Albany County, Wyoming
Establishments reporting 12
Estimated employment 80
Mean wage15.53
Entry wage12.07
Experienced wage17.27
10th percentile wage11.44
25th percentile wage12.31
50th percentile wage13.70
75th percentile wage17.20
Box and Whisker for Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products (41-4012) in Albany County, Wyoming
Top Employing Industries
Trade, Transportation,, and Utilities 70 87.5%
Manufacturing 10 12.5%
Best Paying Industries
 EmploymentMean Wage
Manufacturing 10$24.64
Trade, Transportation,, and Utilities 70$14.08
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products (41-4012)
Sell goods for wholesalers or manufacturers to businesses or groups of individuals. Work requires substantial knowledge of items sold.
Top Areas For This Occupation
Highest Employment
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Natrona County, Wyoming$20.83 380
Laramie County, Wyoming$22.16 290
Albany County, Wyoming$15.53 80
Best Pay
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Laramie County, Wyoming$22.16 290
Natrona County, Wyoming$20.83 380
Teton County, Wyoming$20.48 50
Wages in other areas