Uinta County, Wyoming
Establishments reporting 3
Estimated employment 70
Mean wage20.12
Entry wage17.05
Experienced wage21.65
10th percentile wage16.08
25th percentile wage18.20
50th percentile wage20.52
75th percentile wage22.47
Box and Whisker for Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers (33-3051) in Uinta County, Wyoming
Top Employing Industries
Public Adminsitration 70100.0%
Best Paying Industries
 EmploymentMean Wage
Public Adminsitration 70$20.12
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers (33-3051)
Maintain order, enforce laws and ordinances, and protect life and property in an assigned patrol district. Perform combination of following duties: patrol a specific area on foot or in a vehicle; direct traffic; issue traffic summonses; investigate accidents; apprehend and arrest suspects, or serve legal processes of courts.
Top Areas For This Occupation
Highest Employment
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Laramie County, Wyoming$18.59 150
Campbell County, Wyoming$23.92 120
Fremont County, Wyoming$17.26 90
Best Pay
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Campbell County, Wyoming$23.92 120
Sweetwater County, Wyoming$21.02 80
Uinta County, Wyoming$20.12 70
Wages in other areas