

Prepared for The NIOSH Mountain and Plains Education and Research Center (MAP ERC)

Funding Source: This publication was supported by Grant Number 1T42OH009229-01 from CDC NIOSH Mountain
and Plains Education and Research Center. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of CDC NIOSH and MAP ERC.


Control Group:
Either non-claimants or claimants who filed claims for medical benefits only
Indemnity Payments:
Payments made to injured workers or their dependents when an injury resulting in a disability (or death) occurs
The type(s) service the business provided or product(s) it produced in 2004
Medical Billings:
The total amount of medical expenses submitted to Workers’ Compensation for payment
Medical Payments:
The amount of medical expenses actually paid by Workers’ Compensation
Nominal Dollars:
The amount of money actually spent which ignores value changes due to inflation
The type of job the claimant performed for the business where the Workers’ Compensation claimed injury occurred in 2004
Person Employed at Any Time:
Individuals who worked for a business covered by Workers’ Compensation and Unemployment Insurance during 2004
Primary Employer Workers’ Compensation Coverage:
Whether the worker’s primary employer was covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance. Most employers carry both Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Primary Employer:
The employer who paid the worker the most wages during 2004
Real Dollars:
The amount of money spent relative to a certain time, e.g. a dollar today has less value than a dollar last year
Tenure with Primary Employer:
The number of consecutive quarters since first quarter 1992 in which a person was paid wages by the primary employer allowing for breaks of three or fewer quarters
Treatment Group:
Either the universe 2004 Workers’ Compensation claimants or more severely injured claimants depending upon the level of analysis
Wage Replacement:
The difference between wages earned by a non-claimant and the sum of wages earned by claimants plus their indemnity payments