Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2006 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Women Under 20 12,556 9.5 4,148
20-24 15,610 11.8 10,915
25-34 25,800 19.4 19,324
35-44 25,528 19.2 25,041
45-54 31,093 23.4 28,608
55-64 17,465 13.2 26,573
65+ 4,615 3.5 13,408
Unknown 24 0.0 27,636
Total 132,691 100.0 37.6 20,924
Men Under 20 13,108 8.6 5,497
20-24 17,950 11.8 19,498
25-34 32,200 21.2 34,319
35-44 29,405 19.3 44,215
45-54 33,602 22.1 52,168
55-64 19,945 13.1 50,092
65+ 5,964 3.9 27,491
Unknown 40 0.0 29,125
Total 152,214 100.0 43.1 37,739
NA Total 68,448 100.0 19.4 12,149
Total Under 20 25,664 7.3 4,837
20-24 33,560 9.5 15,506
25-34 58,000 16.4 27,649
35-44 54,933 15.5 35,305
45-54 64,695 18.3 40,845
55-64 37,410 10.6 39,112
65+ 10,579 3.0 21,347
Unknown 68,512 19.4 12,164
Total 353,353 100.0 100.0 26,467
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represents segment of the population without known demographics.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Revised: July 2008.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information