Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1996 Manufacturing (31-33)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 304 8.9 3,085
20 - 24 401 11.7 7,120
25 - 34 825 24.0 12,642
35 - 44 992 28.9 15,954
45 - 54 582 16.9 17,414
55 - 64 248 7.2 15,294
> 65 77 2.2 10,675
Unknown 6 0.2 195,584
Total 3,435 100.0 24.8 13,384
Males < 20 560 5.7 4,011
20 - 24 1,123 11.4 10,193
25 - 34 2,429 24.6 22,202
35 - 44 2,821 28.6 33,560
45 - 54 1,944 19.7 38,870
55 - 64 818 8.3 35,310
> 65 169 1.7 19,360
Unknown 13 0.1 4,757
Total 9,877 100.0 71.2 27,344
NA Unknown 564 100.0 4.1 5,821
Total < 20 864 6.2 3,685
20 - 24 1,524 11.0 9,384
25 - 34 3,254 23.5 19,779
35 - 44 3,813 27.5 28,979
45 - 54 2,526 18.2 33,926
55 - 64 1,066 7.7 30,653
> 65 246 1.8 16,641
Unknown 583 4.2 7,750
Total 13,876 100.0 100.0 23,013
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information