Mean Earnings by Age, Gender and Industry
1994 Manufacturing (31-33)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 307 9.6 2,617
20 - 24 389 12.2 6,328
25 - 34 788 24.7 10,736
35 - 44 940 29.4 13,580
45 - 54 486 15.2 15,258
55 - 64 219 6.9 13,342
> 65 58 1.8 8,154
Unknown 5 0.2 2,743
Total 3,192 100.0 26.2 11,063
Males < 20 493 5.8 3,585
20 - 24 1,075 12.6 9,853
25 - 34 2,370 27.8 21,074
35 - 44 2,347 27.6 28,735
45 - 54 1,406 16.5 33,076
55 - 64 666 7.8 31,814
> 65 154 1.8 18,227
Unknown 7 0.1 19,564
Total 8,518 100.0 69.9 23,525
NA Unknown 483 100.0 4.0 4,868
Total < 20 800 6.6 3,213
20 - 24 1,464 12.0 8,916
25 - 34 3,158 25.9 18,495
35 - 44 3,287 27.0 24,401
45 - 54 1,892 15.5 28,499
55 - 64 885 7.3 27,243
> 65 212 1.7 15,471
Unknown 495 4.1 5,054
Total 12,193 100.0 100.0 19,523
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information