Section I: Introduction
Research & Planning (R&P), a section of the Department of
Employment, in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), has
conducted an Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Wage Survey since 1996.
The OES program produces occupational employment and wage estimates that have
many uses. For example, wage information helps employers determine if they
are offering competitive wages. Employment and training organizations (such as
community colleges), vocational counselors, and individuals use wage data to
assist students in making career decisions. OES data are used to determine
staffing patterns, develop employment projections, and for Foreign Labor
In Wyoming, the OES Wage Survey samples and contacts approximately 900
establishments by mail in May and November of each year. Data obtained are used to
estimate occupational employment and wage rates for Unemployment Insurance (UI) covered
wage and salary jobs in non-farm establishments.
Wages for the OES survey are straight-time, gross pay, exclusive of
premium pay. Items included in the survey are base pay rates, cost-of-living
allowances, guaranteed pay, hazard pay, incentive pay, commissions, piece rates
and production bonuses, length-of-service allowances, on-call pay, and
portal-to-portal pay. Items excluded are back pay, jury-duty pay, overtime pay,
severance pay, shift differentials, vacation pay, Christmas bonuses, holiday or
weekend pay, attendance bonuses, meal and lodging allowances, merchandise
discounts, non-production bonuses, profit-sharing distributions, relocation
allowances, stock bonuses, tool allowances, tuition reimbursements, and uniform
allowances. Data from tips were not collected prior to 1999. Tip data are
incorporated into the hourly estimates. The OES Wage Survey does not include
benefit data.
Hourly wage estimates in this publication are calculated using a
year-round, full-time figure of 2,080 hours per year (52 weeks times 40 hours).
Occupations that typically have a work year of less than 2,080 hours (such as
musical and entertainment occupations, flight attendants, pilots, and teachers)
are reported only as an annual wage.
Every state conducts an identical OES wage survey using standard
techniques. This facilitates comparison of data among states, as well as
comparisons with national figures. National and state wage estimates are located
on the BLS website on OES (
For more information, see the BLS
Technical Notes (
Each state's labor market information agency may also conduct and
publish supplementary wage or benefit surveys, occupational licensing
information, statewide and localized employment information, and staffing
pattern data, which can be found on its respective website.
R&P’s website
provides links to most of these sites on our National Links tab.
Section II: Industry Publication of Wages
The OES uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
These estimates and survey data are based on the 2007 NAICS. Earlier data and
estimates were based on the 2002 NAICS. For more information, see the
BLS Web site on NAICS
For purposes of
classification, an establishment is defined as an economic unit that processes
goods or provides services, such as a factory, store, or mine. The establishment
is generally at a single physical location and is engaged primarily in one type
of economic activity. The OES survey covers all full- and part-time wage and
salary workers in non-farm industries. The survey does not include the
self-employed owners and partners in unincorporated firms, household workers, or
unpaid family workers.
Goods-Producing |
resources and mining |
Sector 11 (Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting) |
Sector 21 (Mining) |
Construction |
Sector 23 (Construction) |
Manufacturing |
Sector 31-33 (Manufacturing) |
Service-Providing |
transportation, and utilities |
Sector 42 (Wholesale trade) |
Sector 44-45 (Retail trade) |
Sector 48-49 (Transportation and warehousing) |
Sector 22 (Utilities) |
Information |
Sector 51 (Information) |
activities |
Sector 52 (Finance and insurance) |
Sector 53 (Real estate and rental and leasing) |
and business services |
Sector 54 (Professional, scientific, and technical services) |
Sector 55 (Management of companies and enterprises) |
Sector 56 (Administrative and support and waste management and
remediation services) |
and health services |
Sector 61 (Educational services) |
Sector 62 (Health care and social assistance) |
Leisure and
hospitality |
Sector 71 (Arts, entertainment, and recreation) |
Sector 72 (Accommodation and food services) |
services |
Sector 81 (Other services, except public administration) |
administration |
Sector 92 (Public administration) |
The OES survey defines employment as the number of workers who can be
classified as full-time or part-time employees, including workers on paid
vacations or other types of paid leave; workers on unpaid short-term absences;
salaried officers, executives, and staff members of incorporated firms; employees
temporarily assigned to other units; and employees for whom the reporting unit is
their permanent duty station regardless of whether that unit prepares their paycheck.
R&P has provided several extensions to the official OES data series (which
have been developed in cooperation with the BLS). These additional products have
not been validated by the BLS and are not, therefore, official BLS data series.
Section III: Method of Collection
In 1999, the OES Wage Survey began using the Office of Management
and Budget’s occupational classification system--the Standard Occupational
Classification (SOC) system. The SOC system allows government statistical
agencies and others to produce data using a common classification system. Prior
to the SOC system, occupational data were classified using a variety of systems
that were not necessarily compatible with one another.
The OES survey categorizes workers into one of 801 detailed
occupations according to their occupational definition. To facilitate
classification, occupations are combined to form 23 major, 96 minor, and 449
broad groups of occupations requiring similar job duties, skills, education, or
Occupations in the SOC coding system may not be the same as job
titles; for example, 31-1012 Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants may be
known as Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Hospital Aide, or Infirmary
Classification Principles of the SOC Coding System
In order to ensure that all users of occupational data classify
workers in the same way, the following classification principles should be
1. The classification covers all occupations in which work is
performed for pay or profit, including work performed in family-operated
enterprises by family members who are not directly compensated. It excludes
occupations unique to volunteers. Each occupation is assigned to only one
occupational category at the lowest level of the classification.
