Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2003 Financial Activities (52-53)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 356 4.8 4,612
20 - 24 887 11.9 12,651
25 - 34 1,592 21.3 20,368
35 - 44 1,758 23.6 25,942
45 - 54 1,832 24.6 27,558
55 - 64 803 10.8 24,423
> 65 229 3.1 13,221
Unknown 1 0.0 8,400
Total 7,458 100.0 59.7 21,994
Males < 20 230 6.2 4,609
20 - 24 323 8.8 13,776
25 - 34 766 20.8 32,041
35 - 44 744 20.2 46,355
45 - 54 854 23.2 60,560
55 - 64 536 14.5 59,015
> 65 234 6.3 36,915
Unknown 1 0.0 33,075
Total 3,688 100.0 29.5 42,452
NA Unknown 1,341 100.0 10.7 10,527
Total < 20 586 4.7 4,611
20 - 24 1,210 9.7 12,951
25 - 34 2,358 18.9 24,160
35 - 44 2,502 20.0 32,012
45 - 54 2,686 21.5 38,051
55 - 64 1,339 10.7 38,270
> 65 463 3.7 25,196
Unknown 1,343 10.8 10,542
Total 12,487 100.0 100.0 26,805
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information