Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2000 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number  Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 14,098 10.7 3,211
20 - 24 17,201 13.0 7,176
25 - 34 25,662 19.5 13,382
35 - 44 32,757 24.8 17,696
45 - 54 27,785 21.1 20,946
55 - 64 11,187 8.5 17,746
> 65 3,167 2.4 9,065
Unknown 36 0.0 92,247
Total 131,893 100.0 42.8 14,438
Males < 20 13,395 9.5 3,864
20 - 24 17,225 12.2 11,552
25 - 34 30,319 21.4 21,963
35 - 44 33,906 24.0 33,322
45 - 54 29,422 20.8 41,102
55 - 64 13,077 9.2 35,486
> 65 4,033 2.9 18,666
Unknown 50 0.0 41,308
Total 141,427 100.0 45.9 26,849
NA Unknown 34,976 100.0 11.3 3,878
Total < 20 27,493 8.9 3,529
20 - 24 34,426 11.2 9,366
25 - 34 55,981 18.2 18,029
35 - 44 66,663 21.6 25,644
45 - 54 57,207 18.6 31,312
55 - 64 24,264 7.9 27,307
> 65 7,200 2.3 14,443
Unknown 35,062 11.4 4,022
Total 308,296 100.0 100.0 19,373
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information