Central-Southeast Region
Establishments reporting 44
Estimated employment 130
Mean wage22.77
Entry wage12.54
Experienced wage27.88
10th percentile wage11.63
25th percentile wage13.67
50th percentile wage19.70
75th percentile wage30.30
Box and Whisker for First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers (49-1011) in Central-Southeast Region
Top Employing Industries
Trade, Transportation,, and Utilities 50 38.4%
Manufacturing 10 7.6%
Education and Health Services 10 7.6%
Public Adminsitration 10 7.6%
Best Paying Industries
 EmploymentMean Wage
Natural resouces and mining $28.44
Public Adminsitration 10$27.69
Manufacturing 10$26.51
Education and Health Services 10$24.03
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers (49-1011)
Supervise and coordinate the activities of mechanics, installers, and repairers. Exclude team or work leaders.
Top Areas For This Occupation
Highest Employment
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Southwest Region$30.20 390
Northeast Region$25.87 370
Northwest Region$22.44 170
Best Pay
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Southwest Region$30.20 390
Northeast Region$25.87 370
Central-Southeast Region$22.77 130
Wages in other areas