Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1996 Retail Trade (44-45)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 2,975 14.6 3,052
20 - 24 3,755 18.4 5,554
25 - 34 4,399 21.5 8,962
35 - 44 4,621 22.6 11,315
45 - 54 2,795 13.7 11,685
55 - 64 1,375 6.7 10,522
> 65 474 2.3 6,712
Unknown 20 0.1 9,592
Total 20,414 100.0 53.2 8,433
Males < 20 2,462 15.9 3,580
20 - 24 2,603 16.8 8,419
25 - 34 3,880 25.0 16,695
35 - 44 3,031 19.5 24,536
45 - 54 2,026 13.0 27,032
55 - 64 987 6.4 23,436
> 65 518 3.3 10,822
Unknown 18 0.1 10,098
Total 15,525 100.0 40.4 16,332
NA Unknown 2,469 100.0 6.4 2,569
Total < 20 5,437 14.2 3,291
20 - 24 6,358 16.6 6,727
25 - 34 8,279 21.6 12,586
35 - 44 7,652 19.9 16,552
45 - 54 4,821 12.6 18,135
55 - 64 2,362 6.1 15,918
> 65 992 2.6 8,858
Unknown 2,507 6.5 2,679
Total 38,408 100.0 100.0 11,249
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information