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© Copyright 1997 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning
Average employment increased by 0.7 percent from 1995 to 1996. This is the smallest year-to-year change in employment since the decreases that occurred during the "bust" of the 1980's (see Figure 1). However, 1996 employment (213,699) is still closer than any other year to the peak annual employment level that occurred in 1981 (216,067).
Figure 2 is a graphic representation of average employment by industry from 1980 to 1996. It also shows how Wyoming's employment, which has been increasing since 1987's low (178,087), has been increasing at a slower rate in recent years. That is, employment levels in Wyoming seem to be flattening out; this is shown in Figure 1.
Tables 1 and 2 compare 1995 and 1996 annual data by industry and by region. Table 1 shows that while several industries have decreased in employment from 1995 to 1996 (Mining, TCPU, Wholesale Trade, State Government and Federal Government), only State Government showed a decrease in the average weekly wage (down 1.2%). Similarly, while employment has decreased in eight counties (Park, Crook, Sheridan, Weston, Sweetwater, Goshen, Carbon and Natrona), the average weekly wage has declined in only Weston, Niobrara and Platte Counties (down 0.4%, 2.3% and 0.7%, respectively).
More details about 1996 data will be available in the 1996 Annual Covered Employment and Wages publication, which will be available in a few months from Research & Planning. You can reserve a copy of this publication by contacting Nancy Brennan (please use the following address information):
Email:, Phone: 307-473-3802, Fax: 307-473-3834
Attn: Nancy Brennan, Research & Planning, P. O. Box 2760, Casper, WY 82602
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