Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2003 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 11,052 8.9 3,734
20 - 24 15,046 12.1 9,042
25 - 34 24,184 19.4 16,221
35 - 44 27,337 21.9 20,964
45 - 54 29,539 23.7 24,366
55 - 64 13,673 11.0 21,824
> 65 3,725 3.0 11,166
Unknown 13 0.0 228,441
Total 124,569 100.0 38.6 17,704
Males < 20 11,414 8.4 4,317
20 - 24 15,827 11.6 13,689
25 - 34 28,864 21.1 26,209
35 - 44 28,962 21.2 36,889
45 - 54 30,894 22.6 44,443
55 - 64 15,832 11.6 41,039
> 65 4,727 3.5 20,820
Unknown 16 0.0 48,764
Total 136,536 100.0 42.4 30,855
NA Unknown 61,206 100.0 19.0 7,397
Total < 20 22,466 7.0 4,030
20 - 24 30,873 9.6 11,424
25 - 34 53,048 16.5 21,656
35 - 44 56,299 17.5 29,157
45 - 54 60,433 18.7 34,630
55 - 64 29,505 9.2 32,135
> 65 8,452 2.6 16,565
Unknown 61,235 19.0 7,455
Total 322,311 100.0 100.0 21,318
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information