2. Occupations are classified based on work performed and on
required skills, education, training, and credentials.
3. Supervisors of professional and technical workers usually
have a background similar to those of the workers they supervise and therefore
are classified with the workers they supervise. Likewise, team leaders,
lead workers, and supervisors of production, sales, and service workers who
spend at least twenty percent of their time performing work similar to the
workers they supervise are classified with the workers they supervise.
4. First-line managers and supervisors of production,
service, and sales workers who spend more than eighty percent of their time
performing supervisory activities are classified separately in the appropriate
supervisor category because their work activities are distinct from those of the
workers they supervise. First-line managers are generally found in smaller
establishments where they perform both supervisory and management functions,
such as accounting, marketing, and personnel work.
5. Apprentices and trainees are classified with the
occupations for which they are being trained, while helpers and aides are
classified separately.
6. If an occupation is not included as a distinct detailed
occupation in the structure, it is classified in the appropriate residual
occupation. Residual occupations contain all occupations within a major,
minor, or broad group that are not classified separately.
When workers can be classified in more than one occupation, they
should be classified in the occupation that requires the higher skill level. When
there is no perceptible difference in skill level, the worker should be
classified in the occupation that describes their primary activity.
Data collection and reporting agencies should classify workers at
the most detailed level possible. Different agencies may use different
levels of aggregation, depending on their ability to collect data and on the
requirements of users.
Section IV: Geographic Coverage of Estimates
The data for Wyoming are collected for four regions and the two
Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), Casper and Cheyenne, shown in the map below.
An MSA is a county or group of adjoining counties that contain at least one
urbanized area of 50,000 inhabitants or more. The sample is drawn randomly and
is stratified for each of these geographic areas. The estimates are prepared
using samples specifically drawn for these geographic areas. Sample stratification
provides greater assurance that no employer segment is left out of the sample.
Occupational Employment Statistics Area Map
Section V: Estimation Technique
The OES Wage Survey estimates were calculated using information
from the 2006 through 2009 surveys. Using three or more years of data
reduces sampling error, particularly for small geographic areas and less common
occupations. However, this technique also requires the adjustment of prior
data to the current reference period. This procedure is referred to as
"wage updating." Estimates from the BLS Federal/State Cooperative
OES program are produced for the most recent survey reference period that
includes the 12th of the month.
For wage updating purposes, the BLS uses the national wage changes
for the nine occupational divisions for which Employment Cost Index (ECI)
estimates are available. This procedure assumes that each occupation's wage, as
measured in each year, moves according to the average movement of its
occupational division and that there are no major geographic or detailed
occupational differences. In the BLS estimates, ECI factors were applied to the
prior panels.
R&P has used wage updating factors, for later time periods, to
further update the data from all three survey years to a more current time
period, subsequent to the most recent OES Survey reference period—Second
Quarter 2009. As a result, wage-updating factors for September 2010 have been
applied to all of the data included in these estimates. The updated data
contained in this report are not official BLS data series, nor has the BLS
validated them.
The employment estimates for each occupation are based on the total
number of jobs worked reported as part of the UI Covered Employment and Wages
program. The BLS technical notes relating to the OES Wage Survey include the
scope of the survey, an explanation of the UI Covered Employment and Wage
program, occupational classification of 22 major occupational groups, size
class, and hourly intervals.
Section VI: Wage Survey Definitions
* Annual Wages
Wages for
certain occupations having a work year of less than 2,080 hours are reported as
an annual salary.
Employment -
Represents the
jobs worked for wages, salaries, commissions, or tips from a private employer, a
non-profit employer, or a governmental unit. This is the estimate of the
number of jobs worked in an occupation across the industries in which it was
reported. These numbers are rounded to the nearest ten.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
- Used as a six digit hierarchical coding system to classify
all economic activity into twenty industry sectors. For more information on
NAICS, see the BLS Web site on NAICS
Mean Wage
The estimated
total wages for an occupation divided by its weighted survey employment. A
measure of central tendency. If some values are far removed from the others
(outlying), they can substantially influence the mean.
Percentile Wage Estimates - A percentile wage estimate shows the percentage
of jobs worked in an occupation that earn less than a given wage and the percentage
that earn more.
![]() |
25th Percentile
- 25 percent of
jobs worked in an occupation are paid wages below $11.28 and 75 percent are paid
wages above $11.28.
50th Percentile (Median)
- The estimated
50th percentile of the wage distribution; 50 percent of jobs worked in an
occupation are paid wages below $16.54 and 50 percent are paid wages above
75th Percentile
- 75 percent of
jobs worked in an occupation are paid wages below $24.58 and 25 percent are paid
wages above $24.58.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) -
A county or group of adjoining counties that contain at least one
urbanized area of 50,000 inhabitants or more. Wyoming’s MSA’s are Casper and
Occupational Title -
A short title
describing each occupation.
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code -
A six-digit code that identifies occupations as defined by the
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. For more information on the
SOC system, see the BLS Web site on SOC