Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1996 Construction (23)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 200 8.5 2,631
20 - 24 236 10.0 6,834
25 - 34 548 23.3 9,127
35 - 44 706 30.0 11,981
45 - 54 420 17.8 13,392
55 - 64 173 7.3 13,121
> 65 60 2.5 6,949
Unknown 12 0.5 2,062
Total 2,355 100.0 8.8 10,164
Males < 20 1,471 7.2 3,810
20 - 24 2,875 14.2 9,222
25 - 34 5,706 28.1 14,543
35 - 44 5,882 29.0 19,488
45 - 54 2,885 14.2 22,094
55 - 64 1,178 5.8 22,123
> 65 298 1.5 13,964
Unknown 19 0.1 8,986
Total 20,314 100.0 76.2 15,943
NA Unknown 3,975 100.0 14.9 5,179
Total < 20 1,671 6.3 3,669
20 - 24 3,111 11.7 9,041
25 - 34 6,254 23.5 14,068
35 - 44 6,588 24.7 18,684
45 - 54 3,305 12.4 20,988
55 - 64 1,351 5.1 20,970
> 65 358 1.3 12,789
Unknown 4,006 15.0 5,187
Total 26,644 100.0 100.0 13,826
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information