Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2001 Nonclassified (99)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 10 4.0 9,408
20 - 24 44 17.8 14,367
25 - 34 82 33.2 15,310
35 - 44 56 22.7 17,296
45 - 54 37 15.0 17,995
55 - 64 15 6.1 16,533
> 65 3 1.2 5,792
Total 247 100.0 24.4 15,714
Males < 20 12 2.6 6,666
20 - 24 108 23.6 17,708
25 - 34 138 30.1 20,551
35 - 44 81 17.7 21,176
45 - 54 71 15.5 20,503
55 - 64 35 7.6 20,638
> 65 12 2.6 17,860
Unknown 1 0.2 31,427
Total 458 100.0 45.2 19,580
NA Unknown 308 100.0 30.4 15,168
Total < 20 22 2.2 7,912
20 - 24 152 15.0 16,741
25 - 34 220 21.7 18,598
35 - 44 137 13.5 19,590
45 - 54 108 10.7 19,644
55 - 64 50 4.9 19,407
> 65 15 1.5 15,446
Unknown 309 30.5 15,221
Total 1,013 100.0 100.0 17,296
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information