Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1995 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 14,229 11.5 2,458
20 - 24 15,585 12.5 5,708
25 - 34 28,075 22.6 10,836
35 - 44 34,039 27.4 15,239
45 - 54 20,843 16.8 17,014
55 - 64 8,755 7.0 14,518
> 65 2,586 2.1 7,475
Unknown 124 0.1 30,944
Total 124,236 100.0 44.1 11,686
Males < 20 12,990 9.5 2,826
20 - 24 16,381 12.0 8,400
25 - 34 32,840 24.1 17,741
35 - 44 36,801 27.0 29,216
45 - 54 23,191 17.0 34,475
55 - 64 10,585 7.8 29,861
> 65 3,279 2.4 14,940
Unknown 162 0.1 12,600
Total 136,229 100.0 48.4 22,012
NA Unknown 21,025 100.0 7.5 3,042
Total < 20 27,219 9.7 2,634
20 - 24 31,966 11.4 7,088
25 - 34 60,915 21.6 14,559
35 - 44 70,840 25.2 22,500
45 - 54 44,034 15.6 26,210
55 - 64 19,340 6.9 22,915
> 65 5,865 2.1 11,649
Unknown 21,311 7.6 3,277
Total 281,490 100.0 100.0 16,038
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information