Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1996 Natural Resources & Mining (11, 21)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 169 6.3 2,842
20 - 24 238 8.9 8,460
25 - 34 462 17.3 19,624
35 - 44 962 36.0 29,382
45 - 54 548 20.5 25,586
55 - 64 212 7.9 23,540
> 65 65 2.4 13,885
Unknown 14 0.5 2,704
Total 2,670 100.0 11.7 22,389
Males < 20 687 3.7 4,064
20 - 24 1,501 8.1 12,774
25 - 34 3,698 19.8 25,847
35 - 44 6,932 37.2 41,816
45 - 54 3,982 21.4 46,535
55 - 64 1,518 8.1 40,426
> 65 305 1.6 24,248
Unknown 11 0.1 12,131
Total 18,634 100.0 81.7 35,506
NA Unknown 1,510 100.0 6.6 4,177
Total < 20 856 3.8 3,823
20 - 24 1,739 7.6 12,183
25 - 34 4,160 18.2 25,156
35 - 44 7,894 34.6 40,301
45 - 54 4,530 19.9 44,001
55 - 64 1,730 7.6 38,357
> 65 370 1.6 22,427
Unknown 1,535 6.7 4,221
Total 22,814 100.0 100.0 31,897
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information