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© Copyright 1998 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Wyoming Economic Indicators

Wyoming's labor force increased 1.1 percent from February 1998 to March 1998 and 2.3 percent over the year.

Percent Change
March 1998 (p) February 1998 (r) March 1997 (b) Month Year
Wyoming Total Civilian Labor Force(1) 253,960 251,281 248,134 1.1 2.3
--Unemployed 13,320 14,075 15,814 -5.4 -15.8
--Employed 240,640 237,206 232,320 1.4 3.6
Wyoming Unemployment Rate/Seas. Adj. 5.2%/4.2% 5.6%/4.0% 6.4%/5.3% N/A N/A
U.S. Unemployment Rate/Seas. Adj. 5.0%/4.7% 5.0%/4.6% 5.5%/5.2% N/A N/A
Wyoming Mining Hours & Earnings for Production Workers
--Average Weekly Earnings $870.01 $862.75 $817.65 0.8 6.4
--Average Weekly Hours 46.8 47.3 45.0 -1.1 4.0
U.S. Mining Hours & Earnings
--Average Weekly Earnings $734.37 $743.16 $730.29 -1.2 0.6
--Average Weekly Hours 43.3 44.0 45.7 -1.6 -5.3
Wyoming Manufacturing Hours & Earnings
--Average Weekly Earnings $593.31 $598.40 $581.36 -0.9 2.1
--Average Weekly Hours 39.9 40.0 40.4 -0.3 -1.2
U.S. Manufacturing Hours & Earnings
--Average Weekly Earnings $562.12 $559.61 $549.36 0.4 2.3
--Average Weekly Hours 41.7 41.7 42.0 0.0 -0.7
Unemployment Insurance
--Weeks Claimed (2) 25,865 22,062 26,610 17.2 -2.8
----Initial Claims (2) 2,045 2,069 1,867 -1.2 9.5
--Weeks Compensated 20,710 17,473 19,739 18.5 4.9
--Benefits Paid $3,598,781.00 $3,026,581.00 $3,394,021.00 18.9 6.0
--Average Weekly Benefit Payment $173.77 $173.21 $171.43 0.3 1.4
--State Insured Covered Jobs (1) 197,160 194,458 192,821 1.4 2.3
--Wyoming Insured Unemployment Rate 2.4% 2.4% 2.6% N/A N/A
Employment Service
--Applications Received 3,752 3,628 3,607 3.4 4.0
--Openings Received 1,883 1,080 2,249 74.4 -16.3
--Individuals Placed 945 703 879 34.4 7.5
--Placement Transactions 1,351 957 1,297 41.2 4.2
Consumer Price Index (U) for All U.S. Urban Consumers (1982 to 1984 = 100)
--All Items 162.2 161.9 160.0 0.2 1.4
----Food & Beverages 160.1 159.8 157.1 0.2 1.9
----Housing 159.2 158.8 155.9 0.3 2.1
----Apparel 134.9 131.9 134.5 2.3 0.3
----Transportation 141.2 142.1 144.9 -0.6 -2.6
----Medical Care 239.8 239.3 233.4 0.2 2.7
----Recreation (Dec. 1997=100) 101.0 100.7 99.4 0.3 1.6
----Education & Communication (Dec. 1997=100) 99.9 99.8 97.5 0.1 2.5
----Other Goods & Services 232.4 233.1 221.4 -0.3 5.0
Producer Prices (1982 to 1984 = 100)
--All Commodities 124.5 125.1 127.3 -0.5 -2.2

(p) Preliminary.
(r) Revised.
(b) Benchmarked.

1 Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program estimates.
2 These figures may differ from those in Wyoming Unemployment Insurance Statistics: Initial Claims and Wyoming Unemployment Insurance Statistics: Continued Claims because they are derived from different sources.

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on December 1, 2000 by Valerie A. Davis.