Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1995 Leisure & Hospitality (71-72)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 7,088 28.4 2,175
20 - 24 4,841 19.4 4,027
25 - 34 5,619 22.5 6,010
35 - 44 4,028 16.1 7,416
45 - 54 2,018 8.1 8,315
55 - 64 968 3.9 7,736
> 65 375 1.5 4,959
Unknown 24 0.1 84,730
Total 24,961 100.0 52.3 5,076
Males < 20 4,454 29.3 2,187
20 - 24 3,185 20.9 4,956
25 - 34 3,658 24.0 8,558
35 - 44 1,991 13.1 12,556
45 - 54 1,068 7.0 13,423
55 - 64 531 3.5 12,501
> 65 305 2.0 7,073
Unknown 29 0.2 1,244
Total 15,221 100.0 31.9 6,898
NA Unknown 7,516 100.0 15.8 1,503
Total < 20 11,542 24.2 2,180
20 - 24 8,026 16.8 4,396
25 - 34 9,277 19.4 7,015
35 - 44 6,019 12.6 9,116
45 - 54 3,086 6.5 10,083
55 - 64 1,499 3.1 9,424
> 65 680 1.4 5,907
Unknown 7,569 15.9 1,766
Total 47,698 100.0 100.0 5,095
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information