Laramie County, Wyoming
Establishments reporting 12
Estimated employment 40
Mean wage21.14
Entry wage15.37
Experienced wage24.02
10th percentile wage13.47
25th percentile wage17.47
50th percentile wage20.41
75th percentile wage25.35
Box and Whisker for First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Non-Retail Sales Workers (41-1012) in Laramie County, Wyoming
Top Employing Industries
Trade, Transportation,, and Utilities 30 75.0%
Best Paying Industries
 EmploymentMean Wage
Professional and Business Services $26.05
Information $21.82
Trade, Transportation,, and Utilities 30$19.79
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Non-Retail Sales Workers (41-1012)
Directly supervise and coordinate activities of sales workers other than retail sales workers. May perform duties, such as budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties.
Top Areas For This Occupation
Highest Employment
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Laramie County, Wyoming$21.14 40
Natrona County, Wyoming$25.22 30
Fremont County, Wyoming$28.03 20
Best Pay
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Fremont County, Wyoming$28.03 20
Natrona County, Wyoming$25.22 30
Sweetwater County, Wyoming$23.86 10
Wages in other areas