Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2002 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 11,871 9.3 3,434
20 - 24 16,251 12.7 8,438
25 - 34 24,628 19.3 15,629
35 - 44 29,131 22.9 20,087
45 - 54 29,146 22.9 23,446
55 - 64 12,950 10.2 20,571
> 65 3,489 2.7 10,428
Unknown 16 0.0 157,834
Total 127,482 100.0 40.1 16,760
Males < 20 12,261 8.8 4,021
20 - 24 16,571 11.9 13,269
25 - 34 29,403 21.2 25,223
35 - 44 30,441 21.9 36,044
45 - 54 30,642 22.1 43,803
55 - 64 14,891 10.7 39,219
> 65 4,486 3.2 20,072
Unknown 17 0.0 49,754
Total 138,712 100.0 43.6 29,739
NA Unknown 51,782 100.0 16.3 6,765
Total < 20 24,132 7.6 3,732
20 - 24 32,822 10.3 10,877
25 - 34 54,031 17.0 20,850
35 - 44 59,572 18.7 28,240
45 - 54 59,788 18.8 33,879
55 - 64 27,841 8.8 30,545
> 65 7,975 2.5 15,853
Unknown 51,815 16.3 6,825
Total 317,976 100.0 100.0 20,794
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information