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Table 1: Manufacturing Historical and Projected Employment

Major SIC Code 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1990-1996 % change 1995-1996 % change 1998 2005 1996-2005 % change
20 Food 1,021 969 915 1,036 1,079 1,052 1,006 -1.5% -4.4% 1,062 1,062 5.6%
23 Apparel 137 119 109 135 156 160 177 29.2% 10.6% 221 343 93.8%
24 Lumber 1,449 1,332 1,356 1,415 1,485 1,460 1,426 -1.6% -2.3% 1,418 1,421 -0.4%
25 Furniture 41 28 36 35 37 56 100 143.9% 78.6% 26 18 -82.0%
27 Printing 1,774 1,807 1,785 1,780 1,729 1,601 1,607 -9.4% 0.4% 1,666 1,669 3.9%
28 Chemicals 865 861 866 970 972 978 1,733 100.3% 77.2% 2,582 2,582 49.0%
29 Petroleum 1,018 1,047 910 880 891 834 822 -19.3% -1.4% 746 599 -27.1%
30 Rubber 217 207 196 259 291 225 240 10.6% 6.7% 235 232 -3.3%
31 Leather 72 70 83 90 89 76 70 -2.8% -7.9% 120 162 131.4%
32 Stone, concrete 650 630 634 644 723 712 772 18.8% 8.4% 681 681 -11.8%
33 Primary metal 163 168 261 271 298 273 344 111.0% 26.0% 221 201 -41.6%
34 Fabricated metal 399 374 315 343 438 452 458 14.8% 1.3% 390 365 -20.3%
35 Industrial machinery 1,056 1,189 1,171 1,165 1,143 1,101 1,240 17.4% 12.6% 986 986 -20.5%
36 Electronic 0 0 73 95 162 209 214 193.2% 2.4% 324 648 202.8%
37 Transportation 263 252 280 210 253 253 308 17.1% 21.7% 253 253 -17.9%
38 Measuring Instruments 134 126 123 111 120 128 131 -2.2% 2.3% 118 116 -11.5%
39 Misc. 121 130 87 116 138 139 135 11.6% -2.9% 159 183 35.6%
Total 9,380 9,309 9,200 9,555 10,004 9,709 10,783 15.0% 11.1% 11,208 11,521 285.7%

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on December 1, 2000 by Valerie A. Davis.