The Where Are The Jobs? What Do They Pay? 1998 Covered Employment and Wages is an annual publication of the Department of Employment that summarizes employing units, employment, and wage data of employers subject to the Wyoming Employment Security Law, (Wyoming Statutes 27-3-101 through 27-3-704) and Federal civilian workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program.
This publication is intended for use in the administration of employment and training programs and to facilitate local planning and economic development efforts. Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance uses the ES-202 files for tax rates (based on SIC/NAICS), average weekly wages, geographic data computations. The Wyoming Business Council, a state agency created by the Wyoming legislature, is using ES-202 data for one basis of economic performance benchmark and research, and to further economic development within the state of Wyoming. ES-202 data is also a basis in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, in effect July 1999, creating accountability and a new management structure for the Department of Employment's Labor Market Information's programs. Please refer to Senator Jim Jeffords article, "5 Years in the making: A System, Finally, for Labor Market Information," Wyoming Labor Force Trends, September 1998. The ES-202 files serves as a sampling frame and basic source of benchmark information for BLS establishment-based surveys: National Compensation Survey, the Current Employment Statistics program, and the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey. The Bureau of Economic Analysis of the Department of Commerce uses ES-202 data as a base for the wage and salary component of personal income. ES-202 is a base for the Gross National Product computation.
Quarterly tax data on Unemployment Insurance (UI) covered employment units, employment, and wages are compiled from the Quarterly UI/WC Summary Reports (WYO056). The WYO056 forms captures Total UI Wages for the Quarter (Including Tips), Excess Wages, Taxable Wages, Tax Due, Total Unemployment Insurance Amount Due, and Number of Workers by Month, and Workers' Compensation (WC) Class Code, # of Employees, Total Wages for Class (Excluding Tips), Rate, Taxes Due, and Total Workers' Compensation Amount Due. These reports are supplemented by two other reports, the Industry Verification Statement and the Multiple Worksite Report. Together, these three sources of data are referred to as the "ES-202 Report."
Employment and wage data are classified according to the codes and titles published in the 1987 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual prepared by the Office of Statistical Standards, U.S. Bureau of the Budget, Executive Office of the President. SIC's provide a numerical classification of establishment on the basis of their principle economic activity. The SIC classification system was developed for the purpose of promoting a uniform presentation of statistics by federal agencies, state governments, and private research organizations. A list of SIC titles is included in Appendix B: Short Listing of SIC codes.
Within the next year, SIC codes will be replaced by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS pronounced Nakes). NAICS is the first economic classification system to be "production-oriented." NAICS includes 1,170 industries of which includes 20 sectors and coded to six digits. The SIC codes have 1,004 industries which includes 10 divisions and coded to four digits. NAICS will be more relevant, internationally comparable, consistent, and adaptable. Research & Planning is in the process of finishing up coding all employers with NAICS/SIC codes. Data will be dually coded with SIC and NAICS codes for several more years. Data with completely all NAICS codes will not be available until the first quarter 2000 data. Please refer to "North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Major Industry Codes (Two-Digit) & Descriptions", Wyoming Labor Force Trends, August 1998. Please refer to Mike Evans article, "New Industrial Classification System Will Affect All Industry Statistics," Wyoming Labor Force Trends, April 1997, pp 12-14.
This volume includes statewide information for 1998 annual average monthly employment, total payroll, and average annual wages by division, region, and county; 1998 summary data by quarter; 1998 detail statewide by major division, two- and three-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code; 1998 major industry; technical appendices; and short Standard Industrial Classification codes and titles. Please refer to Appendix A: Technical Appendix and Appendix B: Short Listing of SIC codes.
The Department of Employment has designated five regions for administrative and Labor Market Information purposes. This publication utilizes those regions (please refer to Appendix A: Technical Appendix for further classification of the regions) with the addition of a "Nonclassified" area. Data are geographically coded as Nonclassified if the employer refuses to identify the location of a reporting unit, foreign locations, out-of-state locations, unknown locations, locations in more than one county, or no primary county. When employers complete the Multiple Worksite Report and/or physical location on the Industry Verification statement (please refer to Appendix A: Technical Appendix for further explanation), the geographic assignment of employment is more complete and valid.
Data provided to the Department of Employment by employers are held in strict confidence. To protect the identity of cooperating firms, the agency withholds publication of employment and wage data for any industry level meeting the following criteria: (1) The industry consists of fewer than three reporting units, or (2) A single unit accounts for 80 percent or more of the industry's employment. ND (nondisclosure) indicates withheld data not meeting the agency's confidentiality criteria.
Detail may not add due to nondisclosures and rounding.
( ) indicates a negative change.
Note: all data are "Preliminary " due to current "ongoing" methods of capturing ES-202 data. The ES-202 is currently regarded as a "living database (file)." That is, these data are changed/corrected/added/deleted as the information becomes available within a yearly time frame. Each previous quarterly data are then considered "revised."
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