Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1996 Financial Activities (52-53)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 345 5.3 3,025
20 - 24 679 10.4 8,422
25 - 34 1,628 24.8 14,478
35 - 44 2,030 31.0 18,789
45 - 54 1,213 18.5 19,155
55 - 64 494 7.5 18,328
> 65 162 2.5 10,008
Unknown 6 0.1 7,209
Total 6,557 100.0 63.6 15,621
Males < 20 258 7.9 2,712
20 - 24 298 9.1 8,436
25 - 34 694 21.2 23,214
35 - 44 791 24.1 39,746
45 - 54 682 20.8 48,840
55 - 64 353 10.8 50,716
> 65 199 6.1 31,876
Unknown 5 0.2 23,086
Total 3,280 100.0 31.8 33,059
NA Unknown 476 100.0 4.6 4,004
Total < 20 603 5.8 2,891
20 - 24 977 9.5 8,426
25 - 34 2,322 22.5 17,089
35 - 44 2,821 27.4 24,666
45 - 54 1,895 18.4 29,838
55 - 64 847 8.2 31,826
> 65 361 3.5 22,063
Unknown 487 4.7 4,239
Total 10,313 100.0 100.0 20,631
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information