Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1997 Retail Trade (44-45)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 3,024 14.6 3,178
20 - 24 3,822 18.5 5,928
25 - 34 4,256 20.6 9,339
35 - 44 4,711 22.8 11,692
45 - 54 2,926 14.2 12,353
55 - 64 1,419 6.9 10,932
> 65 500 2.4 7,025
Unknown 18 0.1 12,312
Total 20,676 100.0 53.3 8,826
Males < 20 2,697 17.3 3,480
20 - 24 2,539 16.3 8,906
25 - 34 3,655 23.5 17,080
35 - 44 3,059 19.6 25,547
45 - 54 2,064 13.3 28,040
55 - 64 1,061 6.8 23,535
> 65 480 3.1 12,018
Unknown 22 0.1 7,692
Total 15,577 100.0 40.1 16,778
NA Unknown 2,574 100.0 6.6 2,704
Total < 20 5,721 14.7 3,320
20 - 24 6,361 16.4 7,117
25 - 34 7,911 20.4 12,916
35 - 44 7,770 20.0 17,147
45 - 54 4,990 12.9 18,841
55 - 64 2,480 6.4 16,324
> 65 980 2.5 9,471
Unknown 2,614 6.7 2,813
Total 38,827 100.0 100.0 11,611
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information