difference
  May 11 May 11 May 11
May 11 Apr 11 May 10 Apr 11 May 10 May 10
Wyoming Statewide
Total Continued Weeks Claimed 28,720 32,734 38,272 -12.3 -25.0 -9,552
Extended Benefit Weeks Claimed 16,678 17,773 25,637 -6.2 -34.9 -8,959
Total Unique Claimantsb 8,507 10,035 11,202 -15.2 -24.1 -2,695
Benefit Exhaustions 877 1,138 1,212 -22.9 -27.6 -335
Benefit Exhaustion Rates 10.3% 11.3% 10.8% -1.0% -0.5%
Goods-Producing 9,274 11,847 14,390 -21.7 -35.6 -5,116
Natural Resources & Mining 1,710 1,825 2,555 -6.3 -33.1 -845
Mining 1,524 1,618 2,297 -5.8 -33.7 -773
Oil & Gas Extraction 115 118 150 -2.5 -23.3 -35
Construction 6,506 8,678 10,040 -25.0 -35.2 -3,534
Manufacturing 1,058 1,344 1,795 -21.3 -41.1 -737
Service-Providing 13,995 14,966 18,084 -6.5 -22.6 -4,089
Trade, Transp., & Utilities 3,885 4,261 5,508 -8.8 -29.5 -1,623
Wholesale Trade 503 539 877 -6.7 -42.6 -374
Retail Trade 2,446 2,722 3,248 -10.1 -24.7 -802
Transp., Warehousing & Utilities 936 1,000 1,383 -6.4 -32.3 -447
Information 200 202 272 -1.0 -26.5 -72
Financial Activities 492 541 927 -9.1 -46.9 -435
Prof. & Business Services 1,911 2,360 2,808 -19.0 -31.9 -897
Educational & Health Services 1,598 1,673 1,665 -4.5 -4.0 -67
Leisure & Hospitality 5,287 5,327 5,990 -0.8 -11.7 -703
Other Services, except Public Admin. 622 602 914 3.3 -31.9 -292
Government 2,201 2,729 2,391 -19.3 -7.9 -190
Federal Government 791 1,262 709 -37.3 11.6 82
State Government 254 258 306 -1.6 -17.0 -52
Local Government 1,156 1,209 1,376 -4.4 -16.0 -220
Local Education 211 213 253 -0.9 -16.6 -42
Unclassified 3,250 3,192 3,407 1.8 -4.6 -157
Laramie County
Total Continued Weeks Claimed 2,962 3,551 4,398 -16.6 -32.7 -1,436
Total Unique Claimants 861 1,065 1,313 -19.2 -34.4 -452
Goods-Producing 860 1,228 1,515 -30.0 -43.2 -655
Construction 739 1,049 1,268 -29.6 -41.7 -529
Service-Providing 1,631 1,824 2,308 -10.6 -29.3 -677
Trade, Transp., & Utilities 515 599 894 -14.0 -42.4 -379
Financial Activities 95 101 220 -5.9 -56.8 -125
Prof. & Business Services 262 363 406 -27.8 -35.5 -144
Educational & Health Services 403 415 290 -2.9 39.0 113
Leisure & Hospitality 224 247 301 -9.3 -25.6 -77
Government 352 402 475 -12.4 -25.9 -123
Unclassified 119 97 100 22.7 19.0 19
Natrona County
Total Continued Weeks Claimed 2,845 3,169 3,975 -10.2 -28.4 -1,130
Total Unique Claimants 841 928 1,191 -9.4 -29.4 -350
Goods-Producing 825 987 1,479 -16.4 -44.2 -654
Construction 523 678 953 -22.9 -45.1 -430
Service-Providing 1,826 1,968 2,244 -7.2 -18.6 -418
Trade, Transp., & Utilities 641 726 811 -11.7 -21.0 -170
Financial Activities 63 65 152 -3.1 -58.6 -89
Prof. & Business Services 340 350 386 -2.9 -11.9 -46
Educational & Health Services 288 305 377 -5.6 -23.6 -89
Leisure & Hospitality 296 323 308 -8.4 -3.9 -12
Government 121 137 166 -11.7 -27.1 -45
Unclassified 73 77 86 -5.2 -15.1 -13
cc-industry cc-region

aAn average month is considered 4.33 weeks. If a month has four weeks, the normalization factor is 1.0825. If the month has five weeks, the normalization factor is 0.866. The number of raw claims is multiplied by the normalization factor to achieve the normalized claims counts.
bDoes not include claimants receiving extended benefits.

Last modified 10/26/2011 14:46:03 by Phil Ellsworth.