Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1997 Leisure & Hospitality (71-72)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 6,803 27.2 2,301
20 - 24 4,958 19.9 4,362
25 - 34 5,290 21.2 6,363
35 - 44 4,328 17.3 7,888
45 - 54 2,172 8.7 8,536
55 - 64 1,017 4.1 8,400
> 65 377 1.5 5,400
Unknown 21 0.1 833
Total 24,966 100.0 53.2 5,376
Males < 20 4,303 29.1 2,406
20 - 24 2,877 19.5 5,414
25 - 34 3,594 24.3 9,452
35 - 44 1,961 13.3 13,996
45 - 54 1,126 7.6 14,159
55 - 64 540 3.7 13,447
> 65 347 2.3 6,417
Unknown 34 0.2 9,275
Total 14,782 100.0 31.5 7,651
NA Unknown 7,209 100.0 15.4 1,928
Total < 20 11,106 23.7 2,341
20 - 24 7,835 16.7 4,748
25 - 34 8,884 18.9 7,613
35 - 44 6,289 13.4 9,792
45 - 54 3,298 7.0 10,456
55 - 64 1,557 3.3 10,150
> 65 724 1.5 5,888
Unknown 7,264 15.5 1,959
Total 46,957 100.0 100.0 5,563
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information