Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1995 Educational Services (61)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 458 2.5 1,540
20 - 24 686 3.8 6,108
25 - 34 3,152 17.5 12,540
35 - 44 6,630 36.8 17,109
45 - 54 4,964 27.5 21,323
55 - 64 1,826 10.1 18,470
> 65 303 1.7 8,190
Unknown 2 0.0 814
Total 18,021 100.0 64.4 16,642
Males < 20 501 5.4 1,458
20 - 24 333 3.6 6,891
25 - 34 1,664 18.0 16,884
35 - 44 2,514 27.2 27,415
45 - 54 2,582 27.9 33,805
55 - 64 1,382 14.9 28,160
> 65 270 2.9 14,199
Unknown 4 0.0 36,653
Total 9,250 100.0 33.0 24,889
NA Unknown 722 100.0 2.6 4,616
Total < 20 959 3.4 1,497
20 - 24 1,019 3.6 6,364
25 - 34 4,816 17.2 14,041
35 - 44 9,144 32.7 19,943
45 - 54 7,546 27.0 25,594
55 - 64 3,208 11.5 22,645
> 65 573 2.0 11,021
Unknown 728 2.6 4,781
Total 27,993 100.0 100.0 19,057
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information